You'll probably get onto people's blacklist just because of this thread.
I don't mind personally though. They can adopt houlier than thou attitude and I won't have any GAs shortage in any shape or form still. Forum's gung ho are minority in the grand scheme of things after all.
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I don't blacklist on ratios (though sometimes I wish I did, hundreds of wins and gifts / comments in single or double digits isn't something I like to see), though I do find that more of the rule breakers that I will blacklist are here just to win, and will have minimal giveaways of their own.
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Yeah, no. Everyone on my blacklist has done something to get there, and it isn't your ratio, no matter how poor.
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yeah, he do, iam blacklisted aswell probably because of ratio, sadly i lost my 1:1 half year ago when i had financial problems, well it will be 1:1 soon again by a massive giveaway:-) still, not a big loss to backlisted by players like him/her as 95% of his/her giveaways just for wintraders small group. Wish there would be a list who blacklisted you so you can add them too but now added delta.
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I firstly joined the site in order to trade, but yeah, I started entering giveaways afterwards, because FREE GAMES! :D And you're right, everyone has the right to do anything they want here, as long as they don't break any rules. You started the topic so nice, but you ended up talking about sphincter?! Whatever. :P Anyway, in the end, just like you said, people should treat the others the way they would like the others to treat them.
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that's just wk/sjw and whatnot, random people and expected behaviors in that kind of website, and that's not just limited to ratio stuffs. there is no real interrogation to have about that mess as all these behaviors are understandable, and expected as i just said. mix the today standard web user and a website to win gifts from giveaways and you get this kind of result with morons everywhere attention whoring and spitting all the philosophical, logically failed drama bullshit they can
now some just manage a blacklist just as a way to give more chances to people that haven't won much yet and not really anything else, or so a same user can't win twice with them with the same kind of motivation
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Thank you for this topic, you make me feel so much better, the reason I'm on so many blacklist until now is all about my ratio, never did anything wrong, and I always respect all people here. There is a time I'm very active, then I noticed the hidden rule from alot of ppl SG here: ratio. Now I am afraid to show up, don't want to post comments anymore, even when I really want to post helpful things. Its not about can't enter some ppl's giveaways, its about being hated (you guys can say whatever reasons why you blacklisted the guy A, B, or C, but in the end, A, B, C all have the feeling of being hated), and thats a terrible feeling I must say.
You guys do know the good things of whitelisted, the happy feeling about that, even you don't need to win anything from the one whitelist you, right? The blacklist thing is the opposite.
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Your Whitelisted out of randomness. Good luck my good man.
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I enjoy whitelisting people too as a surprise for no reason at all sometimes. Sometimes, I like their screen name or I like their avatar or they say or do something nice in a forum posting.
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That's so nice of you, I pretty sure you make alot of people happy because of that ;)
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I always felt that the blacklist is more of a problem than its worth it. I've been tempted to blacklist some people but then I just think of how much of mess managing such a thing is and restraint myself from doing it, keeping that thing at zero is a simple way of not feeling guilty. I don't mind leechers as long as they're polite and follow the rules, and it's not like I do many public giveaways without level restriction so I don't really run into them. You will rarelly find forum lurkers that also happen to be total leeches. Long live the train format of GAs, it makes my life easier... most of the time at least.
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Well, forum lurkers turn into community contributors in time (I know I did), they will either start doing trains themselves or make the community better one way or another.
I used to be here, but college hit me, for half year I couldn't lurk here, no money, couldn't do anything, just joined some random front page and group GAs. Though I kinda gave a game worth more than the rest combined just before leaving.
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I don't really see anything wrong with choosing to give away my games to people who generously share or haven't won much, people who might actually play and enjoy the game, rather than people who enter anything they see and will never, ever be able to play all those games they're winning.
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Fair point, but as far as not playing all the games that one has, that can honestly probably apply to like 99% of the people here (if not more) considering where we are, first thanks to deep store discounts and then subsequently followed by the crazy bundle machine operating on overdrive these days that no one can possibly keep up with.
