No, you will not. That is just giving your game to a friend. Gifting like that will not get you CV, and may get you a suspension if support suspects you of CV cheating, like this topic will point out.
Basically, if you want to do giveaways, have more entries than prizes.
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Simple. We don't need TC doing two friends and two copies.
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The intended purpose is not for friends to exchange gifts/games with each-other.
regardless of if friends means 2 people, who win 100% of the giveaways they enter in the group, or 4 people, who win 33%, or 40.
They are both as legitimate or as illegitimate. It is supposed to be here random people I do not know, I am feeling generous today, here is a game, and I do not expect you all to reciprocate (this is not my necessary gift of the week, and now all of you have to giveaway just as much), or for the only entrants to be my friends, or to gain anything other than the ability to feel good that I gave something to someone who enjoyed it.
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"Personally, I would say any private/group giveaway is cheating this site of its intended purpose and CV cheating."
Personally, I don't really understand your grievance here. While a handful of group/private giveaways are a sham, the vast majority are legitimate. Puzzle giveaways, duel tournaments, genuine groups, etc. Why shouldn't gifters be able to restrict their giveaways to certain people? As long as the game changes hands, I can't see a problem here.
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Well, I've had a couple of giveaways with only a single entrant. These don't net anybody any CV, so as long as they are genuine, and the game changes hands what's the problem.
The only problematic giveaways are the ones where people are deliberately trying to screw the system, and these should IMHO be dealt with in the strongest way possible...
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We are talking about people, who are not out to gaim the site, but would simply rather gift only to their personal friends, or only if the rules force all of the entrants to also gift games that he has equal odds of winning. We are talking about gifting for profit, and not for generosity.
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If there's only 1 entrant no CV is given. If someone actively makes giveaways for the same 2 people someone is bound to notice.
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wouldn't that mean every giveaway group is gifting for profit? most of those groups have rules about contributing when you win (mine included), and I dont find those to be "for profit".
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Well they are not for generosity, that is for sure.
But not exactly. While I do not like the idea of groups at all, I am specifically talking about elitist private groups here, with self serving rules. And there are a lot of them, though I am not sure if it is most or just a small but significant percentage.
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Does it matter whether a giveaway is available to 50 or 5,000 members? Either way, someone has bought a game using their hard earned cash, and given it away to a random stranger. I fail to see why one is more generous than the other.
You regularly set a contributor value for your giveaways. Does that make them less generous than those who made their giveaways accessible to the entire user base?? I don't think it makes these giveaways any less generous, but you'd probably disagree...
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I would disagree. And I am not a model of generosity.
But you have to agree, that if you only give away a game so that you you have the chance at winning games, that is not generosity. That is a payment for a service.
And restricting your giveaways to a tiny fraction of the site, because you actually are not interested in just giving your game away to some random stranger, but a select few friends (who must thank you, comment, and reciprocate in kind), is not that great of a concept (and not really generous, at all, some might say).
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Well, let us know how the enforcement of your personal opinion over a large group of people pans out.
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"But you have to agree, that if you only give away a game so that you you have the chance at winning games, that is not generosity. That is a payment for a service."
I agree, but who says this "giving as a payment" is more prevalent in groups than anywhere else? Do people give for the sake of giving, or are they more concerned about CV, and the rewards it brings?
The majority of groups don't enforce giving anyway. It's more about building a community, and what is the problem with people sharing games with others in those communities?
I just don't see anything wrong with group giveaways (provided they're legitimate), and in all honesty I can't fathom why you've got your grundies in a knot about it...
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I have a giftable herpes (GOTY edition) copy in my inventory, I'll gift it to him if he does that.
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That's a little personal to be sharing. But best of luck in dealing with a sexually transmitted disease.
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but herpies was supposed to be a sexually generated diseaes. everytime somebody has sex a dice is rolled to see if you caught anything, and a second dice is rolled for a random selection from a table of available ailments. when you practice safe sex herpies can still be generated but fails to be applied. so what happens to herpies? this. they get dumped into internet abandoned like feral cats until they latch onto somebody.
the same type of mechanic is behind "your logic gave me cancer"
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For a variety of reasons, you should feel bad about asking this question :(
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To be fair, most private giveaways on this site are really public giveaways with strings attached and hoops to jump through. Most of them just require you to do a puzzle, or find the giveaway in the source of the page but can be considered "public" in a way since they're not just sharing the link with a few friends but with the majority of forum users. The only major requirement would be to be active on the forum so you can find the occasional private giveaway rather than just lurking on the home page for bundled giveaways.
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You should try it out with the GameMaker: Studio Master Collection. Good luck!
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