Do you think there should be a way to block people abusing Trade Feedback as a way of Retaliation
Looks like you gave him neg rep first
Not liking someone's attitude is not a reason for negative feedback imo
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I did because he blocked me after i said No Thank You for his offer I never once treated him with disrespect he acted like a spoiled child that didn't get his way I had done nothing wrong to him. I left the Feedback because he was acting rude during the trade offer which had to do with the trade offer . He left the Negative Feedback out of retaliation because I left him one not because of the trade offer itself which is a clear violation of the trade feedback. He even admits he blocked me and there was no just cause to do so.
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Do you know that you did the exact same as you've been complaining in your topic? Trade feedback is for trade feedback, not personality feedback. Also, one may be intolerable as hell, but as long he trades without problems and delivers the game/money, he is doing it good. Do you see now why you shouldn't give a negative rep for him?
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Sorry, but I have to disagree. How someone conducts themself and whether they treat other people respectfully (and not like dirt) is absolutely relevant regardless of whether a trade is made or not. If you invited a nanny to your home to interview for a job taking care of your child(ren) or a maid/cleaning lady, but then when they showed up they turned out to be rude, obnoxious, disrespectful, and then you left them negative feedback on a services review site or whatever, that feedback definitely would be relevant and reflect upon their role/occupation and professionalism despite the fact that they did not end up performing any service for you and no agreement was reached. That feedback, when justified, can be a valuable piece of information for others looking to potentially deal with said person(s).
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But a nanny's job to take care a child - and with child that really means to maintain a respectfully behaviour. Trading on the other hand, not necessarily. I mean that even a good trade with a well-behaving trader can be organized in half a minute, only to never speak again. That half minute would be just as tolerable if they would be calling me ass, because it's possible that I'll never meet them again. Plus we have text option at rep, everyone can write it with a positive review that he's a jerk, but straight in trade.
As I've said, rep is for traing. For how trustworthy a trader is, not how pleasant personality. It's not positive to be a jerk, but it has nothing to do with the trustworthyness. As long as -rep is linked to scammers, one never should be labeled with it only because was acting like a miserable child. That's another issue. (Similarly like in school. You were talking about with your mate full history class? Then you've got a complaint about your behaviour, not history knowledge)
Imagine how would steamtrades look if everyone would give a -rep because they subjectively didn't like the trading partner's style. There's enough drama with the blacklists, we shoudn't let people -rep because they didn't like the other person. Though at least OP given a normal description...I wonder how many people read the -reps and not just quite " you have X -reps, you're a scammer"
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And as I've said, feedback is not only about trustworthiness like how you want to make it out to be. In the real world it's not just about the 'business' at hand, but also the manner in which people behave or conduct themselves in their dealings with others is absolutely relevant in any number of different situations. Trading with someone is hardly exempt from that. I agree that the system should not be abused but I think it is nonsense to suggest that it is not relevant whether to you or potentially to others who may find themselves in the same situation. As far as people leaving unjustified negative rep goes, the threat of them receiving the same deters that (or should if they aren't foolhardy).
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the other guy who gave you -rep, I've met with that arse too, and I dislike him for it, yet since there never was any actual in-trade issue* I'd say I cannot leave bad rep no mater what I think. Being stupid is not the same as dishonest trade. Therefore I'd say you shouldn't have given -Rep. As excepted, you got -Rep back, if you cannot live with that, then you should take the initiative to amend it.
*(didnt even get that far lol)
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it seems like he felt that you made a bad offer. he also mentioned that you also made some rude comments. but nevertheless... it's his right to block you for what ever reason he wants. there is absolutely no reason to give -rep for that. it seems you made the mistake, not the other guy.
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He is the one that contacted me first he was making the claim he made a trade offer and when i checked there was none after i said there was no post he hurried up and made a post for two off the wall games that were not in the trade offer I said no Thank You and then that was when he threw a tantrum and blocked me He was the one that came to me I didn't go to him
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I can't he blocked me right after i told him no Thank You on his offer he sent me
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doesn't matter. You leave rtrade feedback if trade happened. Trade didn't happen - so it doesn't matter if he was rude to you, if he blocked you, if he deleted his post - trade didn't happen, you don't leave feedback. By leaving feedback you were the first one to leave false negative feedback, and got -repped for it by him.
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Then you have obviously not read his Feedback he has done the same and worst to others you have not looked at their feedback they got or you would not be saying that these are two feedback back trolls that give the example of this discussion
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You should create a support ticket.
While we're on the subject, I sent a ticket regarding a false negative feedback and I still haven't got a reply. What's taking so long guys?
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How would you propose this new system worked? I can't think of any reliable way of automating it without causing more harm than good, but you've clearly got something in mind... How about sharing?
If you feel that this dude has abused the feedback system, raise a support ticket, Support will look into it when they get a chance.
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Lol, you are such a douche, its his right to block you, i block people just to mark them as so you dont need to remember who you already contacted. You deserver more -reps as a retarded trader. And you are dumb enough to not understand that you are using trade feedbacks as Retaliation for blocking you which is not right.
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I have to agree with the majority here. His negative feedback is not more justified or appropriate than yours.
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Wow, the OP seems to be misguided in interpreting what "trade feedback" means.
It is meant to be as a feedback for "after sales", not "before sales". Why? Because people takes the -1 points not as a marker for rude behavior during trade, but -1 is for scammers or other things. Thus, giving a -1 to other person, without that person doing scamming, or having the intention to scam, is a douche thing to do. If he is rude, just talk to him, if he doesn't budge, just leave him, but don't ever call him to be a scammer or something else.
It is different with 1-5 star rating on Trip Advisor for example. You could give them 3 stars, or even 2 stars, saying that their service is lousy. But you can't do the same thing here. If you give someone a negative reputation, basically you are telling others : "Be careful of this man, he is a scammer!" A scammer is very different with someone who can't do proper customer service.
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The guy you were dealing with sounds like a tool. But you haven't indicated that he was trying to scam you, more that he was disorganized and/or unprofessional. Such details are just that--details. Rep exists to indicate trustworthiness. Comments presented with rep exist to give details if someone wants details, rather than an overview of trustworthiness.
You left negative feedback first on a trade that never happened. I gotta vote yes on your poll while ironically considering you to be one of those people who abuses feedback.
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This trader added me to his friends list and made the statements that he sent me a offer which he did not. when i told him that there were no offer he then make a new post for games that were not part of the trade offer.
He asked me if i wanted to trade him for his 2 games and I said no Thank You.
He then Blocks me and Deletes his post.
After I left him Negative Feedback Because of the way he was trolling me and the way he was acting was shady. He then decides to retaliate by leaving me False Negative Feedback because I left him one.
If any Administrators are reading this please help me remove this feedback or at least contact me
For you people making Negative remarks have not read the other Feedback he has got he has done this to other people also
The Feedback was about the trade offer.
His feedback was a retaliation for leaving the negative feedback.
He was acting shady when he contacted me I stayed polite and respectful even when how he was acting was inappropriate
If people can retaliate when they receive Neg Feedback then all it is going to do is cause people to not leave feedback at all.
Traders have a right to know if a trader is acting inappropriate or trolling to scam someone.
If we lose that ability then this site will be a unsafe site to trade.
I feel there should be a way to reply to a Neg Feedback so a person can defend themselves from False Negative Feedback.
As it stands there is no reply to a feedback and that makes it 1 sided
This discussion is here to bring a point about safety. making this a open safe place to trade without being afraid to describe a member problem.
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