Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Thank you, Sinoda for your giveaways! ^^
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My absolute favorite is the old classic Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate! Just the right amount of strategy, character leveling / customizing and great soundtrack. Maybe I should install it once again... Even the briefing left me in awe back then ^^
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Oh man this does look cool. Seeing this reminded me that I still own "Fire Warrior" for PS2. I have so much nostalgia for that one, even if I probably spent more actual playtime with the Dawn of War series
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they should remake these songs T_T https://youtu.be/yx61xeDV_60
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Great game with a great soundtrack. This one really sucked me in back in the day. The gameplay still holds up today.
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Not entering but popping in to mention I am a huge fan of warhammer setting! :D
My father got me warhammer the board game. The fantasy one.
I was to young and had no friends to play with.
But I loved reading the manuals and collecting the figures.
I would paint the little pewter figurines.
It was a great time for me and just when I got into reading sci fi/fantasy books
It was perfect when I was going threw a tough time.
I won vermintide on steamgifts and after playing it for a ton of time. It has reinvigorated my love for warhammer!
Take a bump with lots of love <3
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I'd like to try Vermintide. There was a good bundle with it somewhere some time ago, but I didn't have the money. Next time, I guess.
Since RNGod isn't smiling at me recently
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i like 40k, fantasy feels like dungeons and dragons so if i want a "middle earth" feeling i can play that instead. ^^
fav wh game? probably dawn of war 1-2, especially the last stand mode.
res tof the games always fell short for me. either devs abandoned it, broken promises, or the game is just bad.
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The thing I liked about WHF as opposed to D&D is how realistic the setting felt. The designers really tapped into the politics and history of the late medieval-renaissance period which gave it a unique style compared to the more traditional fantasy influences of D&D. The lore for many of the nonhuman races is also richer than a lot of it is for stock D&D. Only the Forgotten Realms setting really fleshed out the generic fantasy races from the rpg that well, and largely as a result of Ed Greenwood writing the setting since he was a teenager.
D&D has a lot of great background and I enjoy FR and Dragonlance as fantasy worlds, but to me the living,breathing, "grimdark realism" of WHF's Old World will always be top dog:)
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The first two Dawn of Wars and their expansions are all great. Chaos Rising for DoW 2 has one of the best stories ever in an RTS who ends up being the traitor totally depends on your choices throughout the campaign, which is simply brilliant. Yep, Last Stand Mode is just too much fun. I played more of that than the "proper" game modes, trying to get my heroes to level 20. I don't know why they didn't add Last Stand to DoW III, they could sell a million pieces of DLC for that mode alone and at least people would be playing it instead of complaining about how Relic blew it with the main game.
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I think Warhammer universe is more diverse than 40K one
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Its pretty cool, but I preferred the setting back in in 3rd/4th edition. Nowadays its too polished with a focus on heroism, but back then it was a lot more cynical and grim, with more a sense of dark humor. You still have that bit of humor, but its not as effective against a heroic and gaudy backdrop.
Also, I don't like Age of Sigmar. I much preferred the Old World to the acid trip they have now.
Oh, you mean in terms of video games. Dark Crusade is pretty good.
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I prefer the 40k setting. It feels more unique.
As for best game? Hm, probably Chaos gate. It's flawed for sure, but it has a nice atmosphere.
Another great game (this one is set in the WHFB setting) is Dark Omen. It's really good.
My first 40k game was Space Crusade followed by Space Hulk 2. Space Crusade is not great, but Space Hulk 2 is quite good, and very challenging.
Final liberation has some great cutscenes, by the way. The game itself is not amazing, but the cutscenes are great
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fantasy is way better then 40k
but I don't really care for the lore but more for the gameplay
sadly fantasy is dead
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I grew up with 40K being huge at the time and all of my friends at school being fans, so it was a setting I was gradually introduced to and accepted and became very fond of during childhood. Sometimes that makes me wonder if I would be able to take the comically over the top super duper dark setting even remotely seriously if I were introduced to it today, but then again I guess that isn't really the point. I can't really explain my fascination with the setting, there's just something about it that makes me go all giddy and excited like the little boy I was when I first started playing with and painting those cool Space Marine miniatures.
Anyway, by far my favourite description of the WH40K setting is over on TV tropes, and it starts like this:
More than anything else, 40K stands out from other tabletop wargames because of its extreme darkness. Set roughly thirty-eight thousand years in the future, the most basic summation of the game's plot is that our galaxy has been twisted into a unfathomable hell where an eternal, impossibly vast conflict occurs between several absurdly powerful genocidal, xenocidal, and (in at least one case) omnicidal factions, with every single weapon, ideology, and creative piece of nastiness imaginable turned Up to Eleven...and even it has a Hell.
