How do you interact with your Steam wishlist?
That would be nice, if they made it not get in the way for users who are barely interested in the one wishlist. The sorting options for the current wishlist are... functional... I guess, but yeah being able to just swap over to a secondary wishlist would make things a lot easier.
Prime example is VR, where the option to EXCLUDE VR ONLY exists, I have to use the searchbar if I want it to show me VR games on my wishlist... Being able to create a new wishlist for VR is the perfect example of the use of multiple wishlists.
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That's a good mix, just focusing on the top ones and letting the rest be vibing down there. I am sort of the opposite, where if a game has slid all the way down to the bottom it risks being removed from the wishlist completely!
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I add games I want to play to my wishlist; if something catches my interest but not in a "I need to have this as soon as possible", I click on "Follow" instead and review the followed games every once in a while and either kick them out or add them to wishlist
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I totally forgot that following was a thing... I have seen the Follow button right next to wishlist but never used it. I think I did one time but it didn't do what I thought... Do they send you alerts or updates if you follow them? How do you see the games you have followed?
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Yes, I get popups when something happens with the game, but I think only if I have Steam already running? Otherwise they can be found under "Activity" when you hover over your name, it's the first thing shown. And you can view your followed games from your profile, then go to games and it basically shows you the games you own and on the top there are the following options to switch between
"Recently Played
All Games
Perfect Games
I use the follow function a lot for those games where I need more info before I add it to my (huge) wishlist, like e.g. a game is not released yet, so I add it to follow and when it gets released I check some gameplay vids and decide if it needs to go to wishlist or not
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No wonder I never found it, that's really buried in there. Apparently I'm already following SkyrimVR and Lords of Waterdeep!
I'll give that a shot now that I know how to keep up on it, thanks for the tip, pretty sure I never would have found that on my own!
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I personally use follow for games I've completed that I really liked and would like to see news about if there ever is any (or maybe I just really liked the game's developer and am curious if they might have news of future games), and also for a couple of games that are in my wishlist that I like seeing news about even if I don't own it at the moment. Finally, I use it for unreleased games that I might want to see news of before its release and because these games are really interesting to me they are also wishlisted.
By doing this I can use the Steam News Feed Feature to focus on the stuff I'm really interested in (by filtering to followed games), so for me the follow is actually a higher standard above the wishlist.
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I add any game I am interested in playing at all to my wishlist. Then I automatically get email notifications when games show up in bundles or are discounted past a certain percent (I use I'm not sure, but might do notifications as well). It is also helpful to view my wishlist and sort by price of discount percent when there is a major Steam sale to see if there is anything worth buying.
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I don't pay much attention to Steam store as prices are nearly always astronomical compared to offers from legit retailers. I use ITAD and GGdeals for wishlisting games. You get notified via email if a game on your wishlist meets your criteria for buying same as on Steam.
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I do wish there was more than one wishlist, so I could separate "games I'm going to buy as soon as I can/goes on sale" and "games I want to remember otherwise I may forge, but still want to play", but overall I just put anything I am interested in on there.
Augmented Steam/Enhanced Steam also just works better with me doing it this way.
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I'm using it actively to keep track of games I intend to purchase. So, a step above "just interested in". I'm focused on clearing my backlog right now, so there is only one released game in there along with a few unreleased sequels to other games.
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Good luck on the backlog! Anything particularly daunting?
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Probably all these games that I've started and haven't finished yet. Either they're going to take 100+ hours to finish or I just didn't think the game was as fun as I'd hoped. But it hurts to see them being incomplete.
Other than that I'm not really stressed out by the backlog. I have less than 100 unplayed games lined up and I make sure my unplayed library only has games that I really look forward to playing. It feels manageable, even if it's going to take a lot of time.
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I mostly add games which I feel like I might like a lot. Kinda like a "yeah, I think these look pretty cool" list. And, yeah, I do rearrange stuff if I found out something new than makes me more interested in a particular game. ^_^
I also always keep it under 100 games, so if it's threatening to go over that number I go over all the games and reassess some of them in more details to make free up space.
