An yet, there are some idiots who will use this as an excuse to get more guns so people can "protect" themselves from those shooters.
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Please do not take the following as any sort of attack. I'm interested as to how you hope a citizen to protect themselves from a gunman without any sort of firearm. There are plenty of idiots using it as an excuse to stock up on firepower, sure, but there are also plenty of people that are simply worried for their life or their family's lives. Often time, taking down a gunman requires another firearm (short of being Sam Fisher or something).
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I'd rather let all people have guns, than forbid it. I can't have a gun, because civilians in my country can't have weapons (of any fucking sort, I can't even have brass knuckles or club, because you have to get license for this kind of stuff). So what can I do? Use my fists against few bums with knives? If I had a gun, potential attacker WOULD realise, that he can die if he fucks with me.
EDIT: and bad guys don't care about the law anyway, they carry lethal unregistered weapons all the time. And I don't have any kind of defence against them. Reassuring, right?
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Sad thing is I can't see how the US could change their laws to stop this kind of shit happening. Completely outlawing guns wouldn't work at all, as there'd still be millions of weapons in circulation. Doing nothing and leaving the laws as they are allows this to continue.
They shouldn't have been given 'the right to bear arms' in the first place.
(From an admittedly very naïve Briton.)
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I think that goes for a lot of other European countries as well. It does not mean that it can't happen there, but it does seem that if guns are not a part of normal civilian life, that it is a lot less likely to happen.
But maybe more things influence how likely these shootings will occur.
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Having observed America's slow descent into chaos over the years, I wouldn't be surprised if their solution is to give all teachers assault rifles. Soon we'll be reading about teachers shooting children instead.
From a probably equally naive Finn.
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The right to bear arms is what freed us and kept us free from British tyranny. In fact it's the British that are directly responsible for our need to bear arms. It's a good thing too because those extra arms came in real handy in Europe during WW2.
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They could easily ban them and make people turn them over to law enforcement.
When they adopted it, it was helpful, I guess. Admittedly it was two hundred years ago.
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I'm pretty sure Dixies won't. But that's where the law should be enforced. Regardless it can be done but won't be. Even though people don't really have anybody to protect themselves from, they still hold onto that ancient amendment.
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Unfortunately it wouldn't be that simple, here in Michigan there are several militia groups that I know of that would force a showdown over trying to take their guns - and this would be repeated all across the country, Texas, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, etc. - the govt. wouldn't want to spark bloodbaths all over for what is a very small minority of idiots (committing very high-profile crimes) that should never have been able to get guns legally in the first place or who stole the guns from their legal owners...
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I'm pretty sure Dixies won't. But that's where the law should be enforced.
Today's shooting in Cali. Before that CT. Before that Oakland, CA. Northern Illinois U, Aurora, Colorado. Virginia Tech. Littleton. Red Lake. How many of those are in Dixie?
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I have no idea. But the point was that denizens of southern states won't give up their guns voluntarily should the government ban them. It had nothing to do with school shootings.
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Further, those who aren't exactly model citizens (read: criminals) have no particular interest in following any law or ban the government concocts. So, now it'll only be the police and criminals that have guns. I can see it going like this: "911, what's your emergency?" "There's a masked gunman who just broke into my house, I need help immediately." "Blah blah, sending someones." 10 minutes later "I'm the cop, I'm here!" "Yeah, dude, I was shot forever ago, I'm already dead. Too bad." Now, this may very well happen anyway, but at least giving some sane, law-abiding citizens the right to have a gun gives them the potential to save themselves. Police cannot be everywhere at once. Sometimes it's up to the citizen to take their life into their own hands. I'd happily take some potential to save myself over zero-percent potential.
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That's too hypothetical. Anyway if you have time to dial 911 when a masked gunman breaks into your house, you definitely have time to run away or just to comply with the assailant's demands.
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It is far too hypothetical but I only wanted to spend a few seconds thinking up a rough scenario. As for running, well, let's hope you run quickly and quietly enough. Complying doesn't always save you these days, either. It's happening more and more that one complies and they get shot anyway. Best way is really to be able to return fire. Simple.