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Probably because it's not a matter for discussion. If I was up to blacklisting all Russians, I'd not make a thread stating that Russia is bad as a country, or every Russian is a bad guy. I'd do my thing and move on.
And if I was Russian, and I got blacklisted by such guy, obviously I could be at least sad, probably even angry if I found out the real reason. In this case I'd consider making a thread for gaining opinion how community feels about such reason.
Note: I don't have anything against Russians. That was used as an example only.
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I don't like to give my games to those who intentionally don't give games to others but take games from others and their reason is not acceptable.
For me is not JUST a charity but also a website with a game : giving and receiving.
I care about "ratio* when it comes to cases that the guy thinks he is smarter than others and outwit them by taking and not giving in return and obviously with some ridiculous reasons for convincing others.
But i never asked any one of my winners by a questionable ratio yet and never prejudged them and won't do. If one day i want to judge someone for his/her SG ratio, i'll get sure to have a conversation with them before judging then i will decide like once that i added the winner and ended to add him to my BL.
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Most people on my blacklist won a game from me but didn't bother to leave a thank you note (as those that did are on my whitelist). And as far as ratio... if you've won 1200 games and have given 1100 it's not a good ratio. But they've still given away 1100 games! Better than people that have given away 1 (to get to level 1) and have won 200 or something...
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Yes, sometimes I blacklist because of ratio but only extreme case ones. Like a 1+ year user with over 50 wins and 2-3 sent being either free games they snuck in or close to it(remember those extremely cheap GMG packs with Tidalis and such on every one of those profiles?) only to get their Lvl 1-2. I understand not all people have the ability to give away stuff on a regular basis, let alone AAA games, and probably some of the people that are in that situation are not by choice and should not be in my blacklist(and if I somehow learn that is the case for someone I remove them) but I'm sorry, I give these games out because I like to do so and it makes me much more happy for them to go to someone that is actively trying their best to be part of this community, to whatever extend their circumstances allow, than to someone that can be summed up in "me! me! me!"
I don't care if someone's ratio is w:1000/s:50 or w:50/s:1000 as long as there's indication they are willing to give back when they can, even if that's 10 AAA titles per week or one bundle game a month.
either way though I rarely make GAs below lvl 2 so adding them or not is quite pointless xD
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couldn't agree more. some people just don't realize that if they have a 1:10 ratio, someone else must have a 10:1 ratio. that's just how it works. and some just can't giveaway too much here due to their financial situation. so we shouldn't condemn them for a "bad" ratio. and i'm not saying i behave perfectly, when it comes to this. i do way too many high-level giveaways. i should do more low level stuff.
i think i'm going to clear my blacklist now (except for a few extreme cases, like a guy who scammed me). wanted to do that for quite some time.
EDIT: yeah, i did it. cleared 50 people. 4 left (2 developers who only do promotional giveaways and don't need to win my level 10 stuff, 1 guy who scammed me, and DigitalHomicide). feels good. ^^
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Haha great :) and you are right about your 10-1 ratio there has to be 1-10
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that's the truth there lol
suppose winning from so many people thats giving 1 each
n they expect the winner to give back = the number won lol
so if won 200 games from 180 different people that winner have to give 200 gifts "alone"
the only way to do that is mostly developer though
i myself ratio is totally not in good standard too but real cv is 0.8 so i see the way u pointed it clearly there
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I have never bl someone for bad ratio, cause I know there are people who can't afford to give away games every time. As long as people are friendly and respectful I don't mind. I even have some people with "bad ratio" on my wl. And those who won from me have always thanked me. I had a few with "good ratio " on my wl but some didn't thank me after winning ( I removed them ofc)
So I rather give to someone who is happy with a game even if they have a "bad ratio"
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Never blacklisted people for ratio, I actually only bl people that I really don't want to deal with again and that's 10 people for now.
EDIT: Seems that half of them are perma banned from the site already...
