Hidden Government Scanners Will Instantly Know Everything About You From 164 Feet Away


Watch yourself

11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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Sure that's just to save us from terrorists.

11 years ago

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=)) terrorists dont attack unprovoked

11 years ago

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Terrorists attack to inspire terror. That's doesn't require provocation.
That's all there is to it.

11 years ago

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Some of them don't even attack, so it's better to just spy these evil bastards out like the US does it with our chancellor and ministerys in Germany, the UNO, the EU Commission, the Israeli and Brazilian presidents and Total (fuel price terrorist company). All of them are terrorists!

11 years ago

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to be fair some of them probably are ;P

11 years ago

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I'm glad it will be only available to the government. Imagine what would happen if it fell in the wrong han.....


11 years ago

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11 years ago

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rofl +1

11 years ago

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Hmm... information from USA... hmm

"Who cares"

signed by the rest of the world

11 years ago

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yeah cus a small country like the U.S. has no affect whatsoever on the rest of the world.

11 years ago

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Tip for you:

  • step one - take random world map
  • step two - check yourself that USA is not the center of the world
  • step three - notice there are bigger countries than USA, and you wouldn't want to read pointless news on steamgift (main topic: GAMES) about Canada, China, Russia + add smaller than USA countries like Brasil, Australia, India, Argetina, Kazakhstan
  • step four - DEAL WITH IT
11 years ago

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Tip for you:
USA spies on everyone and this impacts everyone.
Other countries use similar technology, sometimes from USA's help, to spy on people as well.
Have a nice day.

11 years ago

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step one - take random world map [check]
step two - check yourself that USA is not the center of the world

11 years ago

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Cutting Russia into two parts is not logical.

11 years ago

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You are very naive if you think things like this won't affect you because you don't live in the U.S.

11 years ago

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well maybe his country already sucks so most of our shit doesn't change anything for him (until 'merica sinks down to his level first
(like how england would go like "bfd we got missile launchers on our apartment roofs during the olympics because they can quarter soldiers in our homes, or when we complain about taxes france is all "wuaat, 75% tax rate son stfu"))

besides greece exploding from socialist incompetence and entitlements didn't do shit here right?...right? wait didn't it do something to the economy somehow...damn

11 years ago

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Yawn... you guys are boring... so predictable and childish... I know what you will say before you even think about it… pathetic

Let's take for example Patriot Act… how did it change for example Russia, China, European Union? The answer is simple it didn't. So lads why don't you take your toys and silly american pride and go play somewhere else? Your arguments would be valid if we were talking about financial stuff… but sadly we are not… masters of debt.

Try not to write anything bellow, ok? I won't read it because I know that most of you boring lads are not capable of saying anything clever… or anything that will amuse me… or make me angry… so yeah… it is kinda pointless.

I'm not going to waste my time any more than I already have.. Bye bye lads from colosse aux pieds d'argile.

Steamgifts should be place for gamers not Americans/Chinese/ Europeans/Africans etc.

11 years ago

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"Try not to write anything bellow, ok?"


11 years ago

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So you're saying his post is called for because his country is already doing it? This makes the user not naive but a total dick. Next thing he will say is because some X person isn't allowed freedom of speech, USA citizens should be fine with it being taken away because they're not the center of the universe.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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as far as steamgift is concerned... the NSA does have spies playing in WOW, Second Life etc to get peoples feeling on X subject so... related enough.

11 years ago

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if we have it other countries do too, its like herpies

11 years ago

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Oooh. Want some salt and vinegar to go with that colossal chip on your shoulder?

11 years ago

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that actually works for both kinds of chips :)

11 years ago

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Good stuff. Send it to the yellow press... aww... you got it from there?

edit) Actually wish it was true - all the stuff that is done to you anyway wouldn't require touching you and take like for 30 minutes to an hour or several if they found something in the "quick tests" any more. With this new alien super power laser molecular tractor beam they just invented there, all of that shit would be done within one second. GG.

11 years ago

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they'd grope us anyway....9/10ths of airport security is about being seen to be doing something. its all appearances.
most of which serve no legitimate purpose other than reassuring sheep... (I can't take water with me? but they sell it right inside the gate and I know most of those pallets of water they're shipping in don't get checked very well because some guy they hired to test security abused that and somebody else still managed to bring ligherfluid in the same way a year later. or how those nude scanners(with no long term health testing, sold immediately to people who'd try to get through them and already marked to be slowly taken out of service over a few years) are so imprecise some guy's dick got labeled as a knife because it ended up superimposed on the outline's hip ect)

11 years ago

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Just note that this article is from 2012. And based off of the sources, none of them say that they will be used in airport security (basically the whole article is speculation).

