sounds like a nice idea, I would like an invite if possible
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I pity the fools who entered 700 1pt DLC giveaways
oh wait xd
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"When life gives you lemonade, make lemons. Life will be like whaaaaaat?!"
Phil Dunphy
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I'm curious why it takes less time for you to answer friend requests and individually respond to everyone that has a question than to just answer that question here. Your constituents have a right to know. Note: I'm still not curious to answer an unsolicited friend request, though.
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I like how you called me rude when your first response to the accusations is "LOL, fuck you guys!" I don't think I'm out of line since you made a giveaway group and asked people to beg you for invites, only to brush off anyone that asks why you're banned. Especially in a giveaway group, where being trade banned is kind of a big deal. If you want respect, you have to earn it, first, and you've done a very, very poor job of doing that.
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You need some serious @ss spanking, what's the difference of sending random friend invites to explain something other people will likely not give a damn about and could copy paste afterwards into this topic (thus revealing it to the public, so no point in spamming friend requests to explain things).
I think this really beats your purpose, besides if you want to make a private group, at least be original and don't follow the same old/annoying/retarded rules other groups have. We were given a brain for a reason, i expect people to use it when creating their own things, even if it's a hard thing to do (thinking).
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Ignore him. He's a rage-filled idiot kid. If you notice, he doesn't have even 1 comment per three entries, yet he flames in the forum, so he practically never thanks. Hence, he's obviously ungrateful and feels entitled. He also has over twice as many wins as giveaways, which he mostly got lucky and picked up in random giveaway groups I never heard of that probably died a long time ago and almost half his giveaways are Fortix, so he's a leech, to boot. Furthermore, I've never even heard of him apart from seeing him being an asshat in the forum. He's not part of this community. He's representative of everything that the real SG community shuns. Pay him no mind. :)
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Looool, speaking like you know anything about me. Those fortix giveaways were given away randomly in chat, most of my initial giveaways were given in private forums that are connected to this website, then i jumped into the giveaway groups and went on the basis of giving something every month or so like they requested, after that i decided to drop from those groups and made forum giveaways or list draws (yes i stopped giving here if you still didn't notice).
Yes i'm a leech for about 3 months now just because i stopped giving away things here, like a give a fuck anymore when i see people exploiting this website all the freaking time or giving away free promoted games to boost their contributors value. This website went from bad to worst lately with each new addition it got.
Oh and make yourself a favor and be quiet, i'm not a fucking spammer like you wbarton. Just because you got nearly 6 times your entries in comments by spamming thanks all over the place, you think you are special in this website. You are wrong. And you are also wrong about me not thanking the giveaways i get in, i do that, just not on every single one i get into, just a very few selected/special giveaways, then again i'm no spammer like you, mind ye. Oh, and 1 more thing, keep up with the spamming, it totally shows how awesome you are in this community, no doubt.
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I know you're a kid. I know you're not very smart. I know you're poor. I know you have nothing better to do than flame in the forum. I know that you will never be a part of the community. There are two kinds of people on the site. There are the kind, generous people who make the site possible and there are the greedy douchebags who just try to get whatever they can out of it. It's obvious which type you are, and that's why you're excluded from the real community. Expect this to be the last time I deign to acknowledge you as you are beneath my notice. Have a nice day.
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Bahaha, elitist member at it's best, it's junk like you i don't like in this community. Who the hell starts calling other people as kids when you know nothing about them, plus that's what kids do, the whole "shut up kid, i'm smarter than you" move.
You are just a sad little guy who sits behind his computer all the time and checking these forums like very 5 minutes. You probably have no reason to go outside these days other than go to work, must be a hard living for you. I understand you. Wait work? Did i really say that? Pfft, i'm even giving you compliments now... shame on me.
PS: Have a nice day too, random bunny fella. :D
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What does Steam groups have to do with SG groups? Yes they do spam, and when they do i remove them from my list, simple.
The groups i'm in was mostly invites i got from friends or random people (russian groups are mostly random i guess). Long before i joined Steamgifts, i had over 200 groups already, it just keeps on increasing as time goes on as you can see... And i've stopped accepting invites for almost 2 months now, plus deleted a good bunch of them.
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Yeah it may do but what's your point? You suspect i'm in this many groups because of steamgifts? Or are you trying to imply that i'm spamming in groups or something? >_>
First fact is a little true since i did join a few groups that were advertised here in the past, second one is false, i hate spammers and i remove groups that spam events to annoy people or get attention.
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Yes and no.
Unfortunately when you look at a give away and see 3 pages of "Thanks!" any comment is worthless. Wouldn't it be more valuable and considerate to post something meaningful? Commenting on a giveaway for game you own, saying how awesome it is would help people entering the giveaway (but will never be seen thanks to thanks). Talking about how you've really wanted a particular game would be nice too (but will never be seen thanks to thanks). Point is that posting "Thanks!" all over the place makes the thanks get in the way rather than helping with anything. Gratitude is one thing, but continuing a trend that is getting in the way of something better is wasteful.
Thanking someone personally after you've won is a much better form. As such, I did notice the LARGE number of giveaways you've done (regrettably after my initial post). Thanks for being a good part of the community. Especially Bastion. Sure it was a bundle game, but it is an AWESOME game.
Maybe they should just make a "thanks!" button you can click as meaningless that would be.
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Yes, it is. While granted it's also possible to rank up your comment ratio by starting arguments in the forums and responding to everything constantly. The easiest way to get that golden ticket is to spam "thanks!" over and over in giveaways. Which is annoying and counterproductive. So if you go by the literal word of what I said, and you sit there with a mule on your head (because that whole "asshat" thing), then you are correct. But if you take the implied meaning and use English Comprehension (it's a school class AND it's a section of the ACT and SAT), then you'll get something more out of what is said here.
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Thanks for calling me an asshat. How polite of you. For your information, neither side in commenting argument is more right than the other. Thanking when entering is not mandatory nor is it forbidden to do so. So instead of being rude and calling people with names, how about just letting them do as they want?
Also, if requirements for some particular group do not suite your taste, just skip it.
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Your welcome. And yes, there is a more right side. Especially when you see legitimate comments pushed onto page 2 and unseen because all the people just posting "thanks!" over and over again. Then you see gifters asking people NOT to say thanks, and instead post something interesting and still the comments are filled with "Thanks!"
But I want to personally call you out for contribution great games like Payday to the community. It's an awesome game. Dawn of War as well. Thanks for all that ;)
Also, if a comment does not suite your taste, just skip it.
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Aye, there are people who do not read the description and post the same message to every giveaway regardless. I would point out that you have already grouped everyone who thank contributors as spammer and on that point I disagree with you.
The only valid point that anti-spammer side in general seems to have is that it might make discussions in comments harder. On personal viewpoint I do not hold that as big negative side as certain people claim it to be. There are better places for discussions e.g. these forums.
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May I join in. Hopefully the chat room is active.
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