Admit it, you just can't afford the game, thats why you're saying shit.
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In Mother Russia it cost 26,5$ for CIS. Instead of this I'm prefer cinema ticket and popcorn.
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They really forgot to change something. Click here for details.
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WOW that is a huge difference. they need to patch that setting asap sp everyone can see the true look
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There is no huge difference. This is placebo, check top links. There is only 7 renders screenshot.
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But if you try it after release, totally different, right?
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They really forgot to change something. Click here for details.
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You know, NORMALLY, when people criticize something (such as a game, in this case), they provide some sort of an argument as to why they dislike it.
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No, i mean you have few days to try this game and cancel pre-order. So you can save your money.
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On xbox/PS versions are streets dead like in GTA V. Almost no cars, no pedestrians, slow loading of textures and city mesh, low distance visibility, even worser car handling than in GTA V and way more. But i dont care... I will play on PC... :D
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We'll see, if it's lower than 7.5/10 on metacritic it's a 50% off buy for me, unless it's a total fail in which case I might not buy it ever.
edit: people are streaming it on twitch right now, I'm pretty sure that isn't allowed, so if anyone wants to take a sneak peek, head over there before those streamers get banned from twitch forever.
edit 2: after watching some streams, the game really doesn't seem very good. :/
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Well, they also did say that on AC3. Infact, I also shittalked AC3 when It was recently released, fucking shit performance on boston, unoptimized. The problem is, it's my PC.
I upgraded, and voila, the game is actually good. I think this is also the case with Watch dogs. A lot of whiners with outdated pcs will whine, but it will be good.
Don't worry, ubisoft isn't like rockstar, missions will be less repetitive, but still have repetitive aspects on it.
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I read in most previews the mission tasks were none too different from other established games in the genre. I enjoy the GTA games, but don't personally find this appealing.
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that's the same in AC3, or so they said, everything is different with the season pass ;)
I've played GTA and Assassin's creed, In my opinion, missions in GTA is much more repetitive
I thought season pass in AC3 is a sham, nop. It was awesome. Hopefully the same will be the same on watch dogs.
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I mostly agree with your comment.
However, I might be wrong, since I haven't played any AC games besides AC II on my PS3, but I found most missions repetitive, a little bit more than in GTA San Andreas or GTA VC. But, as I said, I haven't played many other Ubisoft games, so, can't really talk about something I've never consumed.
But, yeah, missions from GTA IV onwards are too repetitive in my opinion.
By the way, nice Konata profile pic!
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why? personally I think AC3 is better than AC1&2 (but I still like Ezio more)
I really like how they tell the story, huge gameplay improvement, and the most epic OST in the series (OST is even better than AC4)
AC1&2 has the worst stealth system in stealth game history and combat system sucks
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Wow, what a compelling strong argument, "because native american guy is boring"
If you are actually concerned about authenticity, then connor is the best they can do for a native american guy.
Natives are secluded from the civilization, so they are barbaric (brutal fighting scenes), have monotonous voice(that's how they actually speak), emotionless(They are considered warriors, on which they must not show weakness on their emotions), cold (He was under the impression that white guys are baddies plus the fact that he though his father was the one who ordered the death of his mother and burned his village).
If you are expecting another "ezio" in ACIII, then you are the boring one.
"Pointless-side activities": are you sure we're playing the same game?
Too bad you didn't put "Internet agrees with you" as your first sentence cause I would stop reading there immediately. That just means you are not confident with your OWN opinion and is need of verification from other people
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How is that butthurt, OMG you immediately resort to saying butthurt?
I'm basically refuting your point.
Hateable character
I explained it, connor is an authentic character
Nothing to do with the series
Are you fucking serious? have you played it? They ended desmond's story and tied everything in the previous AC series.
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oh god, you're still stuck on with the old story, templars vs assassins. I guess you didn't understand that AC3 was a fullswing/twist from the previous AC, and that made the story boring for you. They probably hasn't talked about the third war yet because they're gonna explain it in the future AC.
Here's the super tl;dr for you:
Assassins was all about freedom, making choices. BUT, Desmond broke everything against the assassin's order, he did the templar thing to do, by choosing to put humanity's fate to juno. He decided the fate of humanity instead of letting the people choose what to do (control and order in exchange of freedom).
If you played AC: Liberation [SPOILER ALERT], Desmond was identified as adam, and in the end, Eve was to save the world and the human race. Guess who eve is? Desmond gave up the world and the humanity to Juno.
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That was the point of the game, to show the downfall of assassins.
