Multiple people have already done that (just look at the discussion), but I think that only the giveaway creator submitting a ticket will be what is responded to.
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Then he should open a misleading giveaway ticket, but the creator wrote in the description that the GA was for Torch Cave 2.
There are only 2 options: change the app ID or delete the giveaway and suspend the creator for misleading giveaway. I think the first one is more fair.
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In case of a misleading giveaway it gets deleted. You can't simply create a giveaway for a particular game and give a different one so, if support can't change the ID, the giveaway will be deleted for sure or hundreds of members can be suspended for that not activated win.
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What games where you trying to change ? I've been told support only changes GAs when the names are extremely similar and could cause an honest mistake like Sheltered and The Sheltered.
Edit: Nevermind. I checked and found the gib in question. By my understanding that is something that would be normally changed without hassle so that can't be it.
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i didn't/don't think support cares as long as the winner and creator both agree. afaik that's all that really matters is winners approval & creator being the ticket submitter.
but i've never actually had a title changed, so idk anything for sure.
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I can't say first hand because I never had to change GA afterwards neither but I strongly assume they do (and have seen them and other people say so). Otherwise they would be flooded with "My promotional GTA V gib for my YouTube channel was actually supposed to be Woodle Tree Adventures. Whoopsie."-tickets :D
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well i'm sure there are limitations on clearly fake/promo GAs like in that instance. but i thought i've seen support suggesting working out a deal when a bad key comes up and then request the title change to match it... it's not nearly as suggested as agreeing to deletion however, so idk really.
(talking like a bad bundle key swapped to a good bundle key type though)
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Probably like with many rules here on SG there are no real guidelines how they are to be interpreted. Maybe ever support member handles it a bit differently depending on their stance.
For example I've heard that they do change gibs even if the names are not similar but only 1 time for every user (I assume because the rule can very easily be misinterpreted and doesn't really get across for what that support category is ment for.)
But then again I'm not 100% sure on this (more in the 85 - 90% region) so it would be great if somebody from support can clarify this should you happen to read this.
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We've been waiting on cg to update the site rules for at least the past 2 years, and until he does so, confusions will continue to happen.
That said, staff is quite reliable in answering questions, if you ask them of them.
This specific topic has been clarified by staff on previous occasions, example below:
We cannot change the giveaway to an entirely unrelated title. This option is reserved for changing one edition of the game to another or changing titles of giveaways for downloadable content for the same game
The sole exception to the rule has been stated to be when 'an honest mistake' was a possibility, due to the game having an extremely similar name (eg, Particulars to Particula) or being different but similarly labeled entries in the series (eg, Torch Cave and Torch Cave 2 >>). While someone may have encountered a staff member who allowed for a giveaway change to occur regardless, that nevertheless still wouldn't reflect accurately on the official policy as stated (and thus shouldn't be expected to occur again).
Do note, giveaways can always be deleted if both winner and GA creator agree, so as others have noted, that's the expected way to resolve the matter in most situations where the incorrect game is posted.
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Thanks for verifying :) I usually just remember the content but you always also have the documentation to back your claims ;)
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Well, new people here on SG (or people in general when it comes to free stuff) don't tend to think so I'll give the winners the benefit of the doubt. Creator however...
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I'm still wondering if that description has been there from the beginning or was added after the first winner complained about receiving the wrong game. Gonna check dates on comments now to look into that.
Ok. Description was already there before the gib ended. So I assume the creator didn't want to lose 800 slots because they don't have a dev account.
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i guess they still haven't learned to pay attention when creating GAs...
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The real sad part is that the multitude (>550 people marked as received) of people who joined this just don't care/know how this site works in the slightest... Not that that is any news to me for a high volume lvl 0 GA this is to be expected, but it shows very well.
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in this instance i kinda agree, it's pretty sad since it not only tells you upon activation, but it also tells you in the description of the GA too.. in the cases where it's just upon redemption i can easily see the "2" being overlooked, but they had 2 opportunities to realize it was messed up and missed them both in this instance.
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i won this giveaway and i got the correct game torch cave 1 were i just lucky?
i always double check my wins.
apparently i won a different torch cave giveaway never mind.
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This same guy pulled the same "woops" stunt before. Ha was even suspended for a while recently. It is one thing that the keys are obviously from developers, but if you extort keys with a supposed "I'll promote your game" con, not giving a single fuck about actually putting the correct name up just shows some real character.
And what saddens me is that 16 people of my friend list are members of his "When you thought the Original Traders weren't spineless enough" group.
At any rate, I alerted a few winners myself with this and the Sleengster giveaway, but for some I am using it as an excuse to just reroll them. At least they will learn to actually take a glimpse of the game they activate before they forget it after their bot finishes farming its cards.
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I wouldnt feel to bad. Its also the winners responsibility to check that they have received the correct game and not to break any rules.
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While it's not the fault of the winners aside from their responsibility to follow proper procedure, somehow I doubt this PSA will lead many of them take corrective action because if they couldn't be bothered to do that then I don't really see them reading this. It's good to bring awareness to it though.
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3 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by Vasharal
So, a couple of my recent winners had unactivated wins for the same game, where the giveaway ended at the same time, which seemed weird, so I did some checking, and discovered a ginormous clusterfuck, where the giveaway creator made an 800 key giveaway for the wrong game:
The giveaway was for Torch Cave but the keys that everyone was given are for Torch Cave 2. This normally wouldn't be that big of a deal if this was a mere single-key or less than say 10-key giveaway, but with 800 keys(!), it's causing some serious collateral damage. It seems that a LOT of folks are wrongly marking the giveaway as received, and it's now causing their accounts to show up with unactivated wins, which at some point may get them suspended and/or shut out of a lot of future giveaways.
So, I'm hoping that in addition to the winners of my games, other people who weren't paying attention when they activated the keys from that giveaway take notice, and unmark the game as received and/or mark it as not received. I really don't like seeing folks get in trouble for something like this, especially when it's the giveaway creator's fault for not deleting the giveaway before it ended and recreating it with the right game.
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