Actually I wouldn't expect that from 2K, what a lovely surprise.
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Maybe their sales werent so great on Epic and they try to win back their customers.
Now the only problem is to figure out wich version I should buy if I will buy it.
Guess you can get plenty of playtime on standard. Deluxe seems to be just a few mods and skins.
Super deluxe it 20EUR more and dont know if that is worth it for a few DLC. :)
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I went for the normal, I'm pretty sure there will be a better discount for the season pass by the time I finish the game.
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It actually sold very well overall, 5 million copies in the first week across all platforms. They sold 2 million copies on the Epic Store by the end of 2019. It reached ~8 million total sold by the beginning of february. I fully expect that the steam sales will dwarf the epic numbers though
I cannot speak for the season pass/DLC personally, but I know that the community was VERY pleased with the first content DLC that was released, and the second will be coming out on march 26th
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Thought it seemed to long but I thought the exclusive deal was a year and not shorter.
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There'll always be people who complain that that's not enough because X but it was a neat surprise for me honestly :3
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They released several. Most of the metacritic bombs were "muh steam" posts that gave it a 0/10 for that reason.
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I highly doubt that. This is not a competition. Epic is about exclusivity. And for that I'll never support Epic (do not own an account and never will) even if Steam goes out of business.
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Not even that. Would surely be a waste. I'd never launch Epic platform let alone play on it. I would soon forget I even created an account. lol
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Well, if they didn't removed it from Geforce Now, maybe there was a chance to me to buy it. Unfortunaly 2K just really don't care.
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On this times, pre-order (or buy without test/try it) an AAA game is madness (or a waste of money) considering what came happening with other AAA titles, also when i see a game with many version like Digital Deluxe and Super Digital Deluxe make me fill like someone is trying to cheat me, what happen with the good old GOTY version where you get all the content at once?.
Still a 50% is a nice way to add some "sweet" to the deal.
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"good old GOTY version where you get all the content at once?"
well ... hmm did you remember Borderlands 2 ? the goty is far to be complete ^^ (just for the +10 level max dlc the shame is here ) . So yes i'm not sure for the 3 if it's a wait or not . Probably ; i bought tons of games never played yet . And he comes the 13th it's the new league on Path of Exile ...
Maybe wait June at least ...
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You're right, i hate when they left content outside the GOTY, like 2K/Gearbox does with the all the Headhunter dlcs and the Ultimate Vault Hunter Pack 2. Wait at least until june is smart imo (probably i wait until xmas but still need to decide of what year LOL), also they still did not listed the dlc separatelly, so if we buy the base game how much we have to pay extra for those dlc later?
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it's amazing, we can pick from the Peasants-Trash-Base-Game, VIP-Edition, Deluxe-Version, Collectors-Edition, Directors-Cut, Super-Exclusive-Edition, Master-Rich-Shiny-Epic-Bundle, Ultimate-Collection and Overhyped-1-Million-Dollars-Edition versions of the same game. 🤔
we can't complain, look at all the options they are giving us! 😵😵😵
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GOTY's are just a way to grab all the people who don't want to pay full price, but follow that concept of "wanting the complete experience". They are usually overpriced (even when on sale, compared to the base game) and often offer very little worthwhile extra content, but are sometimes double the base price. In a way it's the ultimate scam, because it successfully catches those who think they avoided the scam by not buying overpriced DLC. But in the end they still buy it, in the form of a GOTY for 15€ while the base game is 7.50€ (and has 90+% of the content).
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Yeah, I'm becoming increasingly skeptical of certain types of DLC in general. DLC mini-campaigns, side quests, and etc. often don't even fit well into the base game experience, and almost always feel shallow and over-simple compared to the main game. They have that distinct "I'm playing a DLC mission" feeling. For instance, I felt like "Arkham City" and "Deus Ex Human Revolution" both suffered from this. Yet the price per-unit for these mediocre missions is higher than the content of the base game.
Likewise, special equipment packs often mess up the intended challenge curve of the game.
That said, Borderlands 2 is game where I at least got some good use out of DLC content.
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Well, it's not like people don't understand that the DLC are still overpriced. There just are no options besides actually pirating the game if you do want all the content available.