To show the connor was alone.
Ezio and altair has the brotherhood, they had allies, even though most assassin betrayed altair, he had ppl to wait for his return. But Connor didn't have it. Yes it had the assassin guild, but they weren't the usual assassin who swore vows to him, that will follow him, they were just hired helpers
You really didn't understand the game. All you cared was the assassin elements. And you're the one complaining about how lame the story is, how unlikeable connor was.
Your portal analysis is bad, assassins is not the main core aspect of the game, it is the story. And it linked/combine assassins from the templars.
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already finished AC2, Brotherhood, Revealation and I still think AC3 is a lot better
AC2 trilogy have really bad gameplay mechanics compare to AC3
Assassin's Creed is a game, if a 'game' has bad gameplay I think it's reasonable to call it a bad game
but that's just my opinion anyway, maybe I'm just stick too much with gameplay >.>
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Assassins Creed III is badly optimized. So are ... most of Ubisofts games.
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If those screenshots are accurate the game looks nowhere near as good as the trailers made it out to.
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It was already announced that they had to reduce the graphical fidelity. It's only running at 30fps on both consoles and only 720p on Xbone. The first footage they showed was most likely the PC version.
EDIT: I just now checked OPs links and they seem to be from the PC version, so perhaps it was downgraded as well so the consoles wouldn't seem to be so far behind.
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I will never understand why they have to downgrade PC version. Are people that ignorant about technology that they don't understand that 10 year old hardware has no chance of competing with modern PC and start demanding unreasonable shit so they can be on equal ground.
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Game is not as good as the said, and they're still hiding the PC version, but I'm not surprised...about the bad reflections, seems it's a trend, Borderlands 2 reflects wrongs places in windows, Thief too reflects a random outside of the town while the door with the window is inside, water normally doesn't reflect your character in tons of new games, but I still no see a reason why not buy it, I'm waiting for release, PC version gameplays, and reviews, but obviously the game won't be that good as you could imagine by seeing their videos, if the game is very fun and with tons of stuff to do I will buy it, it will cost less than 30$ on eBay(or 30$ right now). Youtubers who played it seem very happy, this could mean the game is really fun.
They talk too much about "next gen", but just see how are the new consoles....worse than alot of of the low end Gaming PCs, "next gen" is just marketing, you have to understand that it's just bullshit.
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"Youtubers who played it seem very happy"
It's all about money.
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Check out the following thread. seems like current version still has all video options configured for a conaole, and you need to tweak those manually to get a pc version graphics
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I'm going to do what I always do. I'm going to wait for two more years and then, if it actually turns out to be worth getting, buy it on sale for $10.
If I don't get it for free, earlier, that is....
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Who needs to buy new PC if you can run virtual machine with i7 and quad GTX 690.
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Just because it said it was an alpha release on the damn NFO doesn't mean OP has to take it into consideration. Don't you trust random russians anymore?
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This is why you don't develop a game primarily for last gen consoles
you develop a game for current gen consoles, then cut it down for last gen consoles as a separate release
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They really forgot to change something. Click here for details.
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*This is why you develop a game for PC, then downgrade it for current gen consoles, then again for last gen consoles
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Poor console ports, OMG_GTA, CGI trailers. Most AAA titles summed up, too bad silly people won't learn after they flush their money down the toilet for games that have more quality marketing than actual content.
Especially with ubisoft ... can't even remember which was their last game that wasn't a poor console port.
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So, if you try this game before release you will understand everything. This game is so overrated.
You have few days to try this game and cancel pre-order. So you can save your money.
1.So nextGen 2.So reflection 3.Such physics 4.What bugs? 5.Pathetic 6.Bump 7.Nextgen destruction 8.AAA project 9.Like a boss 10.Magic ball
Find some ultra video
There is no nextgen fix for PC, it's just Downsampled Screenshots From 4K.
ULTRA pc fix vs render "screenshots"
comparison of Ultra settings PC fix
Let's wait metacritic score and enjoy real nextgen (like Sleeping Dogs or Mafia 2) in few days.
Can you find nextgen game?
They're refusing to show the code to AMD for DX11 so it cannot be optimized on ati cards
As expected user metascore 4.7
Watch Dogs - E3 2012 vs PC Release (Ultra)
This game is a huge step back in industry, ubi does not understand what typical gamer wants from game experience. As long as huge promotions, marketing hype with fake tech demo and promises will do a trick nothing changes. What about fan boys, as usual they eat everything, writes 10/10 and even ask for dlc, so let them press "q" to hack more.
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