It's an awesome game, but better wait for the steam summer sale for a better discount.
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Wait, if you have it on PS4, there's no serious reason to buy it on steam. xD
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It's also on sale from the source, and DRM-Free... ;)
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Be careful with Steam. Remember that Steam FORCES updates and you can't stop it. Not important to some, but mods for the game are constantly broken by the forced updates.
With GoG you can update the game when you want, or when the mods are updated.
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Depending on your graphics card it may not even matter to you. Witcher 3 is fairly beastly when you can turn everything up but depending on your resolution and card you might not see much gain from the PS4 version.
That said, if you find yourself gaming on PC more often you might as well jump ship to GoG for the games you can. DRM free and customer oriented service are only good things for the PC gamer.
Valve has been consistently dropping the ball lately and their customer service is still terrible and will always be terrible. It's the company's culture, which has also taken a turn for the worst in regards to community events and outreach.
People used to go to Valve because of how Valve treated them and how they supported the community. All that despite their DRM nonsense and lack of consumer advocacy.
Stay with companies that appreciate and need your business; not ones that can't be bothered to look up from their cash pile. Besides, most other AAA titles will stay on Steam for a while but at least when Steam and GoG goes down, you'll still be able to play all your GoG purchases that you backed up.
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Not sure. I found this info in the hardware tab.
Graphics Card Manufacturer - Powered by AMD
Graphics Chipset - AMD Radeon R9 200 Series
Device ID - 6810
Vendor ID - 1002
SubSystem ID - 2336
SubSystem Vendor ID - 1787
Revision ID - 00
Bus Type - PCI Express 3.0
Current Bus Settings - PCI Express 3.0 x16
BIOS Version -
BIOS Part Number - 113-C6310100_100
BIOS Date - 2013/11/20 03:37
Memory Size - 2048 MB
Memory Type - GDDR5
Memory Clock - 1400 MHz
Core Clock - 1080 MHz
Total Memory Bandwidth - 179 GByte/s
2D Driver File Path - /REGISTRY/MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Control/Class/{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}/0001
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Yep, a 270x. You'll only be able to run the game at medium at 1080 resolution with an average of 35-48 FPS. So while you'll be able to probably tweak it to slightly better settings than the PS4 version and/or have better FPS, I don't know if it's worth it yet.
Might be better to wait until you upgrade your card down the line.
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i just entered into like the 2nd act of witcher 3 and already im fearing reaching the end cuz i dont own any DLC which means i wont be able to 100% the game lol. which means its going to sit on my SSD for a year or until i get the DLC, which sucksssssssssss cuz my SSD is only 240gb, and i only have 8gb of space left lol
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I have it on family share and I'm considering buying the base game and expansion pass since I have £7 in my wallet so it would only be like £28. I want to wait for the summer sale though but I have a feeling it won't go lower :/
But at least I still get to play it when it's free :3
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I'm also in a similar situation like you, only difference is that I've own witcher 3 on GOG(to support them) instead of PS4. Now I only need to buy the season pass which costs $24.99.So I decided I may better buy the GOTY edition(Game + Seasonpass) when it hit the full price of season pass in STEAM. So I will get the Steam edition at the price of season pass. I suggest u to wait and do the same to prevent losses.
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I have the game on the PS4 too and while i have interest in buying it on Steam, I will wait for an Enhanced Edition (going by the previous 2) before I buy it again. If that version never comes, I will just wait for the game+season pass to get very cheap before buying it. No rush, since already played it once before.
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I don't know if I should buy the base game now (its £17 but I have £7 from selling cards, so its really £10 for me) then later I can buy expansions etc. Should I do it? I do have it on family share but I would like to own it
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I find myself at a crossroad. The Witcher 3 is currently on sale on steam and having a fairly new PC, am curious to see how much sexier it could look and run than the PS4 version. What's that? Yes, i actually already own it on PS4. But i find myself buying the majority of my games on PC, for reasons of more hard drive room and better sales. So i'm calling upon the wisdom of the good people of steam gifts community to help me reach a definitive decision.
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