
i want to sell my remaining steam funds to someone who will buy an item that i listed on the market, but what item should i use to make things easier?

any precautions i should take? i know about the market tax.

8 years ago

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It has been awhile but I believe tf2 items work the best in this regard.

8 years ago

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I've been using reward items from the 2013 sale. Individual listings are still used for those. The common stuff is a pittance.

8 years ago

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thanks didnt know this, but if i dont use an uncommon item with individual listings, and instead buy by matching price, it might possibly go to someone else instead right?

8 years ago

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Buying under normal methods means buying the cheapest, no options.

8 years ago

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You have wallet ---> you want to give it to someone ---> he will buy an item of yours from the steam market ---> this will give you steam wallet.
Hmmm, I can't understand this. xD If you want to give him your wallet, then why would you sell him an item that will give you wallet?

8 years ago

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thank you. didn't make sense to me either

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8 years ago

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You're welcome. The creator of this discussion will probably be able to shed some light on this query. ;P

8 years ago

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perhaps he means his friend will buy some obscure item on the cheap, then list it at a high price. he'll then buy the item, thereby giving his steam wallet to his friend

8 years ago

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And why does he need to buy it from svfn at first? Why can't svfn just buy it from him in the first place?

8 years ago

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no, I think she means that the friend buys it on the market and then she buys it from the friend?

8 years ago

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who will buy an item that i listed on the market

svfn said that he's the one that listed it. ;P

8 years ago

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yea i meant the other way around, he will have to list the item. i'm just curious how this works :P

8 years ago

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Items that are different with each other, like skins, hats, etc., give you the option to search for a specific seller. Items that are identical with each other, like cases, cards, etc., don't give you the option to search for a specific seller.

8 years ago

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CS:GO weapon skins work great for this. Get at $.05 shotgun skin and list it at whatever you want. The taxes/valve cut does start to hurt the pricier the deal is though. The only things that can go wrong are: the other person buys the wrong skin and gets pissed, the other user buys your skin with a bad credit card and the payment gets pulled back, and someone else doing the same thing buys your skin instead

8 years ago

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thanks for reply. yea but i would have to buy a skin or uncommon item first, and that item will not be tradable/marketable for one week.

or i'd have to give him an uncommon item via trade (he would need steam mobile guard enabled to avoid hold) and ask him to list it, then i find the listed item and buy it.

so if i used a junk item that doesnt have individual listings like this, cheapest listing will automatically get matched to the highest buy order. so that wouldnt work.

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by svfn.