
I was doing some trading today and got a copy of a game I won on SG a month ago as an extra. My question is, am I allowed to giveaway said game, considering I activated and played through my won copy quite some time ago and this is a brand new key?


5 years ago

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Yes, you can give it away so long as you have the game that you won already activated on your account. I've won a game, then acquired it in a bundle. I then give away my bundle copy here. It's not a big deal. :)

5 years ago

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Thanks for the info!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Yes, there is no issue at all. If you have your past wins all validated as activated, there's nothing stopping you from giving away any specific game.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the info!

5 years ago

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i once got a bundle where i donated the game on here, and then i realized i really wanted it, and now im stuck entering to win it all the time even tho i gave it away lol feels awkward

5 years ago

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yeah, that sucks, I've also done that XD

out of curiosity, what's the game?

5 years ago

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Same XD. I gave away Yakuza 0 and then kept trying to win it.
I got lucky and won it 4+ months later.

5 years ago

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I suspect that almost every more or less active SG gifter has such a game in their history.

5 years ago

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+1 👍 Been there, done that, didn't buy the t-shirt because I bought the bundle instead. 😉

5 years ago

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Yeah, but I just figured if I gave it away I probably didn't need to play it in a hurry. It's not like I'm running out of games.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the info! A similar thing happened to me, but I ended up trading for it haha

5 years ago

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As far as you activated won game - you can make any number giveaways with this title as you please. But beware - traded key can be duped sometimes...

5 years ago

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Thanks for the info!

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the info! I really enjoyed that game myself, too

5 years ago

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I do that all the time with games I already own. None of my friends play any of my recommendations thoroughly, so it's better for me to take a chance with a random person and hope they find some use for it. If that person just sees it sitting in their library, then they've already done a better job than any of my friends would.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the info! Same thing with my friends though to be fair they are mostly Dota players and rarely play any games outside it

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the info!

5 years ago

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One thing that is being missed:
The game still has to be in your account. If you had it deleted from your library by Steam then you have a problem aka a non-activation of a won game. It's not supports job to research wether you had it deleted or whatever.

5 years ago

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Well, I think most people know that deleting the game from your account is the same as not having it activated. ;)

5 years ago

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You'd be surprised at how many threads there have been where people were unaware of this.

5 years ago

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why would you delete a game that you won, makes no sense smh

5 years ago

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Some people don't want some games making their library look bad ...
Yeah, I don't understand it either.

5 years ago

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that is so dumb xD they join a GA just to delete it afterwards. That is super disgrateful. If I would see that from someone who won one of my GAs insta blacklist

5 years ago

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It's called "ungrateful" ;)
And yeah, eventually these people will be punished for unactivated wins when people check them.

5 years ago

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Some people clean their library without checking if they won game here.

I had ticket where user cleaned library (~1k games) and were surprised SGtool shows 400 inactivated.

5 years ago*

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i dont get that. I mean they are just throwing away money by deleting games. I keep every game just cause i might want to play it in 2-5 years or maybe even later who knows. Its not like they do anything by just sitting in your library. If you just take a bit of time to get some order in ur library then they dont even bother you smh

5 years ago

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You can easily re-add them later (as they are not really deleted, just "permanently" hidden).

So people may want to just throw them now to "clear" space in library, and then re-add them if they ever decide to play it.

5 years ago

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I used to find that a questionable alternative to the normal "Hidden" option, but after the interface change viewing Hidden games hides all category associations, which can be a huge effin pain if you're looking for a game you hid for reasons other than being "trashware", amidst all the ones you hid for being such. Yay for Valve.

5 years ago

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I didn't even know that hidden games keeps their categories xD Never check my library to see them.

5 years ago

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Honestly, now I'm not sure. In any case, the current arrangement [of them not being organizable] is bothersome, either way. :P

Well, I wouldn't have noticed at all if I hadn't gone and hidden all the games in my "Completed" folder [to prevent them from cluttering up search results], and then ended up needing to dig up the older Trine games. At first, it kicked me out of the Hidden filter whenever I searched within it, which was the real annoyance, but I just tested again and it looks like Hidden appends to the end of normal search results now [as an additional category section]. Guess the real question is, "did Valve change the design, or did they simply fix yet another post-interface-change bug". :P

5 years ago

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Didn't know that but still doesn't matter to me as I feel like I can still make my library pretty visible with the features valve has. But now I understand why you would "delete" it at least

5 years ago

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It means it's easy to restore those games and lift suspension.

Still, not everyone is willing to restore, so suspension needs to stay.

5 years ago

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Still, not everyone is willing to restore, so suspension needs to stay.

Hmm. I seem to recall there was at least one over-dramatized thread about a user stating that they were deleting games en mass on purpose, as a way to get forcefully kicked off SG? Not finding it, though, so maybe I'm misrecalling. Did find some threads with people just broadly demanding to be suspended or banned, though. :P

5 years ago

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Yes, there was one person that wanted to be suspended, as they decided SG takes up too much of their life.

They didn't know they can just ask to be suspended, so they removed wins from account to "force support's hand".

5 years ago

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Thanks for the info, and great point!

5 years ago

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What we check:

  • winner won game
  • winner has game on Steam account
  • 👌

After that you can make giveaways for as many copies of this game as you want. (You can though make giveaways for game and then win it. Nothing wrong with that. Just activate your copy).

Just don't win a game and then make giveaways with won key. That's a no-no.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the info, makes complete sense.

5 years ago

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LOL Is the phrase a no-no an official regulatory phrase? Hahahahahaha!

5 years ago

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Yes. But you need to use this gif with it:

View attached image.
5 years ago

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