...All of that is a rather meaningless gesture since I very rarely buy games for myself nowadays and quite a few games there are way above what I'd be willing to pay, even on sale (I'm looking at you, Code Vein!), because I'm stingy and also because no money. :X
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Yeah it can seem like just window shopping when they sit there forever... I finally removed Factorio from my list since I realized it will never go on sale and I don't want to pay full price for it.
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This is actually a good line of questioning, as many sites accesses the Steam Wish List (including SG) but as users use their wish list in different ways that can ''pervert'' the way users and sites interact with it.
My take on it is that the Steam wish list is probably made so that you can add the games you wish for, games you really want and want to play, but are not in a position to buy for yourself at the moment. Then friends on Steam or users on different sites can access that list and gift you the game, or like here: Make GA's for those games.
But I don't use the wish list that way at all, not even close. I place any game that catches my eye in any form at all on my wish list, so I get an e-mail alert when it is on sale. Then I can revisit the store page, read up on it again, possibly look into some YT game play videos, and then possibly buy it or decide against it and remove it from the list. Or let it sit until it's even cheaper.
This, of course, makes my wish list virtually unusable for anyone else than me. Firstly it is vast. There's many many many games on there. You will simply not get a sense of what type of games I really like by watching it. And sites like SG and its users will frown upon such a wish list, as it doesn't "fit the bill" on what many here think it should be like.
And lastly, for myself it makes for harder browsing of the wish list GA's, as that page is a horrifying mix of games I want, of games I might like, and games I just thought oooooh, what nice colours when I was drunk one night six months ago.... Worth it though. Totally worth it.
Possibly something sites should explore more, because a community statistical wish list popular game might just not really be that, but possible be a I'll buy this shit if it goes for below a dollar-game instead.
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I'm glad you find it a valid question, and it's wishlists like yours that made me think of it in the first place. Users not using the list is fine, but I have seen those huge lists which does seem like a good idea for a double-check before you purchase. When you're browsing you just load up the list but then when you're ready to make a purchase you don't have to go into the store and start from scratch since you already have a list that hopefully narrows down your options.
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Yeah, for me it's great, it works fine. However, for most external sites/users it's a mess.
And I'm not too sure Steam having two lists - for example a Wish List, and a Watch List - would help. For me at least there seems to be a sometimes wildly fluctuating line between the type of games I really want (the type of games I mostly play) and games I only think I really want, if that makes any sense?
So after the umpteenth time I would have to move a game between the lists (that is IF I would even care....) I would tire and just go with one list anyway 'cause it would be easier that way. A bit of the old: F'd if you do, F'd if you don't....
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I add games to my wishlist when I am (pretty) sure I will like it, I always just sort it by discount since I only buy good discounted games, games that look nice but are either not out or don't really have reviews yet and so I can't be sure I add to my Follow list.
When I see a game has a nice discount I will check the game again to be 100% sure and then I usually buy it.
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I add everything that looks more or less interesting to me (that's plenty, currently I have 310 games on my wishlist, although maybe one-third of them haven't been released yet or maybe will never be released) and filter it by discount. Needless to say, later I can buy something with 25-30% discount and ignore other games with 75%+ discount.
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If i'm interested in playing it I add it to my wishlist, but my backlog is still pretty intimidating so I just have it sorted by discount so I can pick something up if it's a "can't pass that up" offer.
Whenever a big sale hits I usually buy the highest discounted games off it and one or two I absolutely want to play. I'm cheap. :P
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I use wishlist to easily keep track of games I have some interest in and to see any discounts on them.
Pretty much any other game gets ignored using the ignore feature. Makes it easier to find things I am interested in if most of the trash is ignored/hidden.
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I use it as a way to keep track of games that might be interesting as well as games I know I want to play. I tried to put the games I really wanted to play on the top of the list and the ones that are out of interest are simply in the rest of the list unorganized. I find it more useful for games I might forget exist than really popular AAA games. There's been times where I really like a genre so I look up that genre on Steam and wishlist high rated games that look fun in that genre.
Added to all this, my wishlist is synced with isthereanydeal so I can track deals for games or find out if they've been bundled. I also like wishlisting unreleased games that look interesting (tend to add lots during game conferences like E3 especially), so I can see when they're released. If the release doesn't seem so great in terms of gameplay or reviews I might then decide to remove the game from my list or move it up the list if the release shows the game is really good.
