First off the only REAL giveaway on the site is for the first title of the "fault milestone" series, but because I think it would be a whole lot nicer to get both VNs the winner of this giveaway will get the second VN along with the first! They're definitely two of the best light-hearted VN's on Steam in my opinion & they seem to have very little attention so I want to share how good they are with others! Random poll and (first ever) puzzle hoooooooooooo!

If your favorite VN isn't on the poll (lets face it I only put two of my favorites so it won't be) then why don't you let us know what it is in the comments! Or if you just want to drop by and say hi that's fine too! Hope you are all having a great day!

Edit: For those that need help with the 2nd question I'll say that the series involves a nano-machine powered Snake who crawls around in a cardboard box while fighting metal bi-pedal tanks that launch nukes with gears.

(Actually I discovered if you copy paste this exact description I gave into google you still get the right result lol)

9 years ago*

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Best Visual Novel You've Played?

View Results
Saya no Uta
Never played one
I once read a potato once does that count?

Love the images in the puzzle xD

9 years ago

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VNs <3
Oh well, there might be something wrong with me but I have no idea how to solve it, no VNs for me today.

9 years ago*

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Hey now you can do it! The first question is asking for the name of the electric mouse Pokémon from Gen 1 and the second question is asking the 3 word name of the series that the image is from!

9 years ago

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I'm not lvl 3 sadly, but thanks anyway! :)

9 years ago

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Bump for solved and thanks for the opportunity with such a rare and high quality vn!
Thank you!

9 years ago

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Bumperino :>

9 years ago

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recently been interested in checking out more VN's
only wish playtime weren't tracked for some of them haha.

9 years ago

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Puzzle is not hard but dots just confused me. My favorite is ef - a fairy tale of the two.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Bump for solved.

9 years ago

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Thank you very much for the Visual Novel chance! :)

Bump for solved! :D

9 years ago

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Bump for Steins;Gate :3

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9 years ago

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Yeah! El psy kongroo
lol those gifs are awesome

Edit: I just noticed my phone changed the "Psy" to Psychological. Must be the work of the Organization.

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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Saya no Uta is good, but sadly it's not for everyone. The first and best visual novel I've ever read is Katawa Shoujo, one of the many VNs that change my point of view about lots of things.

9 years ago

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Another one I've been meaning to read for a while! Will be picking that one up once I finish Tsukihime probably

9 years ago

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Tsukihime feels old these days but has some great moments of revelation and emotion in it.

9 years ago

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I've had that on my backlog for a while now along with Fate/Stay Night and the Kara no Kyōkai novel.

9 years ago

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it's interesting to read them in chronological release order to see how type-moon's work got less of a slog to get through the down time to the good bits and how they brought a lot more humor in as they went along. Tsukihime has a somber tone right from the beginning, the music points to someone reminising in a slightly confused and reflective way as you see Shiki wondering about how his sister feels about him after their separation, but it does get very dynamic and crazy as the game goes on.. They only have occasional bits of SD humor and then that fully comes in with Kara no Kyokai, which you should prob try without a walkthrough first-for the other two use a walkthrough but hide the paths you haven't seen yet and keep in mind whose path you want to try when getting the 'affection points' from the decisions you take

In Tsukihime take the Arcueid path 1st of course but there's a ton of content an little differences which grow into huge story differences as you take the different paths. The different way character relationships turn out as relevations about them come out and as you make decisions even about the way characters who have to die get killed is really interesting. In Fate there's 3 big story paths that have more differences but that kinda fit together to create a better narrative, and playing the last one, Heaven's Feel after the first two is really emotionally satisfying and actually feels like a 'true' ending compared to Tsukihime, where bits from every ending are sort of cobbled together to make a canonical ending.

Just play the damn games, there's a reason why they're some of the best known VNs, they're just so amazing and good, you gotta read them if, I hate to say it, you are a true VN fan.

9 years ago

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Wow! That's a lot of advice thanks! Gets me really excited to start them soon! So the order that they should be read in its Tsukihime, Kara no Kyōkai, and then the Fate/Stay VN's?

Also you make it sound like there is a VN version of Kara no Kyōkai? I was under the impression that it only had a straight Novel adaption:

9 years ago

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Sorry, I meant Kagetsu Tooya (been a few years since I was obsessed with that series), the side story to Tsukihime which needs to be read after it as part of the tsuki-bako It's like a ground hog day situation for the main character and has brings in some important side characters like Len and has some senarios that go with different endings from tsukhime. The Tsukibako translation can be found at

As for Kara No Kyoukai the novel (fuller translation here even though it came out before everything else, because the main character of Tsukihime, Shiki Tohno, is blind to the true nature of the world at first and his past, so it's much better to read that first as an introduction, and it's more focused on just the Tohno family rather than lots of side stories from Kyoukai. He's a more refined version of the Shiki from Kara no Kyoukai, who knows where she came from. Kara no Kyoukai also answers a few questions about some stuff from both of the games along with WItch of the Holy Night. I'd do it after the games but anytime after Tsukhime is fine.

Also play Melty-Blood if you just want a weird canonical story after everything else in Tsukhime as the story path isn't too hard to beat to get the true story events, or read the manga if you can't be bothered.

9 years ago*

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And don't wait for a remake of Tsukihime-we've been waiting forever for that, and don't watch the anime-it's not that terrible but it ignores some super fun plotlines and ignores lots of cool stuff.

9 years ago

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Thank you so much for all this! Way better information than I found when I was trying to figure out which I should read first! Can't wait to get started on this series soon! And I'll keep your posts bookmarked for when I do

9 years ago

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Have a bump for making an easy puzzle I could actually solve!

9 years ago

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You should check out Little Busters!
I saw a few episodes of the anime and wasnt interested. But then I decided to give the "second season" (trying to avoid spoilers here) a try, and really liked it and decided to play the VN first before I continued. Its a Key VN, which... I probably shouldnt finish this sentence, but if you've played any Key VN's, you'll know where I'm going (maybe).

9 years ago

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I always have a box of tissues on standby for Key VN's.
Actually I have heard quite a few things about little sluggers being good but I know nothing about it. I can say that the name always makes me think of Baseball Bat Boy from Max Payne for some reason.

9 years ago

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Bump for solved. The prize looks great!

9 years ago

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eden* but that's because it is the only one I truly played in recent times XD that being said I thought it was good.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thanks for the puzzle and giveaway :)

9 years ago

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Thanks for this amazing VN! That second question took me about 10 minutes because I thought it was one word instead of three. :D

9 years ago

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Yeah.... woops. I realized it could be thought of that way after I made it

9 years ago

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Don't worry about it, people like me are just going to think a bit. c:

9 years ago

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Thanks for the hint. Got stuck at this and was entering even the most ridiculous answers. ^_^

9 years ago

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Bump for solved and my favorite VN is Cinders. :)

9 years ago

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Not many choices in the poll =)
Can I vote for Katawa Shoujo? =D
I already own Fault milestone, but haven't played it yet =(

9 years ago

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Yeah... when I was making it I realized that I could either write a ton or just write the first two that came to mind and something about a potato. You can see the results lol

Yes you can! Been on my backlog for a long time but I plan to read that one very soon™ right after I finish Tsukihime. Seeing you all vote for these makes me really excited to dig into them! :D

Well we all have our own backlogs (that just keep getting bigger) >.> <.<

9 years ago

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I haven't played much visual novels, but they usually have a good story, art and concept. I'm trying to get used to them.

Just started looking at VNs when i noticed Steins;Gate and Fate were originally VNs

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Quibber.