With all due respect, I see that there are people who will not only blacklist you but also delete all their comments with you from the past.

That leaves me wondering what good it does beyond the pure demonstration of bitterness and hatred.

I didn't mean to offend anyone here. I'm just trying to seek more insights into this situation as I might have misread it somehow.

3 years ago*

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Do you feel weird when someone delete all their past conversation with you?

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Mark of the Ninja

What good does it do to post about it? Other than to earn to you even more blacklists that is.

3 years ago

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I just want to ask a question. How would that earn me more blacklists XD

3 years ago

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Anything about blacklists results in blacklists. That's the rule of the blacklist club. :p

3 years ago

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Haha, screw that, I would say :P

3 years ago

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And they just wanted to blacklist you and delete all conversations. Life is as simple as you make it.

3 years ago

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Well, that explains I guess...

Life is simple but we insist on making it complicated. :P

3 years ago

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You blacklist 'em, you delete all comments, you find where 'em live and KILL HIM!!!!

3 years ago

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Nonsense, just make them delete all their comments from EVERYWHERE at gunpoint and then leave them to deal with it.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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Thanks for the tip. I changed the title just in case XD

3 years ago

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how many times have you been blacklisted?

3 years ago

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Why are you asking?

3 years ago

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because you noticed something about blacklisting so i assume you have been blacklisted at least a couple times to have noticed it

3 years ago

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Ahh, it's not that hard to notice actually, especially when they are deleting the conversation they had with you...

But on the other hand, you are kinda right. I wouldn't have noticed it if I had been blacklisted so many times before XD

3 years ago

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why do you care? :D

3 years ago

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Kinda feel like offended. I guess I should take it more lightly then XD

3 years ago

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Deleting all past conversations seems a little odd to me. Doing it manually must be a real painstaking task if you're quite active on the forums, so they might have some kind of script-automated deletion thing. The only reason I can imagine someone might delete all their interactions is if they were in a heated argument with you, and it was earning them blacklists too. Or perhaps they realise they went a too far, and wanted to remove it for that.

I imagine people see a spike in both their whitelists and blacklists whenever they take part in any arguments/debates on hot subjects, particularly where people are heavily polarised or the subject is moral or political in nature. My stats page usually gets a little kick of each during those threads.

Generally speaking though, blacklists aren't an indication of hatred. We're all here to take part in giveaways (and hopefully, to create giveaways too), so if someone is doing something you find particularly annoying on the forums, the blacklist mark is natural. It's not necessarily personal, but more a case of "I don't want this person to get in on my giveaways". When it comes to those big subjects of moral or political stuff, it's easy to see why someone might want to exclude someone when they feel a subject dear to their hearts has been mocked, or that someone has been reductive / dishonest on an issue that effects them personally. Sometimes it isn't even that deep, sometimes they just feels you're being needlessly obnoxious or combative. Or maybe they don't like the giveaways/wins ratio. Or you have too many unplayed games. Sometimes there isn't even a 'good reason'. Maybe they don't like your name or profile pic. At the end of the day it's more a self-moderation tool than an insult or hostility, y'know? Besides, blacklists are automatically mutual. When you get 'listed, the other person is also unable to enter your giveaways too.

I remember reading in a past thread that apparently some people blacklist those who win their giveaways, or even people whose giveaways they themselves won, to stop the slim chance of a repeat win. Hell, some people make threads just to give/get blacklists/whitelists like a kind of game.

Try not to take it too much to heart.
Nobody gets out of these forums without a few black marks. ;)

3 years ago

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Haha, thank you so much for your kind words.

Frankly speaking, I'm totally fine with the blacklist thing. I understand this is a giveaway forum and I'm grateful for those still letting me be a part of it.

I was just surprised by the comment deletion thingy as I don't think we had a heated debate in the first place and also interactions on other topics which I don't feel related got deleted as well.

And yea, I will move on and keep my head busy with other things for now. Cheers ;)

3 years ago*

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It's likely on the same level of passive aggression as is posting a thread about the same thing.

3 years ago

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happy cake day!!!

3 years ago

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Happy cake day!!

I didn't mean to offend anyone here. I'm trying to seek more insights into this situation as I might have misread it somehow.

But thanks for reminding me. I should be more careful with the way I express it, so I rephrased my narrative a little bit.

3 years ago*

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Just don't worry about it and move along. It's impossible to please everyone.

3 years ago

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happy factory day

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Me neither. I found it because I was checking for new messages and noticed that the previous ones were gone.

3 years ago

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3 years ago*

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Hmm, what makes you think so though?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Lol, you edited your post after I responded and now trying to accuse me of what?

You are certainly a master of plans ;) Hope you won't delete your response this time XD

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I hope I read the situation wrong but I think I know you better now. Appreciate your attempt to respond though :)

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

3 years ago

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It's because of the removal of past conversations regardless of what topic they were about.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

3 years ago

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What do you mean by typical sg-drama?
Maybe you can try to explain your words better before pointing fingers at others?

3 years ago

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instead of atacking him give a answer that would be nice !!!
there are bunch of reasons

  1. some private matters that been said and now that hes not your friend and he dont want you to tell ppl about cause believe me there are some ppl who does that there are bunch of ppl who take advantage after you broke up with them
  2. some ppl when hate you they will blacklist and also delete all theire conversation cause they hold a ...
  3. when someone tries to tell you something but that goes nowhere and he think himself as an idiot i mean why bother ha !
  4. there are some ppl who remove you completly from theire life and they dont want to see your messages and its kinda bothers them they just want to remove your memory from theire head and its a first step to that for example i do that too when i see someone is hurting me i just leave him/her first hour = removing all conversations and blacklisting that happens mostly on telegram
    next hour = burning all hes/her belongings like photos gifts all
    till the next month i`ll try to remove any memory i had with he/her and obviusly that doesnt work but thats what hatred does
    when you cross someone that hurts you or betrays you . some ppl will hate and it goes way beyond your imaginations
  5. like me some ppl like to remove all theire conversations because they are obssesd with clear history on theire telegram
3 years ago*

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Haha, I think so. That's what was on my mind at that time as well.
Thank you for your feedback and I'm also interested in the "cause they hold a ..." part. (Don't have to tell me if you don't want to :P)

3 years ago*

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how do you describe someone whos hating you and its not enough !! they will do more aside of just hating ! cause hes holding a ...... garage ? poor english thats why i blinked the word

3 years ago

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I think the word you wanted was grudge?

3 years ago

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yeah thanks word is grudge

3 years ago

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Whoops. I think we just found someone who knows English better than us XD Thank you for sharing your garage with me as well :)

3 years ago

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3 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago

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Thank you for your kind words. I'm taking it much more lightly now :D

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Um... maybe they have too much time on their hands if they have the time to go and delete every comment to make a point. You shouldn't worry about it.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

3 years ago

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Haha, you sure will be missed if you do that. ;)

3 years ago

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The weirdest incident of such sorts was when I discovered recently that someone had removed some years old comments of theirs on my profile even though we haven't been in contact for a while, so I'm not sure how I came up on their radar, how they remembered about those comments and why they removed them, but it's their comments so ðŸĪ·

3 years ago

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ðŸĪ· +1

3 years ago

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bitterness and hatred.

Your perception and they perception may not be the reality

3 years ago

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most of the time they delete their comments stupidity so no one can quote them later, but in some cases people get tired of arguing (because they are losing an argument or they see a wall that doesn't react to logic). ðŸĪ·

3 years ago

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Thank you for your feedback :D

3 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by Peg4sus.