I will send you an invite! :3 Invitation send!
5 slots still available (of 20)!
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Im Prinzip schon..aber dann kann man sich sein Wunschlistenspiel auch so kaufen, bevor man darum Roulette spielt. Trotzdem viel Erfolg! :)
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Na ja hier kannst du ein 10$ Spiel gegen ein 50$ Spiel tauschen, mit etwas Glück. ^^ Und für 10$ kannst du normalerweise kein 50$ Spiel von deiner Wunschliste kaufen. :P
Natürlich hoffe ich nicht, dass jemand nur die teuren abstaubt und selbst nur billige macht. Falls das passieren sollte, muss ich mir dafür noch eine Regel ausdenken.
Aber ansonsten war mein Gedankengang dazu in etwas so: Nehmen wir an du hast einen schlechten Monat, du kannst zwar ein Bundle oder so kaufen und irgendjemand will das Ding auch tatsächlich und hat es auf seiner Wunschliste, dann machst du erstmal so ein Giveaway. Und vielleicht hast du Glück und gewinnst Bioshock Infinite oder sonst was. Würde das dich nicht freuen, was zu gewinnen, was du eigentich im Moment nicht holen könntest? Und später, wenn du mal wieder etwas mehr Geld übrig hast, kannst ja dann auch mal was etwas größeres geben, dann freut sich vielleicht wieder jemand anderes, der vielleicht gerade in der selben Situation ist, wie du damals als du nur ein Bundle Game Giveaway gemacht hast, auch warst.
So in etwas stelle ich mir das ganze vor. Wie gesagt wenn sich das nicht selbst reguliert und irgendjemand übermäßig viele teure Spiele gewinnt und nur billigste Spiele weg gibt, dann muss ich mir da noch eine Regel überlegen. Aber erstmal möchte ich es so probieren. :)
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A shame not to enter at this time.
Maybe in the future, if I get the chance, I would like to go .. Good luck!
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... ?
If the group only has people in it with +400 CV, what would the point be of having a CV requirement on your giveaway? They're saying a minimum of 400 to keep leechers out, but they don't want people then putting up giveaways with more than the groups' +400 requirement.
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The reason is that the 400CV requirement wasn't there when the group was created and there are some non-leechers in the group that are under 400CV.
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I wouldn't mind an invite - but I'll be upfront and say that I don't have a lot of money at my disposal at the moment, so after my initial group giveaway, I'll not be making a whole lot of giveaways for a while, but I'll promise to only enter for things I really want, and only enter something if and when I do have the cash ready to make a giveaway in return, in case I win.
I love the idea of a wishlist giveaways group - I always try to think of what people would want when making giveaways rather than just looking at what's cheapest to me.
Also hoping the groups' chat will be somewhat active :3
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Its totally okay, as long as you can buy a gift that one member wishes for, I dont see a problem here! And I like your attitude! :)
But I cant promise that the group chat will be used at all (don't know for what). But we can have a little chit chat in the group forum, I would like that! ^^
Invite send!
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Why thank you madame for the invite. At how many members should we start looking at wishlists? Currently the group has 18 members. Shall I wait 'till there's like, around 30 or so, then check wishlists? Better chance of getting something a lot of people will want / finding something on a cheap sale somewhere that's a bit easier to afford..
Oh and, what's your idea for a member cap / max members?
