Should HD - Remastered - Remake Games be free to original owners?
They changed the music for Grim Fandango? That's ridiculous.
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That would piss me off so much. Music is often the thing that gets me to replay games
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Double Fine probably didn't receive the permission (or got the license) to the original music. Since they don't own the original rights, I can see easily that whoever holds the original soundtrack didn't give the option to them.
Years ago there was a chance to get Loom remastered, but they had trouble with the exact same thing. Since a different soundtrack for Loom is something inconceivable, the plans went down to earth.
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Why are they remaking Pathologic and not The Void? I thought that was the whole reason they took The Void off the market
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The Void was pulled off the market due to legal troubles between the devs and their old publisher. Seems they have full control of the version being sold on GoG but do not have the rights to sell on Steam (which counts as its own platform in these types of deals).
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I personally don't think remastered versions are worth it if you already own the original game. Usually the difference is just too little (just look at Skyrim. There is barely any difference on the pc except for the lighting and depth of field.).
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If you don't own Skyrim yet it's still a good game. But yeah, if you have played it before and are not already planning on playing it again, it's not worth the money. Maybe on console the difference is bigger, but on pc it's barely noticable (and many of the bugs are still in as well).
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I highly agree, remakes of modern games that don't need it in slightest are horrible waste. They exist for one single purpose- lure new gamers who didn't own copy of them game before and console players who need to get ported version from previous version of console. It's not done to improve experience or anything (sometimes it's actually opposite and remaster can completely fuck up fine game), "remaster" is just there to make people believe it's worth buying for higher price again. I'm glad as pc player i get some of them free, but that doesn't change my opinion about them
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Yeah. It could totally have been worth it in the case of Skyrim if they actually made the graphics look a lot better and fixed the most major bugs. I mean, mods could make the game look way better years ago. Surely the devs can do the same (but of course, it's Bethesda and they don't seem to care at all. Mods will fix everything right?)...
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Serious Sam HD was a remake and was exact same of classics, except a couple of small traps/secrets they couldn't pull off in new engine and adding a few more in TSEHD.
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This broom has been my trusted companion for 30 years, it's had 3 new handles and 4 new heads, but I wouldn't swap it for a new one for anything :P - seriously though, I actually want some of the old games to be updated to operate on the new systems (I hold a special place in my heart for full throttle - and played it again recently - but would love it on steam :)
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dont forget metro redux... last light redux came out like a year after its release.. felt like such a scam...
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In my own opinion, remastered should be free because they just updated the texture, added few things in it, upgrading the lights. while remake stands for itself, they worked twice if not 3/4 of the game, probably more, to fit the modern style. so a little something for them would be nice.
If I hired you to build a chicken coop for me, and after few years I asked to remake the same coop, would you work for free? while remaster is a different story and is like just polishing the same coop.
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But according to this analogy, someone else polishing the coop does deserve something for the effort they've put in, no? I kinda agree that remasters should be free (in the case of Triple-A companies like Bethesda) and I give a free pass to games like Serious Sam because they're relatively smaller companies and in this particular case Serious Sam HD feels like a complete new game when played because there's a difference of 10 or so years in the release. And games like Metro Redux are the ones which I generally roll my eyes at, specifically at Last Light because I've already finished the game twice on the non-redux version and I didn't at all feel any need in remastering the game at all, the older version stood pretty fine by itself. For 2033 redux I'd pitch it in the same category as Serious Sam.
TL;DR your analogy is flawed but your point is valid to an extent.
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I apologize if that wasn't clear, I came from a region where English is not widely spoken.
I think I tried so hard to make it sound I don't disagree with OP. I meant to say that REMAKE is something different, even if the same person was asked to make the same coop, they should still get something from entirely new coop they built, because they remade the whole process. that works the same for remaking games, new engines, new textures, new models, new sounds and music, everything is almost new, they just used the same concept, same story, same game but remade, started from scratch. while remastered stand as, kind of a warranty, or courtesy of using their service, though part of me believes that I should give them small something if the remaster is welldone.
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I am curious to know to hear from those who voted No to know why they think it should be paid. Would be interesting to hear!
