Every now and then for the last 2 days steam won't load anything but the main store page and library. Inventory etc either gets stuck on ifninite load or i gives me An error occurred while processing your request.
Reference #97.5c9b7b5c.1518441304.ddf037.

Can't find much online and steam is apperantly working like it should for the rest of the people. Any ideas?

Edit: Ohh well.. Now i get
Request Timeout

The server timed out while waiting for the browser's request.
Reference #2.950af748.1518445703.0

Steam what are you doing? :D

6 years ago*

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Standard issue, the community server you were trying to connect to had a brainfart. Usually goes away after a few reloads.

6 years ago

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Been happening for 3 days and usually last for several hours tho.

6 years ago

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