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I do blacklist for VERY bad ratio. I saw some winners with 300 wins and 2 giveaways created. That's a bit too much. Any person with some level of decency would think they should give back some good karma to life. If you are only here for leeching I will blacklist you.
I'm not saying ratio should be 1:1 or 0,5, I don't care, but there is no need to exaggerate the leeching.
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I actually found this site looking for a place to get rid of my extra bundle keys; the fact that I could actually win games was just a nice bonus. I don't particularly care about ratios, but I do have a problem with the really bad ones (e.g. 100+ wins and only 2 or 3 GAs). Besides those extreme cases, I don't really bother blacklisting for bad ratios. If someone is nice and has a bad ratio they're much more likely to end up on my whitelist and vice versa. I honestly don't get why so many people get so hung up on the whole blacklist thing. Every giveaway is someone offering a free gift and therefore they have every right to limit the people who enter for any arbitrary reason they want. It doesn't really bother me that much if I get blacklisted; if someone doesn't want to give me a gift, I have no right to complain about that just like I can't complain that I don't get gifts from random people in real life. I see every giveaway I can enter as a bonus so if I can't enter one I'm not losing anything. Besides, the blacklists make the graph look more interesting so that's something too.
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i almost exclusively blacklist for ratio and will keep doing it.
i don't want people who have won a lot and given little to win my GAs, its just how i feel things should be.
i have no problem with a 2/1 ratio but everything above that just seems greedy to me.
yours is almost 3/1 and i don't blacklist you because you're active in the forum.
but opening a thread about this topic because you are pissed that you have been blacklisted by random people doesnt make you look good.
it shows how much you care about being blacklisted and winning GAs, maybe you should think about buying some cheap bundles and fixing your ratio.
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comparing those numbers on the profile page can be misleading. some members have a "bad ratio", if you just look at the giveaway count. but they gave away high quality stuff and won cheap bundle stuff. so it's always better to compare real sent CV and real won CV. :)
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This is not about me, but rather what I see in various comments sometimes and what I deem to be some people's skewed thought processes. I already presented my point of view in the OP, so no need to harp on it, but if you think that I care about what the type that I described thinks of me personally or that what I am doing here in this thread is somehow a result of that then you are mistaken.
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And I would argue that blacklisting for that reason IS personal opinion. To me there is no objectivity there like there is with a site rule for example (as you pointed out). It seems entirely subjective. It may be your right to do so as you wish, just as it would be your right to roll around naked in your basement bathing in gasoline while smoking cigarettes, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't think that it is silly and dumb. If you can't understand that then maybe you are like a dog trying to see a rainbow.
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dogs don't give a shit about rainbows.
your analogy doesnt answer my question.(not everyone thinks of this site as just a place to win free games,but to share with people that want to share too.)
this site would not work with only people that take more than they give.
its the second most objective reason after rule breaking to blacklist someone.
most groups implement it as a rule because it would be unfair to the ones that give more.
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most groups implement it as a rule because it would be unfair to the ones that give more.
That's fine, so keep that sort of criteria in a group them. That's what they are for.
this site would not work with only people that take more than they give.
Again, not everyone has the means to make a giveaway of their own every time they might happen to win one and/or when you personally think they should. In an idealistic world where all things are equal perhaps.
dogs don't give a shit about rainbows.
your analogy doesnt answer my question.(not everyone thinks of this site as just a place to win free games,but to share with people that want to share too.)
I never claimed everyone, but as I said that is likely what attracted most people to here in the first place.
As far as dogs and rainbows go, they can't see in color in the way that a human does, so a dog would never be able to see a rainbow in the way that we do or have an understanding of it. That, like some other things here, seems to have gone right over your head. Anyway, I'm done as I don't see the point in discussing any further. We will just have to agree to disagree.
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funny how you suddenly start to insult me.
i think a lot of things go over your head.
for example the fact that you made this thread to bitch about getting blacklisted because of your ratio and then denying it.
your condescending tone just proved it.
