if people receive the gift from our giveaway, but dun give a feed back that it is receive, how do we deal with it?

11 years ago*

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curse them?

11 years ago

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Was in that situation a year ago, after i contact the winner he marked it as 'Not recieved'.

Contacted SG support with screenshots + Steam Gift send log.

They tell me 'We just solved this problem by delete your giveaway', so yeah. Solved.

11 years ago

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Contact Support, ideally with some proof.

They'll sort it out for you :)

11 years ago

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If after 7 days they don't mark it received you report them by hitting the support button. Make sure you have screen shots uploaded to a image site already to give to them as evidence that you did send it.

My suggestion would be after a day or so if they have not hit received yet, I would try to contact them via steam. They might not know they got an e-mail or anything from you yet. Ask them if they received it and if they have remind them to hit received on steamgifts.com

In the future if you are giving a serial key I would add them on steam friends and give it to them that way when they are actually there talking with you, and that way you can remind them to hit received. This is what I usually say.

"Greetings and congrats for winning my steamgifts giveaway."
Once they respond I continue.
"Give me a sec and I will get you your key."
This is when I go and get the key and open up steamgifts.com to the created page so that I can get ready to do stuff on my end.
I then send them the key via chat, I also hit sent on steamgifts.com
I then say.
"Here ya go, don't forget to hit received on steamgifts.com once you have a chance."
99% of the time, they go and do it right then and there. The other times steamgifts.com was acting up.
Once they say they have, I check the created page to confirm then I respond with.
"Again congrats on winning the giveaway, enjoy the game. :) "

I actually do this for stuff in my inventory and for serial numbers. That way you know for a fact that got it.

11 years ago

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well i send him a humble bundle key link in an email cuz he always offline in steam, but ty for all your support i will contact support after 7 day

11 years ago

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It may have ended up in his junk folder. That sometimes happens...

I know he seems a little elusive, but try adding him on Steam and speaking to him in person. It's often better to give stuff over chat, particularly if you're dealing with newbies :)

11 years ago

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If they can't be bothered to come online to receive a gift that they won then it's not your problem. Just make sure you send them a friend request and state that you will send them the link/key/gift through Steam chat and you're covered.

Always take screenshots as others have said.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by battlefieldtin.