One last use case is I have a couple of games in other platforms that I own but keep in my wishlist at the bottom if I ever want to see some games I really want to play that are outside of Steam. Once I've completed such a game I remove it from the wishlist.
Because I use the wishlist this way, my wishlist is pretty large. I consider it more of an "interest list" for this reason as there isn't really any other way to keep track of interesting games on Steam that I know of. I have gotten a bit more strict in recent years as to what I put on the list probably as a result of the lists size. A couple of times I've ordered the wishlist by rating and try to prune out low rated games that might not interest me anymore.
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+1 on everything u just said hahaha, my WL is a freaking mess right now, i have 1k+ games added just because and too dang lazy to do a good cleaning... don't get me wrong i've tried to make a cleaning but after checking reviews, lenght, price, bundle of about 200 games of which i've deleted aprox 22 games or something like that, i got exhausted and quitted xD.
It would be awesome if Valve decided to create 2 different spaces, one for WISHLISTED games and one for GAME THAT CATCH YOUR EYES aka INTEREST.
Or maybe some sort of extension like Augmented Steam that allow us to have this sort of space. What can i say... a man can always dream right (?
Anyway like i said, totally agree with your comment 100% :P
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Yep, I've also tried it too, Usually I can get to around the 100-200 mark and then ranking the game starts to get really hard, and I start noticing weird contradictions where say I feel a game should be ranked above say number 30, but below game number 40, even if that makes no sense. At the moment I have 124 games at the top with a sort of order, but its incomplete progress from the time I tried to organize them so tons of games are not in the top list that I might have actually put in that place.
Or I get confused because I start grouping up genres or games in a series in a certain spot for convivence even if I don't think all the games of that group should be around that same rank.
I've also thought a double list system would be cool, but when I really think about it, maybe its not worth getting too caught up in ranking games I don't even own, so I've more recently put a focus on the organization of my backlog instead which has been more valuable in my opinion.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA omfg is my exact thoughts hahaha. Is nice to see that we are not alone and that we are not some sort of weirdo gamers or something (? ... or we are weirdos and that's just fine but it feel a lot better knowing there are others like us.
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I used to use my wishlist to "bookmark" games, back when i only browsed steam in the client. As a result, stuff went in that later was removed. Then and now, I use it to keep track of stuff I want urgently, want to play someday, etc. Sometimes I will add a game to my wishlist--even though I have no intention of spending money on it--just to make easier the task of searching for SG giveaways for that game. In a few months, not having won it, that game might come out. Or not. I should spend more time sorting it, but....
I try to keep games I really want in the top 50/100. (As I sort through it, I will sometimes say "this game belongs at position X" and then send it to position X, without caring about the game I sent to position X 5 minutes ago, which is now X+1--or even X+20.)
That being said, I sometimes just plunk games in there and leave sorting for later.
I, too, wish steam allowed an "interested in" list and a "track to buy" list.
I almost always leave the wishlist filtered by "75% off>discounts. I really wish that steam allowed adjusting/sorting by numeric order when filters are applied.
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Probably over 95% of games on my WL are games, that I've found about through SG GAs and find particularly interesting for different reasons. By defaulf my WL is ordered by discount, so if I check it, I see, if any of them are on sale, but usually it has to be 90% off before I consider buying. But then I'm happy with my GeForce 940M and older games ;)
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Just out of curiosity, how do you use the Wishlist capabilities of Steam? I know wishlist metrics are vital to new games on Steam, but many of my friends barely use their wishlists. I know the subset of respondents to this poll (steamgifts users who browse the discussions) will not be representative of the entire platform, and that is fine.
I am of the type to frequently adjust my wishlist frequently. When I add a game to the wishlist I usually pop in there and move some things up/down in the ranking, or especially when I hear news or see gameplay of something on my list that usually influences me to be more or less excited about a game.
Reading over the poll options it does seem like a lot but I know multiple people who specifically fit into each of these options, so I hope it's not too much of a hassle (and I definitely couldn't cut potato).
Any thoughts are welcome in the comments, always fun to interact with the community here!
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