Here's a reserved post. Because there will be more games. BE PREPARED.
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Updated OP to link to giveaway of the first game.
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Tynon1221 has added his own set of games - nearly 40 games in total! Thanks, Tynon1221!
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A ton more games have been added, and I finally stopped being lazy and made my second train for this thread, so BUMP!
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Two hours left on the giveaways and the Kickstarter! Get in while you can!
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Bought the first game shortly after release and it's a great game. It has a very "Star Trek" feel to it.
I still need to finish it, but it's a definite must play game on my list.
If the sequel is anywhere near as good as the first, it'll be a day one purchase for me. :)
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But you see, if everybody decides to wait until day one to purchase, or wait until it goes on sale to purchase, then it might not get the funding it needs to get made in the first place.
Do you see the issue?
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I spent more time trying to think of what to write for those descriptions than I did making the giveaways, so thank you for showing that it paid off!
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As I mentioned to Tzaar, if everyone waits until it's on sale, it might not reach the funding goals to get made in the first place. :/
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If it fails to reach its goal, I'll make sure to let everyone know who to blame. :P
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Indivisible and this game are the only two games I've contributed to crowdfunding for, as well.
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You were already on my whitelist, as well! Imagine that.
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Sad to see the number of people just wishing the game luck.
Only those who have the first game that haven't played it can be blamed for not helping, though (as, if they did play it, I doubt there'd be any hesitation)(provided they've the funds)(which, to be fair, I don't either, but that didn't stop me).
Crowdfunding is (by now) a gross thing to consider... so much so that I'm sad at having contributed to two campaigns (despite the promise of them) xD
Such is life Internet... so life.
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Hump da bump!
The first game is a-wesome! Really star-trek like, where most is achieved through diplomacy
Or you can be a dick to anyone. Or roleplay as gordon freeman
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Now I want to see Ross Scott (of Freeman's Mind fame) play Gordon Freeman.
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Just wanted to say thank you for linking to this thread in your description for your Portal 2 giveaway. Still quite far away from goal. Need more contributors/contributions!
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No prob!
I just don't know where to get audience, I've promoted on twitter and reddit, and now here. We need to find geeks' natural habitat of sorts
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I don't really use Twitter, and I tried promoting the game on reddit, but didn't get any traction. Still, must keep trying!
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I tried playing the first one but ias just so weird
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I saw this game two days ago at Dansgaming twitch chanel ( he was watching kickstarter games), and I liked what I saw =) But that goal is kinda big... like Dan said I hope devs will be able to deliver what they want to do.
Thanks for sharing =)
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First Consortium game is great! Not gonna contribute to KS though. I'm not preordering or kickstarting games, because you have no idea how they will turn out.
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I tend not to kickstart or preorder games, but I can and do make exceptions. For crowdfunding, so far I've only contributed to campaigns from developers who have previously run successful crowdfunding campaigns and delivered well-received games.
I can understand being hesitant to contributing to a crowdfunding campaign, but if you liked the first game, and the developers have already proven they can deliver on what they promise, then there's a lot less risk than contributing to a game from a new developer with untested gameplay.
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I absolutely loved the first part and I already funded the kickstarter. I do hope they somehow miraculously reach their goal.
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So do I. That's why I'm doing these giveaways. Have to try to get some more funds for the game!
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Consortium: The Tower is on Kickstarter, and is sitting a bit past a third of the way as of writing this. Well, seeing as how you all seem to like games (and seeing as how I'd much like to see this game get made), I thought I'd let you all know about it!
Consortium: The Tower will an immersive sim (think Deus Ex, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, Pathologic, etc.), meaning that it will be a first-person shooter in which you don't have to do any shooting, a game of diplomacy where you can opt to be...not so diplomatic, and a stealth game that you can choose to go in guns blazing.
But what really sells me on this is that it's a game where you're given a set of tools, and told to resolve the situation however you'd like. There's no right or wrong way to approach the situation. This is an idea that greatly pleases me, and one which I'd really quite like to see happen.
...Which they did to some extent already, with the first Consortium game. Which you really ought to play. Everyone should really play it. It only takes a couple of hours. And then you should help fund Consortium: The Tower.
(Probably should point out here that certain tiers of the Kickstarter include the first game, but won't be delivered until after the end of the campaign.)
Here, have a trailer for The Tower, if you don't feel like clicking on the Kickstarter page.
And here's a more detailed trailer on the effects your actions have on the game world.
...Ah, who am I kidding, you're not here for funding games, you're here for free games!
Here's round two, courtesy of Tynon1221!EndedEDIT - Still going!Tynon's added some more!And I finally added mine!Show's over, folks!
(If you want to see the original train, just click here.)
Why contribute to a failed campaign?
"Each and every one of you who has pledged at the Consortium Initiate level or higher on Kickstarter will not only be able to keep your pledge and rewards when the intermission period ends, but will eligible to become a SUPER BACKER with us.
What’s a Super Backer? It means that in the future all games released by iDGi in the Consortium Universe will be free for you. Forever. This will apply to all pledges made up until the ending of our Kickstarter campaign, so if you’re sitting at the $5.00 pledge, or on the fence about pledging, you’ve only got a limited time to take advantage of this. There will be some more information next week on how this will work from a technical standpoint."
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