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member cap is 20 (might be raised later), so that everyone has a high chance to really win the games they are wishing for! In the worst case you have 19 entrys for a giveaway you want, still a chance to win it about 5%. :3
Please make your giveaway as soon as possible, within the next 48 hours after you joined the group. Its no problem if the game is only wished by one person. thats one part of the idea for the group, that you can win even the games that you wish and noone else wants (and because of this are never given away on steam gifts under normal circumstances) just put it on your wishlist and another member might make a giveaway for you! :3
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I have a good game that a lot of people will enjoy - Payday 2 :D
Will put mah giebawaynes later tonight :3
Had a copy for myself but putting it up for here, I'll get one for myself later when I gots some more cash again, relese is only in August anyway ;)
And good that the member cap is low, good idea, I like the thinking behind it. You should add to the rules, perhaps (or on the group page) a - well, not exactly a rule, but a request for people to really only enter for stuff they want, too :)
If you want any help with running the group, maintaining the spreadsheet etc, let me know on Steam (I'm in NL so we should be awake right about the same times ;) ). Then I can still contribute something to the group other than mass giveaways :)
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thank you very much, I appriciate your help offer (might come back on that later)! :3
About this: You should add to the rules, perhaps (or on the group page) a - well, not exactly a rule, but a request for people to really only enter for stuff they want, too :)
I think this will handle itself. Think about it, when someone enters many giveaways and really wins many giveaways he or she has to make as many new giveaways as he or she has won. So I think everyone will be carefull not to enter to much giveaways or giveaways with games they are not interested in.
And I don't think someone wants to have to make giveaways for winning games, he/she didn't really want. That would be stupid.
And Payday 2 is awesome, its high on the wishlists! So awesome giveaway! thumpsup but you really dont need to give away a game that you bought for yourself, a cheaper giveawawy will do too! Make a bigger one, when you have some money left. ;) you don't need to sacrifice your own games for the group. ;)
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Congrats. It's still a nice idea, and by an established and decent member. Not a generic "oh come join my group and only do AAA giveaways member cap = 10 including me and 2 admins (friends / alts)" thread..
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I think if everyone accepts thier invitations, we reach our 20 members cap! So no more invites right now! I will check this thread again if slots are available again! :3 Thank you for your interest in the group!
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you failed to make a giveawy that was on a wishlist.
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that was the problem, I tried to say him that he has to make a giveaway for a game that someone has on his or her wishlist and post it in the forum, but it seems he dont understand me. ^^
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first we have some leftovers from the beginning of the group, where there was no cv at all. second it prevents people to make cv higher than 400$.
if you got in the group, you either have a cv of 400 so you're not a leecher or you joined before the cv rule was there, but made a decent giveaway that shows that youre not here to grab all the AAA games only giving the cheapest games that are avialable - and as long as they dont leech I will not kick the members who joined before the cv was there.
thats why theres no cv on the giveaways itself.
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and you will get your game but after we changed the rules you no longer fit in the needs of the group, I´m sorry.
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Just curious, why would you give a rule-breaker a group win? Kick them and re-roll, no?
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Rerolls for wins by ex-members of groups are only honoured if the kick took place before the GA ended. Support usually asks for a screenshot of the history page of a group, too.
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Fair enough. I guess it depends on what rule was broken but if I was giving away Bioshock Infinite and the winner was some rule breaker than I had to kick from my group; I would likely just take the Not-Received hit and make sure the gift does to someone who deserves it.
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Better yet - manage your groups well, so rule breakers never even join, or get kicked before a giveaway's over.
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Well, yes of course that is the best option :)
As you can see, I've never had to refuse someone their gift; I'm just saying that I would if I was in this situation.
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Ayas Wish List Giveaways
The idea for this group is to win only wishlisted games. Not random games, that noone really wants, but games you really want, games like Bioshock Infinite, Metro Last Light, Ducktales, Saints Row IV, Payday 2 and much more - just put it on your wishlist and maybe some member will make a giveaway for you! You should be okay with the idea to first give, than take. So if you are a honest, upright person, who is willing to give and is fed up with all the fortix groups, this group could be your group! We have strict rules to prevent leeching, so don't bother to join, if you are a leecher, you will get kicked before you have the chance to leech.
Member Limit: 60 free 4 all slots (+40 private slots for friends)
Requirements to join:
Be okay with our group philosophy
Have a clean steamgifts history - not only bundle & sales games, not too much deleted giveaways
Be able to understand and follow the rules
After you applied to join us, we will contact you within the next days. If you didn't hear anything from us after a week, we are either currently on our member limit in that case you may got invited later or you got declined.
You don't need to post in this thread, we will see your application in our spreadsheet and contact you in case you got accepted!
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