11 years ago

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In fairness, I haven't encountered a single US customs official who wasn't [in my opinion] a humourless, self important, and unnecessarily officious wanker. I imagine, if such a device actually exists, this sort of technology would be the source of many a wet dream amongst their odious ranks...

While I understand everyone has a job to do, and security is no laughing matter, I've done a lot of travelling, and can safely say that the USA is easily the worst "first world" desination as far as the attitudes of their customs staff go. These days, if I'm travelling to Europe, I'll cheerfully pay extra to avoid going via LA, or anywhere else in the US...

11 years ago

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Yes, it's kinda old... Plus, "only" million times improvement, when we will see US owned Death Start at this rate? :P

11 years ago

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according to the whitehouse.gov petition's response never :(

india or pakastan might get one eventually though. they at least see the future

11 years ago

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Nah, they're too busy fighting over Siachen Glacier.

11 years ago

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you wouldn't build a superweapon because "too busy fighting"?
with thinking like that the manhattan project would never have been and the cold war would be much shorter

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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actually there have been studies that tinfoil hats amplify mind control signals unless you encase your entire skull with the stuff(including where it would normally attach to your neck)

...but then again thats probably just what they want you to think anyway.

...unless this information reveals that tinfoil hats themselves are the conspiracy?...like to trick those of us who can see the truth into placing ourselves in their power. I bet cold war era mind control was weak enough to require an antenna and somebody probably got a medal for figuring out how to get the most dangerous/smart people to wear one willingly
like how Roswell the aliens were the coverup. we actually had stolen a russian spy balloon all along but to throw people off the sent we pretended to use that as a cover story to hide aliens. people still believe that bit of misinformation to this day even when bluntly told the truth.

craftsmanship, thats the problem with America these days... today's politicians(cough, obama cough) they barely even halfass coverups because they know the media will bury it for them anyway so they don't put in the effort.

11 years ago

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I know. Tinfoil Hats are not enough.

11 years ago

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Looks like an attempt at a parabolic reflector with a chair in the middle. That guy is doing it so wrong.

11 years ago

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This looks like a 70s scifi movie :D

11 years ago

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The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

11 years ago

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Not that (nearly) anyone cares anymore...

11 years ago

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+1, but yeah it's history now.

11 years ago

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They will always find new ways to spy on tax payers, and there will always be some tax payers stupid enough to believe it's for their own good. The day you stop to fight for your freedom, you lose it.

11 years ago

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google maps ? facebook ? twitter ? Already being used to check on you.

Nice avatar.

11 years ago

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cya in court

11 years ago

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We were just talking about similar technology to this in my Forensic Chemistry course. They were using similar laser-assisted spectroscopic equipment to identify bombs from a distance. If this is the same sort of technology, it's very good, useful, helpful technology if used responsibly, but I could definitely see it being used for the wrong purposes. It could be used to save lives or ruin them. Btw... the ones that I was studying work by basically vaporizing a tiny section of the material being analyzed, instantly. They actually emit the laser in several pulses to clear away particles that may be in the way of scanning their target. So maybe they'll be slowly disintegrating our cells with lasers :D. Also I'd like to note that those particular devices are being continuously improved and are hawking potential usable distances of something like 300 meters (working towards the application of scanning a boat/ship from a safe distance).

11 years ago

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Awesome, now I don't need to go get that colonoscopy. I can just ask the NSA/DHS to laser me and send the results to my doc.

11 years ago

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they won't tell you...its like when somebody gets raped in front of one of those traffic cams...can't get the footage for investigation to find the guy or for trial because they're only for giving tickets(nsa secret spying we aren't supposed to know about but that doesn't count)

11 years ago

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Well, Hopefully this won't happen to 3D printers.. if it does. I am buying a tin-foil hat. that should repel the lasers from stealing my brain information

11 years ago

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may be a focusing array, see above

11 years ago

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China seems to be hiding cool stuff in water boilers those days...

11 years ago

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so as long as I'm wearing a boilersuit the nsa can't sense me?

11 years ago

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lol Americans XD. My government is too busy stealing money from us to spy on us XD.

11 years ago

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why can't your government do both(¿porque no las dos?) more stolen money = more funds for the spying to find where you burred the rest of it(hurray)

11 years ago

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Well, the US government is really obsessed with protecting personal property probably to a fault, since American taxes are so much lower than every other rich country and the government doesn't have any real welfare state.

If anything, not stealing peoples' money is the thing the US government is best at compared to the rest of the world. That, and bombing people.

11 years ago

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Life is a scam

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by pressstart420.