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Keep in mind that we aren't allowed to carry guns in many places in some states, with great probability that that sort of enforcement will spread to other states in wake of the Sandy Hook shooting. In California, which is where this most recent shooting took place, guns are not allowed in schools or within X feet of a school (I forget the specifics and don't feel like looking it up). In most counties, a CCW (concealed carry) is not given ever. Open carry has been outlawed (carrying a gun openly upon the hip with no magazine attached to the weapon in any way and being absolutely unloaded). For example, in LA County, you will never get approved for a CCW as a civilian. It simply will never happen. The only place we're allowed to have guns in LA County to protect ourselves is in our homes solely. So, these two casualties had no potential to be stopped if no one could have stopped the gunman with equal or greater firepower.
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CT is a very strict law when it comes to guns, along with CA. To stop it before it starts: Yes, CT has strict gun laws, but Lanza did not use his own guns, he used his mother's guns (who acquired them perfectly legally).
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But when you look at it - most of them kids play CoD, CS and other bullshit FPS games and they have rotten brain. They think people will respawn in real life too. And when time comes - they get a gun and start shooting. They need to ban FPS games in USA!
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Politicians would say: "Shooter games are the reason..." cs_school.bsp <-- ?
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Games and movies (lumped into 'entertainment') can be the cause... but only for someone that is perhaps mentally ill. A sane person will see these things and easily recognize that these are just games and movies and in no way transfer to reality as shooting someone in a video game is far, far different than truly taking someone's life in reality. However, they do love for video games to be the scapegoat (far more than movies and other entertainment content).
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Games and movies can never be the cause. However they can facilitate innate violent behavior and tend to attract delinquents.
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With people so violent already, it was only a matter of time with them if they didn't get any sort of remedial help.
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People generally are not violent. There are millions content people on one homicidal psychopath. Unfortunately there is no way to tell them apart.
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I meant those that have their behavior amplified by games and movies, as you stated above, are already so violent and it's just a matter of time. People, generally, are not violent, though.
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Why post something you know will cause a toxic community? If people have a problem with guns in America then there are three simple solutions.
Avoid America
Vote to change the laws.
Do nothing and deal with it.
I don't talk trash about other people's countries or beliefs, and I wish people would quit saying how stupid Americans are with their gun laws or imply that somehow we have invited this upon ourselves. That is like saying it is the woman's fault for being sexually appealing if she is raped.
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It is far too late now. Guns have been introduced into the world and now they can't be taken back. America is contemplating further locking down gun rights, but all it does, in my opinion, is disarm law-abiding citizens. Criminals will, of course, not follow any current, revised, or new laws and as such will continue to acquire and use guns on a regular basis. The average law-abiding citizen, however, will have no access to guns and no means to protect themselves against anyone with a gun. It is extremely difficult to say how many should have guns, who should be allowed, where they should be allowed, etc. without introducing more issues, but it seems to be something that simply can't be fixed now. The only way to fix it would be to go back in time and never allow the production of guns in the first place. That, of course, cannot happen now.
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This is one opinion I can get behind 100%. I know it's not just America (we just happen to have more guns handy) so I'll just say it's a sad state of affairs. Can't we all just get along? Have some ice cream and talk it over, there's no need for violence.
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one guy was about to walk into my school with guns on the 21 of december but the police got him.
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It's not our fault that school shootings mostly take place in USA.
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No it's not your fault but you show your ignorance by making this about an entire country and branding all people in it. Not everyone in the U.S. (a lot of which are people from other counties) are Crazy Fucks Shooting Kids!!! Sorry just wanted that to be clear :)
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Neither said they were, nor branded anybody or anything but second amendment.
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'merica fuck yeah
i hate americans personally
even though
i am one
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most shooters do it because of the attention they get, even if it's post mortem.
so close this thread.
If you want to read more about it, google for shooters + interviews with psychologists
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It's getting old already. I do realise it's a minor case, but it's still adding to the list of school shootings that keep on happening and happening.
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