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Because not all remasters are like Skyrim, where the developer's work mostly meant running a compile script again and call it a day. Remastering Day of the Tentacle meant redrawing a 2D adventure game completely. Artists cost a lot of money.
Or take System Shock remake. Try to recreate one of the most complex survival horror games alone in Unity, and you'll also stop questioning why would one ask money for something that takes hundreds or thousands of man hours to complete.
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Remasters can be good when they have plenty of time and tech advancement between them. Like the Monkey Islands.
Serious Sam's HD version is not exactly the exact same game, but the changes are more MP-focused. Having played the originals, the fan-made remakes (that took over the store page of the originals) and the HD versions back to back not so long ago, I can safely declare that they feel similar, but only similar even in single-player. (Actually, I had to adopt a different play style in HD, thanks to some weapon and apparently AI and spawn tweaks.) The changes are actually big enough that I recommended the HD ones to old Serious Sam veterans.
(By the way, the physics and controls are so different if you look deep into them, that it even shows in speedrun times: the world record for the old version is around 38 minutes, on the HD, it is almost down to 30.)
Then there are games like BioShock or Skyrim, which are remade to sell them again on the new console generation. Looks like developers failed so miserably to create games that would sell the 8th generation that they are now just put the old stuff there.
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I played Serious Sam old classics half a dozen times and then HD a couple. I never felt it much different to be honest. Maybe I had a good hang of the maps and waves and didn't feel that difference. Except for fixing bugged spawns, I didn't feel anything different in gameplay. Survival was fun, But they made MP modes an F2P later and made campaign a paid DLC later. Now it is back to one pack paid game.
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I played them by playing one level in original, same level in Revolution, same level in HD pattern. The difference was palpable on HD, especially with the slightly nerfed shotgun and the different jump physics. (Plus a few exclusive secrets here and there.) It was even more so on TSE than TFE.
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Yeah, SSHD is seriously different from SS classic, and this is most noticeable in MP. And SSHD does feel like different experience, because Croteam redesigned the maps from scratch so there's several conspicuous differences in the level that you'll notice were not so prominent in the classics (case in point: The Moon Mountains level and Oasis were completely revamped to give an actual Oasis-ey feeling, and the Moon Mountain Waterfall observed when starting the level was jaw-dropping gorgeous, whereas it looked quite mediocre in TFE classic)
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I had Age of Mythology when I was younger. I bought the extended edition during sales. I enjoyed it but is was more nostalgia and some online games with friends thatn real updates from the dev team. Wasn't worth the full price they asked for
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I have no issue with remasters being made at a price (they do take work to make), however the price needs to be made reasonable and not just an excuse for a price hike. That being said, I personally don't care about remasters myself. I'd much rather great classics (from SNES to PS2 days) being remade altogether for newer generations. I'd love to play say Final Fantasy VI or Star Ocean: The Second Story remade with updated graphics, mechanics, voice acting, great cinematics, additional content, etc etc. Not just mobile ports with a reskin.
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Yah, some of the remakes they're doing are just pointless to me. The cinematics for the FFIV remake looked nice, but the in game graphics were just ugh. If they updated like they're doing with FFVII (minus the episodic crap), I'd be screaming like an anime schoolgirl.
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FFVII is more like a total remake, at least they promised to redo that boring broken "fight" system. (And I pray they also redo the story and make it less slow, with maybe removing some of the reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally dumb moments like the entire cross-dressing chapter.) So far any other FF only received a graphical uplift, but nothing else. FFVIIR will be something absolutely different (thank heavens).
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I doubt that will happen since it is getting the FFXIII treatment of multiple game releases. They say it is to accommodate the sheer size of the project (which is huge), but I have a gut feeling that they'll be adding more than taking away.
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Adding more can also be good, because while FFXIII can be considered on the slow side, it felt ludicrous speed compared to FFVII. The only slower-paced FF is VIII, but there at least it served a purpose. So more stuff means less downtime between events.
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These two blog posts detail FFV and VI's problems pretty well:
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Some remakes are good, some are just lazily piggybacking on a rerelease for new consoles with tweaked textures and models. I'm ok with devs charging a bit extra for existing owners (it's still extra work done after all) but not full price. Unless they decide to also expand on the game in the process (ie. Devil may cry 4 rerelease got more playable characters which in that game means more play modes).
