Should HD - Remastered - Remake Games be free to original owners?
why a company should give stuff for free?
it's their work. even if they wanted to set a $1000 price tag on them, no one can stop them.
in any case people paying for remakes are the problem.
no customers = no sale = no more remakes.
same applies to neverending franchises that everyone hates.
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Remasters are fair game for giving to old owners, though. I mean yeah, no one can stop companies from remastering their games and releasing them with a higher tag, but when they do this and don't give the remastered edition to the old owners, then it's essentially a screw you from the company to the owners who supported the company by buying the previous edition of the game, who'd now have to pay again if they want to play the same game in better graphics (the key word here is remaster, not remake; slapping some high def lighting and ambient bloom versus remaking the entire game from scratch)
Regardless, it's the decision of the company in the end, and I'm thankful that Bethesda and 2K gave the remastered Skyrim and BioShock games for free
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Someone correct me if I'm wrong but
Serious Sam Classics one had to buy fresh all over again
I'm almost positive that the classic Serious Sam games were added to Steam after the HD remakes were. As DRM Steam tracks licenses, it wouldn't be easy for Croteam to offer free upgrades when it was such an old game that was sold while you aren't wrong, I also don't think it's fair to hold that against them
and Gold pack.
SS3 came out after the HD remakes.
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Meh don't like this kind of poll it makes a question that yes/no is not a decent answer to. It depends first if you can even actually give/discount the new one for owners, for many old games that simply isn't possible to do.
Second if it is actually either not devs just making what should be an update or expansion separate for whatever reason.
Third it depends on the remaster or remake(which for the record are different things) there are those who are more work than plenty games around so yes having them cost as the full game makes sense, others clearly required some work so original owners should merely get an high discount and there is the ones that were trivial to do thus should be free. Not to mention the myriad in-betweens.
In short I see anything but judging case by case as pointless.
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A proper remaster costs money to do. Some publishers/developers see it as a chance to build good will, by giving existing customers the old game, but they don't have to do it.
Seems this is now a new trend.
Not really. More like an old trend given new life. Remasters were quite common in the early 90's
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It was especially funny when a DOS game almost immediately received a remaster/remake for Windows/DirectX, sometimes within a year. At least later they just released dual versions right off the bat.
Plus there were the console ones. Many people seem to have forgotten that, for example, Castlevania IV is actually a remake of Castlevania I.
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I'm going to have to disagree with you on CV IV being a remake of CV 1. While the level themes for the later levels in CV IV are similar, the actual level design, bosses & enemies are different, and the earlier levels are very different from the early levels of CV 1.
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I'd rather have old games being updated to work on modern systems than remasters or remakes. It irks me that publishers think old games absolutely need to be remade according to current taste to be enjoyed by younger audiences. It's the same stupid "our times are always better than older times" mentality that lead to colorizing black & white movies -_-
Anyway, like a lot of people have said already, those remasters and remake have costs for publishers (albeit usually lesser costs than making new games), so I think it's normal they want to charge for it.
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In my personal opinion, I think that if one owns the original game and all the DLC, they should get the remaster for free (not remakes though). If I already own the game and all they have done was fix a ton of bugs and made a graphical overhaul to bring it to more modern standards, then I what incentive do I have to buy the game again when mods do the exact same thing if not better most of the time?
Remakes on the other hand are a different story. The main difference, for those who don't know, is that a remaster is bringing a game's looks and sounds up to more modern standards, and fixing issues that were never addressed before. A remake is a complete overhaul of the game, so basically everything from the visuals, audio, to even how the game works and plays!
To give an example of the difference, imagine this. If the original Metroid game was given shinier visuals and audio and fixed any bugs it had, then it would be a remaster. If the original Metroid game was turned into a 3D FPS with wallrunning, and other shiz that was never in the original game, it would be a remake.
Remakes should be paid for as you are getting a completely new experience. Remasters are just touching up what was already there.
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It depends, sometimes they only fix some issues and slightly enhance the graphics while other times they pretty much remake the whole thing almost from scratch. I don't think that putting all of those cases in the same bag is fair.
