Dragon Age vs Mass Effect
I personally just couldn't get into it. I got about halfway through, then never got the desire to continue playing it, so I never even beat it actually.
If you like ME1 though you'll love ME4 ^_^ They're bringing back a feature or two that was rampant in that one but absent in comparison from the other 2.
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Yea! Exploring planets was actually fun. I started ME series from second game, mised the first one (or my PC was old back there...) I loved the second one and wanted to get the full story. And it was hard to play the first one after greatly improved ME2. But the story, atmosphire and the spoilers didn't let me go. so i finished all ME games 2 times =)
It's mainly a game of it's year.
But take Baldurs gate for example i couldn't play it now... Tho it's almost the DA:O in its own year (1998 i think)
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Reasonable. I actually played Baldur's gate though after DA:O and DA2 right before DA;I came out. I like old games just as much as new ones =P A trait I notice most gamers have trouble acquiring.
I've completed ME2 twice, ME3 once, DA:O 19 times, DA2 twice, and DA:I once so far. I do love me my bioware games ^_^
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DA:I took me about 100 hours to complete all of its content, so if you do go back to it definitely make sure you're ready for that length of a game =P (Admittedly I spent two or three hours reading books in the game.) And then it has a somewhat entertaining multiplayer mode as well which gave me 30 more hours of gameplay before I took a break from it.
It's much better than two and an interesting twist on both of its predecessors so I'd definitely recommend giving it one playthrough if you ever get the chance. =) Some bioware to satiate you before ME4 eh? =P
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Last years made players extreamly casual and playing as a rogue in DA:I made me feal so lazy =))
Meaning walking towards an enemy by your self =))) But i definitly will play it, guys at bioware surely know how to make a good story =)
I'm actually quite sceptical about ME4, i mean so many years and not one trailer... Maybe the'r afraid of Star Citizen ? Wich look pretty awsome i'd say. And perfecting it or changing the course of the franchize who knows...
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In the past, I would have said that the ME series was better, but DA Inquisition is so much better than DA2 that I'll have to go with that series, instead.
Of course, with ME4 coming out, I will probably have to change my mind, again. D
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I've always preferred ME more than Dragon Age. I guess the medieval fantasy lore never really grow on me. Same case if we're talking about Fallout vs Skyrim.
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Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3 as well as Dragon Age 1 and 2 all sit unplayed in my backlog for now. They look amazing, but I haven't played any yet. Also have all the Baldur's Gate and D&D games unplayed as well.
Wish I had more time to play them now :(
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Isn't it annoying to have a secret and not be able to tell everyone? D
That's OK, though. We will just have to wait until news comes out before we can join the hype train. )
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You bet it is. But I can tell people verbally! Just not written =P
I've already told all my friends XD I'm sure they'll release the news once their study ends. Which should be in a couple of weeks! =D (Btw I don't know if you noticed but you responded on the wrong comment =P)
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Having played only DA:O and the whole ME series i'd say it's easy to guess where my vote goes. Both games are great but in ME you get to spend more time with your characters which allows you to create a deeper emotional connection to them. Plus I love how they created a whole non-stale universe that evolves during your playthrough, even if you're not involved in it. So yeah, Mass Effect hands down!
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It's a matter of taste. For me, the winner is Mass Effect. I was getting so attached to my companions that I actually shocked when they started dying (or just wounded, but first is seems I've lost him) around me. It's the first rpg to me that really gives me the feels.
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I'd definitely recommend Dragon Age. I tried ME1 and it was really boring, ME2 was better but still not enough to make me want to finish it. Never bothered with 3. Dragon Age: Origins was definitely worth a playthrough or two, DA 2 was one and done for me. Still havn't played Inquisition, but I'm sure it's amazing.