I strongly suspect that even the GOTY for this won't contain all available content
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I don't even get why people want all the content (the "complete experience"), no matter how good or bad it is or how it's priced. People developed this narrative that a game is somehow incomplete if they don't have all the DLC on top of it. Even if we're talking about DLC that was developed afterwards.
Gamers regularly complain about everyone and everything, including microtransactions and over-priced DLC, Yet they seem very willing to buy that DLC at some point. And yes, if a complete edition is 50-100% more expensive than the base game in a sale 2 years after release, then it is still overpriced.
People always say vote with your wallet. Well, then let's do that. I say ignore most DLC. Stick to the base game, it has enough content (if it doesn't, then it's probably not worth your money at all). And for the price of the DLC for that game you can instead buy a whole other game. Instead I see people here on SG and elsewhere constantly discussing buying deluxe or gold editions of new games and complete editions of older ones. If we continue buying over-priced DLC, the publishers will continue making it.
Not saying there is no good DLC at all. Or that every base game is complete enough to be played without DLC. Certain Paradox games come to mind. But I think what I said is valid for the vast majority of DLC.
I strongly suspect that even the GOTY for this won't contain all available content
Yeah, you will probably be right about that. ^^
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And what do we do about companies removing the base game from sale and replacing it with the "complete" edition? There are plenty of examples, with both Rise of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of the Tomb Raider coming to mind. This way they inflate the base price and force you to buy the "complete" edition, all while passing it as a good deal.
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I don't know I guess it depends on how much you want the game. I wouldn't expect anyone to completely pass on a game, just because it's only available as complete edition. I know I wouldn't do that (actually, I usually buy the games I want when they are new, so the question doesn't come up that often). In the end everybody has to decide that for themselves. But I agree, it is kind of a dick move and in cases like Rise of the Tomb Raider you really don't get much quality DLC with it. The Tomb Raider season passes have always sucked big time. There were a few nice things in it, like the croft manor thing, but that doesn't come even remotely close to being worth 30 bucks...
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yess, did not had hope they will go 50 off, seems like steam is doing change of their policy regarding egs exclusives.
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We have to thank Epic for QA testing this game for 6 months. With that said, Summer Sale is a few months away. We'll probably get 75% by then or, worst case, 50% again. Point is, there is no compelling reason to pre-order, as we're not getting anything unique if we did, IMO.
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-81% $60.90 USD Only for Borderlands 3 (Oh that's a Deal :D)
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You already own some of the items in this bundle. This offer is only available when buying all items at the same time.
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Are you sure, friend? I just checked on my own account, and I get the exact same price as you, but half of that is not having 'Borderlands GOTY' (which I could have sworn I owned). I'd guess that we're getting the same number for the same reason.
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It's sadly not one of those "complete your collection" bundles
If you legit didnt have any game in the series though, I think that would be a fairly good deal.
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Decent deal. Problem is I'm no longer excited for the game. I was when it first came out but I didn't want it on Epic. Never saw any rave reviews of the game. The general opinion was it was ok. Just more of the same Borderlands, which isn't bad, but nothing really new or innovative. I might get it if friends want to play but all the hype is gone for me.
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Yeah, this is sort of where I'm at. At this point there's no feeling of urgency. The hype came and went, and the game didn't turn out to be all that exciting. I do enjoy the game-play loop of Borderlands, so I know I'll play this eventually, but I can wait.
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No more hype. Price is not an issue if I want to play something, but because of my huge backlog, it is very rare I buy something not bundled. And if I do, I do it only because I am hyped on something new, so will I buy this? Nope, more likely I'll buy some of these from this month releases (but the most likely is, that I'll play my backlog instead): (yes, this one is not new but as not checking gaming news only steam upcoming games never heard about this one before) (this feels overpriced to me. as it will have A LOT of DLC)
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Brain: "With my backlog of games, it will probably be years before I get around to playing this. Better to save my money."
Desires: "SHINY! Cough it up, Wallet!"
Wallet: (whimper!)
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If I ever get around to playing it, I will probably get my money's worth. I still have multiple, sixty-dollar games I have yet to touch, however. P
On the flip side, I've managed to play some of my SG wins. Still working my way through Adventure of a Lifetime. D
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