But yeah, I understand you, it's getting quite ridiculous with all of these re-something lately.
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Depends on the game really. Something like the Uncharted games made sense since you couldn't get the full scope of the newest one without playing the previous games on the older consoles (which many peeps no longer have). Even if you did, the games (while still fun) are very dated mechanic wise and nostalgia googles tend to blur out all the bullshit within them that got addressed in the remaster.
Something like Ori and the Blind Forest is more iffy. The difference between the release date of the original to the DE is a little over a year and it feels like this would have been better suited for a patch than a full 'remake'. That being said, there is no magic number that makes a remake appropriate. The Binding of Isaac was remade 3 years after launch (2 if you start counting from Wrath of the Lamb) but was completely redone and it is a lot better for it.
All in all, it depends on the amount of work, both perceived and actual, that went into the game. If it's free, we shouldn't exactly complain and if not, we can always play the original if it's crap :P.
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Just so you know: It's "Elder Scrolls" :). Elderly Scrols sound really cute, though... as if those scrolls moved into a nursing home ;D.
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Remaster for the sake of making money? Not so much.
But remasters to make the game more accessible to modern players = Definitely YES!
I'm perfectly okay, and happy to pay for remasters of good old classic games. Like the Final Fantasy X and X-2 Remasters. Enjoyed them a lot.
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No, you bought specific game for specific platform.
Even if it looks like, and feels like same product (only remastered) it usually requires to write from ground up ergo should not be free even for owners of old versions imo.
Its similar to owning game on one platform and expecting you will be able to play it on every other platform because "you already bought it once"
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I said remaster, not remake. I just want 2k to 4k textures and audio upscale, the rest is perfect gameplay wise.
Gothic needs a graphical improvement, the combat system is awesome, but needs a little tweaking to make it feel less heavy for the player... actually they should just implant Gothic 2's combat into Gothic 1 and upgrade the graphics to 2-4k and the char models to something more 2016 :p
P>S would love to see Gothic 1/2 on the same engine Skyrim is tbh. would be a huge up for the game :D Especially if the dragons are working same way as the skyrim dragons. :D
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Yeah, but I fear they wouldn't leave it at a simple remaster ;x... there are some texture packs and new renderers for Unreal alright, but a nice official package + higher poly count models'd be nice, true.
Regarding Gothic, nowadays the biggest hoop to jump through for me personally continues to be the overall control scheme... meh, maybe I'm just too spoiled due to more modern games ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. AFAIK there were some attempts to create a Gothic mod for Skyrim and even some sort of prequel/remake in UE4, but dunno if they still exist.
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Why wouldn't they? Remaster = purely graphical overhaul. In fact, Modern Warfare Remaster is absolutely identical to the original, including all the bugs in it such as a silencer on one particular gun not actually working as intended, certain glitches like the one that made MP5 have a really long-ass range and short TTK, and many more. Remaster is purely slapping on higher def resolutions and graphics, and nothing else.
What you are talking about is a remake, which is what Serious Sam is; the HD version has improved movement, updated animations, different and new secrets, a complete work from the ground-up of all levels, additional crosshair options and aim assist toggles etc.
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please don't let them remake Unreal... imagine what they'd do with it... Unreal with aim assist, mouse acceleration and a regenerating health system
The parent comment you replied to was talking about a remaster, and you mentioned a remake, so I got confused :P
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Seems this is now a new trend. Remastering old games and modernizing it instead of making a new game in the series. It isn't a bad idea if owners of original games get remastered free and revenue is generated from fresh buyers. Darksiders, Elderly Scrolls and Bioshock have taken care of old buyers to a large extent. Dead Island and Serious Sam Classics one had to buy fresh all over again. Huge disadvantage for old customers. In serious Sam buyers already owned in many cases classics also twice. Original release and Gold pack.
Do you think Remastered HD versions are worth? is it ethical or a rip off to make more mullah selling a dead horse again and again? Should owners of origfinal have it free or do they need pay again for the same game technically?
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