Dragon Age vs Mass Effect
Yes, a thousand times this. It felt like the second lost character compared to the first one, it almost seemed like they made a cast of "tokens" and streamlined a few too many systems, like planet exploration and the darn Citadel. Still haven't played ME3, though, so I'm curious to see how they tie everything up.
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You might be right now, but I played it when it went out and the ending just left a sour taste.
I didn't even pay a full price (went half with a friend) and still felt ripped-off.
P.S. Why the f*** would I want a companion app on my phone. Two saturdays and I was done. If I would've started talking about inter-galactic wars at work, I could kiss my job goodbye and sent to a specialised asylum 'just to be on the safe-side'.
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Mass Effect, hands down. The setting is awesome, the story is phenomenal (minus the ending in 3) and the gameplay is fun. I would definitely say 1 is my favorite, but 2 is a very close second. I always tell my wife that if I ever get amnesia she has to make me replay ME1. The story was awesome and the plot twists were amazing.
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You are correct =P, the entire Q&A portion of the study actually reflected change. They wanted a ton of suggestions on what should be considered "more important" in their development process, what we wanted to see more, what we didn't want to see. If we liked the story, what we thought the name should be. No idea how anyone else in the study voted, but it certainly won't be exactly as I voted =)
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Holy shit, got payed for that... so freaking awesome!
And I'm glad it's another story, ME1-3 was a great trilogy! Hope you can use different races tho, ME3 multiplayer was incredibly good! I never thought I would have so much fun with an RPG's multiplayer
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True there is not nearly as much room for developing characters in 1 DA game compared to 3 ME games. I feel like they develop each character enough and carry the right ones over into future games, like Leliana. But I completely understand where you are coming from.
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I've only played Dragon Age, Origins and II. In fact, I just finished the second one, and just bought Inquisition, and I'm about to start. I have ME 1 and 2, though, and intend to start it after DA:I.
That being said, it's unfair to vote at this point.
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I haven't finished the Mass Effect series yet, but Dragon Age will always hold a special place in my heart, since I was completely obsessed with it for a year or two. And it was the first game that I can remember beating. I still haven't gotten around to playing DA:I, though. I really need to get to that.
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I love both series. But if I had to pick one I would have to go with Mass Effect. Since you can play the same character through the whole series. I felt more connected with the crew. I know alot of people hated the ending but I loved it. Of course I waited until they released the extended cut before I played 3. I couldn't pick which ME is my favorite since to me it's just one epic story being told. DA lacks that. Each game is about something different & DAI tries it's best to tie them all together. And for me it just felt forced. Don't get me wrong Inquisition is an amazing game & every DA fan should play it. But as a series ME just flowed better.
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Played all games except Inquisiton. I like them both but mass effect gets my vote. Story of DA:Origins reminds me LOTR and gameplay of DA:2 is bad (boring and recycled maps). Mass Effect is unique. I dont understand why people dont like ME3 ending x.x
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Played Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2.
While I love all BioWare games, my preference goes to the Mass Effect series.
While Dragon Age: Origins plot is awesome, some skills and specializations are bugged or just plainly suck. Arcane Warrior is extremely powerful, Shapeshifter sucks, the Assassin's Lacerate is probably still bugged like the Reaver's Frightening Appearance bonus to taunt and probably more...
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Mass Effect just because I prefer sci-fi over fantasy.
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I prefer sci-fi over fantasy, so I give my nod to Mass Effect. Dragon Age is a fantastic series though.
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If you mean series, then Mass Effect. If you mean a single game: DAO = ME2 IMHO.
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Such a hard decision cause they are both so good :(
Probably have to go with Mass Effect cause the gameplay was simply amazing in 2.
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mass effect, because it had the better run. it dropped the ball like a champ in the third game, but the first two games were great.
dragon age had an epic, fantastic first game, and then kinda pissed it all away, sadly, by listening to the wrong people.
also think mass effect had a more cohesive storyline (third games ending excluded), where as dragon age origins had a fantastic story that was concluded and then it just kinda moved on with other storylines. da2 was ridiculously bad storywise.
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Dragon Age Origins best setting, great story telling
Mass Effect 2 best gameplay, great game feeling
BUT: Knights of the old Republic best story, best characters, most fun
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I really should continue it. It's just that the gun turret sequence is annoying with the tablet controls.
Anyway, looking forward to playing DA:O and ME one day. I played the intro sequence of DA:O but it had no save and I needed to turn the game off, and never came back, and I played some ME but stopped, not sure why.
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I haven't finished ME1 either but you should really try the second one. IMO, it's a lot better than the first one in terms of mechanics and gameplays. My love for ME grows after playing number 2 ^^
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Yeah... I'd only managed to play through half of the story and I still didn't know what happen to Wrex. But you did kinda "start again" in ME2 so I guess that's not much of a loss, at least for me :)
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My two favorite Bioware series and many others might agree.
But which do you think is better? Be it if you prefer one setting more, the gameplay in one more, or whatever reasons you may have. I wanna know your opinion.
My favorite is definitely Dragon Age as it is a spiritual successor to the old but gold Baldur's Gate and the D&D Era, but Mass Effect was a thrill as well.
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