can someone explain to me what Serbian film is about?
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Jeepers Creepers? I forget what the movie was called but wow those movies... So damn horrible. I saw it as a kid, so you can imagine what the results were. I wouldn't say that it 'left a mark' but I have horrible memories of that movie. That's probably the closest I'd get.
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Its called Jeepers Creepers and there's more then one and Im in same boat I saw that as a kid.
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Yeah, I saw all of them. I got mostly 'disturbed' by how it takes people's faces haha. It's pretty silly, honestly.
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i love jeepers creepers! however, anytime i'm going through the countryside, especially at night, i always think of him. D: also, the second one was so poorly acted that it was funny to me rather than scary. still a good watch though haha.
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The harpoon scene with the bus is hilarious. No exceptions.
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i saw that movie as a kid, i watched some years after, it was surprisingly mild and clished but as a kid it scared the living hell out fo me
I also watched Cronenberg's Fly as a kid, but that movie is still creepy
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i'm either one tough sob or i buried it too deep, i can't recall any movie scared the shit outta me. take it easy dude. it's not like she's gonna come crawling under your bed in the middle of the night, making weird clicky noises.
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I know man. Believe me. It's just one of those things
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Well, I don't watch horror movies really often (When a group of my friend watched The Conjuring, I watched Star Wars IV :P) but I reember The Woman in Black, not because it was scary but it was really really funny. Daniel Radcliffe played in that movie, so it instantly reminded me Harry Potter, especially when a redhead boy showed up :D
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I saw that movie, i just kept screaming "use your wand Harry, use your wand!"
This remake should not have been made
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Yup, my bad. I meant to put it in off-topic. Guess I clicked wrong one. Thanks for that
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snuff films never left any impact on me, The Guinea Pig series are not worth watching
anyway, the first movie i ever saw, with that message was the chainsaw massacre, like every other explotation movie its only lightly based on reality, the real Ed Gein was even scarier, if thats the reason you dont watch horror anymore i guess i understand
Then there are those movies within movies, before found footage was even a thing
Like cannibal holocaust, that wanted and managed to fool the audience into believing what happened on camera was in fact real
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Yeah, King was so let down by the Kubrick film and how badly it deviated from the book that he got Mick Garris to make a mini-series of it with Steven Weber & Rebecca DeMornay
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Liked him when I started reading his books, but got really tired after some time of his over the top scenarios, schematic characters and downright ridiculous descriptions.
And well, you can't really form an opinion without having a knowledge about the topic.
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My honest opinion of King is that he has wonderful ideas, but that he writes far too much about things which don't add anything to the story. I genuinely believe that he wants his readers to feel like they're getting good value for his books by giving them a larger read / more paper. As a horror writer I think that Clive Barker is much better.
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The Exorcist (original version). Because it was based on a true story, and happened near my home town.
And you know-- The Devil and stuff.
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+1 Me too, watching it when I was younger, it was disturbing, now its hilarious
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The visuals that were burned into my brain were 1) her head turning around 180 degrees and 2) Ragan's gyrations and body and head banging up and down on the bed in that first full possession scene.
And of course the great quotes: "The power of Christ compels you!" and <cue demon voice> "It's an excellent night for an exorcism."
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The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension. It devastated me. After watching the greatest human who has ever lived, how could I possibly compare? Why even try?
He's a brain surgeon, particle physicist, race car driver, rock star, samurai, comic book hero, leader of a milita, crack shot with a six-shooter, speaks 12 languages, and always gets the girl. What's left for me to do?
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The Ring 2. I never watched any horror movies before it (not even Ring 1) but when a friend invited me to cinema with her I agreed. It simply terrified me. XD I couldn't properly sleep for weeks and when, few months after, got one of those stupid emails with a photo of a guy and a ghost girl showing near him, claiming that guy died like a week after the photo was taken, I was scared to open that picture (though I was 100% sure it was a fake, I never believed in ghost), I was so afraid it would be that girl from the movie. XD
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I'd go with the original (Japanese) Ring.
Much scarier than the American versions.
The Japanese really know how to make creepy / disturbing films.
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I feel you,me too the ring have left me a mark on me.Both of them and of course the Japanese version.Dont know why after all this years but that little girl is scared to death.And after all this years if i piss off my sister she make that scary sound that Samara do.Damn it memories wake up.
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It's pretty much a rule that Hollywood remakes end up worse than original movies they're based on, but I personally think that The Ring (first one) is an exception to that rule. I think it had great atmosphere and few good scares, while the Japanese version did absolutely nothing for me.
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Odd, I had exactly the opposite feeling. Thought Japanese one was great but was a little bored with the American version.
Which did you see first? I saw the Japanese version first. I wonder if that had any bearings on preference.
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I saw the American version first. I'm not sure what made the Japanese version so bland for me because it was a while ago. If I recall correctly, it didn't scare me at all. There wasn't a moment in the movie that made me feel scared or uneasy.
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Nightmare on Elm Street..
I don't remember how old I was, or how much of the film I saw, but I remember having nightmares about someone trying to push through my wall and get me for at least a week..
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Specially the third one, the adventure park starting scene.
I still refuse to my friends when they invite me to go to PortAventura, they force me anyways
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Yeah, I can't let my wife watch FD#3 because of that scene alone. Some of the deaths are pretty comical, especially on DVD with the choose your fate option, but that roller coaster scene ... She'd have nightmares and never go to a theme park with me again.
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Stephen King's "It" (I watched the movie). I don't have a phobia of clowns or anything like that, but "it" gave me nightmares as a kid.
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I don't know, I loved horror films as long as I can remember. I know, I was affraid to watch SAW series because of gore... Now it is one of my favourite series, because I like that idea and it is really possible. my favourite is Alien series, but it is sci-fi for me, not horror. Maybe Hostel?
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After looking at my list of movies yesterday, I was wondering, have the people of SG ever watched a horror movie that left a psychological mark on you? For me, it would be The Ring series. When I was younger, I used to love horror movies. Still do. But one movie in particular left a mark on me. The Ring. I can't pinpoint why, to be honest. But that movie, to this day, terrifies the hell out of me. I still have nightmares occasionally. In fact, I was reading the book when I was 10 years old that the movie was based off of, and I couldn't sleep for two days straight.
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