In the distant past, humanity held immeasurable power and glory, but no longer. In the waning years of the 41st millennium, the game's central faction, the Imperium of Man, is a paranoid, fascist theocratic state which spans the galaxy but is struggling mightily to maintain its grip on its territory. Its messiah was laid low by his most beloved son and has been locked up on life support for more than ten millennia, physically dead yet psychically conscious. The incomprehensibly vast Ecclesiarchy commits horrible atrocities in his name (but against his philosophy) on an almost-daily basis. The Space Marines, capricious, fanatical, genetically engineered Knight Templar Super Soldiers and the Sisters of Battle, equally fanatical, pyromaniacal battle nuns serve as the Imperium's special forces, while the Imperial Guard, its trillions-strong regular army, takes disregard for human life to new and interesting extremes. A futuristic Inquisition ruthlessly hunts down anyone with even the slightest taint of the heretic, the mutant, or the alien, even going as far as destroying entire planets, just to be sure. Science and technology have scarcely progressed for ten thousand years, partly because they are treated with fear, ignorance and magical superstition, and partly because the Adeptus Mechanicus, the secretive, deranged machine cult that maintains the Imperium's technological base, by and large sees innovation as blasphemy against the wisdom of the ancients. The Warp, the Imperium's only means of Faster-Than-Light Travel, carries with it a good chance of being ripped apart by daemons in more ways than one, and the souls of psychic humans are consumed in the thousands per day to not only power the Astronomican, the psychic navigation aid used to negotiate Warpspace, but to fuel the Emperor's life support mechanism.
As bad as the Imperium is, however, all the other major factions are just as bad, if not far worse. [...]"
And it goes on to summarise all the alien species that are found and it's well worth indulging in the whole delicious thing which never fails to elicit a big stupid satisfied grin on my face every time I read it. (Oh and I guess I should mention that I never really got into WH Fantasy, but maybe that's kind of understandable as I have never been much of a fantasy type person, even as a child.)
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Speaking of Warhammer, Dawn of War 3 in the next Humble Monthly! Pretty excited to sit down and try it. Even if it has bad reviews, I hope it has at least some good eye candy and cool story stuff.
Also the giveaways in OP all end in just over 12 hours, and not too many entries. I say enter for the WAAAAGH ;)
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How great is the Warhammer setting?
Still great! Just started a co-op campaign in Total Warhammer, buddy and I playing the two Dwarfen factions.
"I came here hoping to take it all back. I came hoping to look upon the far deeps, on the ancestor statues of the Abyss of Iron’s Dream. I dreamed of opening up the Ungdrin again, so that armies might freely march between my, Kazador’s and Thorgrim’s realms. I dreamed of reopening the mines, of filling the coffers of our clan with gold and jewels."-Belegar Ironhammer, True King of the Eight Peaks!
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I luv em all
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Game of the Year Edition
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Dark Crusade
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® II Chaos Rising
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr
Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Soulstorm
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® – Winter Assault
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III
Warhammer: Vermintide 2
Warhammer Quest
Warhammer 40,000: Regicide
Warhammer 40,000 : Eternal Crusade
Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon - Da Orks
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf
Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon
Man O' War: Corsair - Warhammer Naval Battles
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War
Warhammer: Vermintide VR - Hero Trials
Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team
Space Hulk
Space Hulk Ascension
Talisman: The Horus Heresy
Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion
Eisenhorn: XENOS
The Horus Heresy: Battle of Tallarn
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada
Space Hulk: Deathwing
Blood Bowl Legendary Edit.
Blood Bowl 2
Mordheim: City of the Damned
The Horus Heresy: Betrayal at Calth
Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada
also the deleted ones
Warhammer 40,000: Carnage Champions
Warhammer 40,000: Storm of Vengeance
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
Warhammer: Arcane Magic
i dont list those who were there before steam but
my personal wish=?
Bring back
"Warhammer: Mark of Chaos"
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So I saw this video from Extra Credits on Youtube yesterday, and it really got me thinking about how some really dang cool games are in the Games Workshop universes. I love the ideas of so many of them! I do find most of them to be pretty tough to play without seriously committing though? Do you enjoy the Warhammer fantasy or 40k setting more? Which is your favorite entry to the franchise?
Warhammer End Times: Vermintide https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/0TnjC/warhammer-end-times-vermintide
Warhammer Space Wolf https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/kpk1X/warhammer-40000-space-wolf
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Game of the Year Edition
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