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I'm sorry you feel that way but if you go looking for a reason to take any little thing as a slight then there is nothing that I can do about it. At the end of the day if you don't understand what I was trying to convey then it is what it is. It doesn't mean that I insulted you. However, if it makes you feel better then I was wrong and you were right and you win. I've already spent more time on this than I should have so good luck.
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you didn't convey anything, you just made an analogy that blacklisting people for their ratio is like rolling around naked in a basement bathing in gasoline while smoking cigarettes(which is just outlandishly crazy).
and then you made a statement that your stupid comment went over my head.
i don't think it makes much sense to argue with you because you call blacklisting for ratio "draconian". (which shows that you don't have an idea what draconian means, or you are just mad that people blacklist you because of your ratio.)
and just fyi claiming that something goes over someone's head, is an insult.
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won:sent ratio doesn't mean much, people can give a lot of keys just by spending a few dollars in bundles ($0.50 groupees bundles -.-).
i think the real cv ratio is more important and it's more fair to people that spend money on big games. giving away 1 copy of fallout 4 and then winning 60 bundled games won't match the amount of money spent and won.
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i've never blacklisted anyone :D. I just don't care. I do get annoyed seeing someone with a bad ratio win and i always tell myself to use sgtools next time but in the end it's just their luck and whether they want to make giveaways or not is not my business.
I don't think i'll ever blacklist someone tbh
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You most likely broke a rule of some sort, whether it's making giveaway(s) for free games, CV exploitation, intentionally fake/misleading giveaway(s), etc. Last week for example I blacklisted like a dozen people for leaving someone fake trade feedback after taking what essentially amounted to a bribe. I can't say for sure since I don't track these things. Anyway, I just took you off.
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Btw, if you are interested of keeping track then there's an addon that lets you write notes for users (and triggers automatically on whitelist or blacklist) so you can see when and if you have decided to write, for what reason you interacted with the user.
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First off, I do not have the time to get drawn into a lengthy debate, especially with everything that's on my plate right now, so don't expect me to participate much in a discussion, but by all means do so amongst yourselves and feel free to express your opinion and point of view.
That said, I do not understand why certain folks on here are so hung up on the concept of ratios and blacklisting others for this reason and no other (we are not talking about breaking rules mind you). I mean why do you think people were attracted here in the first place? "Oh cool, a site where you can go and have a chance to win free games? Sign me up!" Right? Is that not the general thinking of the masses upon discovering it? Why did they flock here in the first place if not to win games? So why should they be hastily begrudged for that?? Look, I get it. Nobody likes a total leecher that never (or almost never) gives back. But also consider this: That people give back when they can and what they can within their means, and not how or when you may think they should as if you somehow knew the details of their life and could fairly judge them.
Listen, I'm not trying to tell anyone what they can or can't do with their own blacklist. I believe that they have the right to do with it as they please. But I also believe in someone's right to be of the opinion that the sort of rationale presented here is both petty and short-sighted and that there are some people on here that are ridiculously self-righteous, full of themselves as if their shit smells like roses and doesn't stink., and need to hop off their high freaking horse and pull that stick out from their all-too-tight anal sphincter that is clearly bothering them.
So that's it in a nutshell. Agree or disagree, it's entirely up to you. All that I ask is that if you are someone who blacklists others based on what to me seems like this draconian concept of ratios, that you kindly do not enter any giveaways that I may post and treat them with the same kind of respect that you no doubt would want and expect for your own and your wishes for them.
So without further ado, some giveaways of games from the Indie Gala Majesco bundle:
Stay tuned for further additions!
Avalanche 2: Super Avalanche(8 copies, Level 4+)Advent Rising(8 copies, Level 4+)Krautscape(8 copies, Level 4+)Grapple(9 copies, Level 4+)A Boy and His Blob(8 copies, Level 5+)Double Dragon: Neon(8 copies, Level 5+)Bloodrayne(8 copies, Level 5+)Bloodrayne 2(8 copies, Level 5+)Bloodrayne Betrayal(8 copies, Level 5+)Costume Quest 2 (8 copies, Level 5+)
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