When the whole Steam Card program happened, I probably lost out on a lot of packs because I was slow in getting all my drops from various games. First I had to download the game, then play it (or as I found later, leave it on while I did something else) for however long it took all the free drops to happen, and then and only then could I get packs.

I had quite the backload mostly because when bundles first began, I tried getting all of them... until there just became way too many. As well, some games are so huge that you don't keep them on your computer at all times.

As I write this, I'm down to 2 left. Cook, Serve, Delicious!: I have 2 of the 4 drops left. The Bureau: XCOM Declassified: all 4 drops left.

How close are you to having all your drops?

10 years ago*

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Heaps left. I just ceebs installing it especially with my horrible net.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

10 years ago

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336 card drops remaining
112 games with drops remaining
176 games eligible for booster packs
Worth Approximately $43.84

Dammit! It was 260 a week ago! D:<

Edit: I'm going through all my old bundles to activate any keys that was added because the game was greenlit or some other reason. 9 games added lol.

10 years ago

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248 card drops remaining
69 games with drops remaining
115 games eligible for booster packs
Worth Approximately $45.58

And BTW, you can idle games without installing them. That is actually one very useful legit purpose for a program like SAM. That came in handy a few times when some of the games would crash on me.

10 years ago

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I wouldn't advertise it as legit...

10 years ago

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That usage of it is reasonably valid. Now using it to unlock achievements, not so much.

10 years ago

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I've got a couple card games that simply refuse to load. Might be worth it just to milk the extra 2-3 cards. :) I'll think about it.

10 years ago

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Is there a quick way to check how card drops remaining, games with drops etc? (I can only use browser atm)


154 card drops remaining
43 games with drops remaining
55 games eligible for booster packs
Worth Approximately 11.04€

10 years ago

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just click on "badges" when you're at your profile

10 years ago

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But it doesn't tell me specifically how many games and such, do I just have to add them up myself?

10 years ago

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you need to install http://www.enhancedsteam.com/ then you can open the badge tab in your Browser and it shows you the info :
556 card drops remaining
152 games with drops remaining
361 games eligible for booster packsWorth Approximately 61.68€

enhanced steam is a great tool for steam also for other things then badgeinfos as some example :

  • it marks games that you have allready with a green Background
  • it shows you different prices worldwide
  • it shows you the best history price
    and a lot more
10 years ago

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Thanks, will edit above post

10 years ago

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Install the Enhanced Steam extension.

10 years ago

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Thank you :)

10 years ago

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I don't idle, so I have some cards not received yet.

Anyway, how do you calculate the remaining cards and their value? thanks!

10 years ago

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install this ;)
browser extension, don't know whether you need to mess with any settings, but when done, just fire up your badge page

edit: i see some people have replied the same thing to the poster above

10 years ago

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The easiest way is to use the Enhanced Steam browser addon and visit your badges page on steamcommunity.com. The addon will provide a summary of how many games have card / booster drops available.

10 years ago

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Thanks both of you! I'll try it

10 years ago

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238 card drops remaining
68 games with drops remaining
361 games eligible for booster packs

10 years ago

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137 cards to drop

10 years ago

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3 ;( i want more cards...

10 years ago

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According to steam: 216 card drops remaining

I have probably with games I haven't activated yet

10 years ago

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154 card drops remaining
43 games with drops remaining
98 games eligible for booster packs

10 years ago

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638 card drops remaining
182 games with drops remaining
66 games eligible for booster packs
Worth Approximately 55,64€

Wow, I guess I should play some games :P

10 years ago

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97 card drops remaining
27 games with drops remaining
47 games eligible for booster packs

10 years ago

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1053 card drops remaining
281 games with drops remaining
57 games eligible for booster packs
Worth Approximately 98.35€

I'm bad at this.

10 years ago

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14 card drops remaining
3 games with drops remaining
241 games eligible for booster packs
Worth Approximately $1.59

I idle for the game's cards, I only play the game when I want to and have the time to play it
Though with Playfire I've been a lot more cautious lately about idling the games - especially with new game releases, I wait until Playfire has a reward for playing, before I go and idle the game
There are 2 games though that I want to play through and get the cards from there with actual play instead of idling as per normal, though

And on that note, for people who have these games, Galactic Arms Race and Blockstorm now have cards ;)

10 years ago

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0 card drops remaining
0 games with drops remaining
463 games eligible for booster packs

10 years ago

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44 card drops remaining
14 games with drops remaining
383 games eligible for booster packs

10 years ago

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52 card drops remaining
14 games with drops remaining
98 games eligible for booster packs
Worth Approximately £2.59

10 years ago

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I always try to get all possible card drops ASAP.

4 card drops remaining
1 games with drops remaining
424 games eligible for booster packs

10 years ago

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353 card drops remaining

91 games with drops remaining

164 games eligible for booster packs

10 years ago

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  • 367 card drops remaining
  • 104 games with drops remaining
  • 135 games eligible for booster packs

Worth Approximately 31.15€

10 years ago

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49 card drops remaining, 18 games with drops remaining, 122 games eligible for booster packs

every time I am close to getting all drops, I either get a new game with cards, or they add cards to a game I have

10 years ago

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16 games left which equals to
55 cards
And I can receive boosters from 242 games.

You inspired me, OP, I'll idle now.

10 years ago

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19 card drops remaining
6 games with drops remaining
402 games eligible for booster packsWorth Approximately R$ 5,75

Dropping one right now... There are two tricks to drop cards without installing the games. Both of them are safe.

10 years ago

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What's the second one? The one most know of is SAM.

10 years ago

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838 card drops remaining
233 games with drops remaining
181 games eligible for booster packs
Worth Approximately £65.39

10 years ago

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