A special SWAT team is on standby to pick up the offenders for 're-education'
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Why even bother?
You can give some games which are free and you can't others.
How are you even to know which ones you can give and which you can't?
For example- Pajama Sam- sure, you can give it even though it was free and get full CV for it but you can't give the hornet...
Actually, at this point I'm guessing you can't give the hornet. No way to know for sure. Not to mention everyone just disregarding the rule about NOT giving away region locked games and their GAs are still there even after being reported and they'll get full Cv.
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You can give some games which are free and you can't others.
Generally, this comes down to access and availability. Offerings from Indie Gala and such that only require an email address need to be removed ASAP. With something like Vanguard Princess, it required new Playfire activation. A majority of the regular users here likely already have their profile linked. Sure, you can do it with alts, and I'm sure some did. But it takes a bit more time and effort, plus that offer seemed to be limited in keys.
You can see Vanguard Princess only had around 40 giveaways in the past week, whereas SKH:R had nearly 200 in the past 3 hours.
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Pajama Sam wasn't limited in the number of keys and only required the email address. Some of the other games that were limited, like the hornet- as there are "only" (which opposed to limitless is only) 20 000 keys- aren't allowed. It still makes zero sense.
Basically it comes down to- never mind if it's free, what matters is how many giveaways are made on SG at the time. That is just ridiculous.
If you're really fast you're the first one who created the GA for that game so there aren't a lot of them at the time of the posting so it should be ok. 5 mins later the number can grow a lot but there's no way for anyone to know if it will or won't.
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I, like many others, wasn't aware of the Pajama Sam giveaway. It wasn't even posted in this forum. As you can see, there wasn't exactly a flood of giveaways. I will let the bundle list admin know about it.
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Now, as long as we're making it about CV- what to do about the people who bought a game on sale or from Russia before region locking and got full CV here... Hmmmm xD ;)
That's why I hate the idea of CV, it can so easily be (and often is) manipulated.
If it were up to me you could create GAs for the free games but get zero CV and not get reported.
Now only to give a tiny push about the region locked games (especially when it's said clearly in the description that it's region locked)... <3 :)
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It was, we just didn't know in advance which game it was going to be http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/OyrwV/free-humongous-game-for-steam
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The Playfire giveaways don't even need email addresses. Neither new Playfire nor Steam acccounts require verification of any kind. All you have to do is punch in random info and non-existent emails on the sign-up pages on both sites, link them, and all the free codes appear directly within the Playfire site.
It's not that much more time and effort, and they're still free regardless of the amount of time and effort. It's not that fair that they're categorised the same as bundle games that cost actual money, is it?
Honestly, it's just been arbitrary.
And instead of removing those games from the giveaway list permanently, it would have been better if they had simply been set into a third category that gives 0 CV (or whatever SGv2 is going to use), so that people can still give them away in the future if they really want to, or if they got extra keys from legit purchases, and people who missed the free giveaways would still have chance to win some.
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Now that the game is being given away for free, reporting them is not needed and here is why...
It will be removed from the list and the mods will go though and manually remove every giveaway. But it will take time, as the mods/admins here work for free and there are very few of them.
The only ones you will need to report are the ones who after its removed from the list, make false giveaways for other games, but actually giveaway the one thats been removed from the giveaway list. You would think they would at least question why its not on the list and maybe search or make a post asking why its not there, but most figure its ok to make a false giveaway.
Hopefully with V2 of Steamgifts just around the corner (next week) we will see less of these kinds of giveaways and won't have to worry about people giving away free games to get CV.
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They're dragged away in chains to the dreaded "repotoire", where they're kept in solitary confinement where their only interactions come from the rats and screams of fellow prisoners.
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There are things worth reporting, you shouldn't give up on anything that you'd like to change for the better.
But the site is in the middle of new developments, we can all trust that there will be a better way to keep track of scamming and malicious behavior with a future update.
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I don't think I'll be able to humour you as I'm not much of a comedian, I always speak from the heart.
I'm simply a trader (no I don't promote myself, but since you asked) and I wish everyone who devote their time to this site and community all the best with an added level of understanding for the hard work that they go through.
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You mean to say that the moderators are not omniscient and in every place like the rays of the sun? How disappointing.... (
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