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Another fact to consider is who published them. In the case of Darksiders even though Nordic now own the franchise they will have made very little from the original versions due to their age. Remasters are then a cheap/easy way to see a return on the franchise before sinking a more significant amount of time/money into a new game
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I don't see any reason why a remaster should be given free to anyone.
If a publisher does it, nice.
If not, no problem.
You bought the original game because you thought it was worth paying for. End of transaction. You're not entitled to anything beyond that, certainly not years later when it could also be a totally different developer/publisher footing the bill for the costs.
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i thought the title said ethnical remakes and i imagined jill valentines as an 80's black singer with an afro fighting crime.
if someone is willing to pay for it then companies will go for it.
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I think giving a certain % off for loyal costumers is a nice gesture, but a lot of the time those costumers wouldn't care enough to buy it again unless it's got a good replay value. I'm not going to sit through the same game if I have already beaten the story just because it looks better a second time around.
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If people pay for it, then it's on the shoulders of the consumer.
If you don't want a remake/remaster, simply don't buy it and speak with your wallet.
I see absolutely no harm in remakes or remasters, since they're not forcing my wallet open.
EDIT: and no, I don't believe they should be free. People deserve to be paid for their work.
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Serious Sam Classics Revolution was free.....
Should every program on TV be original? How is showing 10 year old shows all day and paying for it by making us watch adverts any different?
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In Revolutions only add-ons like leaderboards/achievements/survival maps are added to It. Why would anyone pay for that if owning classics for extra fanmade maps??? The whole remaking original as is just to make it compliant to these add-ons serves no purpose. Croteam could have done it directly faster instead of outsourcing the job to dedicated fans. The whole point was different that people who had already bought the classics had to buy HD remake also. Its a complete mess as a result.
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Remasters? yes they should be free or as an inexpensive paid dlc at max. Remasters are a cheap way to milk console users for the same game twice (or thrice if you consider some playstation exclusives) and they cannot pull the same stunt on pc users 'cause they know someone else will make a mod that will achieve the same results for free (like skyrim).
Some remasters are even inferior to the original game, like Hard reset, the redux version has a few minor graphical downgrades, it runs better, yes, but still it's "worse" than the original.
Remakes on the other hand should be paid even if not at full price as a standard release, in example: day of tentacle, it was a nice remake, there was quite a lot of work behind it and it's worth the asking price.
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It depends on the remake.
If a game is 2-3 years old and then they release a remake with just a bit better graphic, 1-2 more levels etc. that feel more like an update, I would feel a bit cheated if I should pay the whole price again.
If a game is 10 years old and the remake is way better than the original I would not have a problem to pay for it.
Nobody would say something for any "hardware". If you buy a car today and in 6 months there will be a new version nobody would think that you would get it for free or with a discount. Same for smartphones, clothing even movies. Only PC-Gamers think, they should get something for free. Sometimes it feels like we have forgotten, that people work for this remakes. And they don't work for love and peace.
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I don't think they should be free. - if there would be no remakes remastered ones, people would play with the old one. If there is a remaster and you have to buy it (but you don't want to) you can just play the original. Just because there's something new and shiny, and the old version works and playeable, then there is nothing the owners lose. It's just a hoarding mentality that there's something releated to the stuff I paid for, so I'm entitled to getting it free. Though a discount is a nice gesture (Ori and the Blind Forest, Hard Reset, Dead Island)
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It's only worth paying for if there is put in a great deal of work into the remaster. Adding hd resolutions and calling it a remaster isn't.
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Seems this is now a new trend. Remastering old games and modernizing it instead of making a new game in the series. It isn't a bad idea if owners of original games get remastered free and revenue is generated from fresh buyers. Darksiders, Elderly Scrolls and Bioshock have taken care of old buyers to a large extent. Dead Island and Serious Sam Classics one had to buy fresh all over again. Huge disadvantage for old customers. In serious Sam buyers already owned in many cases classics also twice. Original release and Gold pack.
Do you think Remastered HD versions are worth? is it ethical or a rip off to make more mullah selling a dead horse again and again? Should owners of origfinal have it free or do they need pay again for the same game technically?
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