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From these 2 games Mass Effect, because I preffer Sci-Fi over fantasy. And for me story in DA was worse than story in ME series. I ended DA:O and DA: 2 only one time, and I ended every ME game 8+ times :D (Still haven't play in DA:I)
But on the second place I will always have KOTOR :D
(And normally I'm anti-hype type of human, but this few words that you wrote about ME4 is enought to start hype inside of me :D And If we will be able to drive Mako once more? That'd be great :D)
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Dragon Age has been all promises, almost zero deliver. It was supposed to be a giant, epic world with thousands of pages of lore and backstory, ended up as "insert generic D&D Lite world here". haven't played the third game yet, but ME was a much tighter, much more thought-out world with a larger lore, better cast of characters with more fleshed out personalities and stories. If we remove the sci-fi aspect, ME was what DA was promised to be.
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Truly? I found almost ten times the lore in the DA universe than the ME universe. And I explored all both series had to offer.
Maybe Fantasy just doesn't interest you enough then? =P The lore was definitely there. In fact I have never played a series with so much lore in my life (Except maybe the Baldur's Gate series, but all the lore wasn't in-game, whereas DA puts a large chunk of it in the games themselves), and I've gamed for 15 years!
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In the past 16-17 years I have invested at least 4000 hours in BioWare games. Granted, it is nowhere near as MMORPG players or people spending thousands of hours/dollars on CS:GO, but I have considerable experience with their older games, set in the Forgotten Realms setting.
I also have followed Dragon Age since the earliest days, when soon after Neverwinter Nights (hands down the laziest and worst BioWare game) they announced they build a new world with no strings (and license fees) attached. They worked like what… six years on it?Promised the most thought-out lore in video games ever.
The result?
A world where the main plot is the Evil is coming and has a horde. A few years after Lord of the Rings was finished in the cinema. And they didn't even try to get something original.
The world? Wizards come from one single school, which is a tower. Something so clichéd it is in Discworld.
Dwarves live in an underground kingdom and their society is mired in castes and politics. Again, Discworld.
Elves have two variants. One lives in the forest and hates humans. Every damn D&D setting ever.
Other kind of elves live in cities as secondary citizens. Discworld dwarves.
And pretty much that summed up the whole first game, including most side-missions.
Oh, have I mentioned the thief guild quests? Like in every damn fantasy campaign/book/movie/game ever? (That's why I just smile at TES fanboyism. They are so inexperienced with actual fantasy RPGs that they seriously get excited for doing the same guild quests in all games since TESII and believe they play something really ground-breaking.)
Don't get me wrong, I liked Dragon Age, but it was a very clichéd, unoriginal game, and far from being the best of BioWare. If the controls wouldn't be so damned awful, I would say that Jade Empire was a more thought through and better-designed game, and it was made almost as a lazy afterthought to pass the time between two large projects.
Again, I didn't play the third one, but the start was sure as hell not even a fraction of what was promised, or as ground-braking– or hell, just as good overall– as, for example, KotOR was.
Still, once I have enough money to get the third one, I'll surely do at least one trilogy run, plus one or two more runs on DA3 with different characters. But I think I would sooner get Divinity: Original Sin than Inquisition.
On the other hand… Mass Effect was sure as hell a Star Wars rip-off, but it had a lot of thought put into it. If I remove the sci-fi and fantasy aspects of the two franchises, Mass Effect was the game which actually delivered what they promised at Dragon Age. Yeah, sure, only the first game was an actual cRPG, the rest were dumb console shooters with an actual user-controlled story, but the way they set it up was almost down to the letter what they said about the "upcoming" Dragon Age years before it came out.
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I always tend towards sci-fi over fantasy, mostly because in a sci-fi world there is often a structure towards countering anything that uber-technology does. Whereas in fantasy, if something amazing happens, there isn't a whole lot you can do against "a wizard did it". For me, it's like the contrast between Fallout 3 and Oblivion.
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ME without a doubt.
something about dragon age was boring (sorry if i offended).
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Usually i like scifi but didnt really like any of theME games..so voted DA
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My two favorite Bioware series and many others might agree.
But which do you think is better? Be it if you prefer one setting more, the gameplay in one more, or whatever reasons you may have. I wanna know your opinion.
My favorite is definitely Dragon Age as it is a spiritual successor to the old but gold Baldur's Gate and the D&D Era, but Mass Effect was a thrill as well.
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