Let's exercise your intuition, choose the one that you think have the most voted. Tell your rank in comment^^
Is the question meant seriously? Because (in my opinion) most AAA games are boring, generic, bug-ridden games. Also they don't cover a lot of genres normally. Most of them are either some kind of FPS, third-person action and/or stealth game, then you have sports game (which repeat every year, and for notation I also count racing games to sport) and strategy games. Granted I don't follow AAA games so I may overlook some genres completely.
Indie games (while there may be a lot of bad quality games) are free in their design can create new gameplay concepts, try out unusual ways of story-telling and go for some distinctive art direction/style (in comparison to the typical shiny realism over everything most AAA games do). For me the are just more fun to play. But yea, as you see I'm heavily biased towards indie and not very fond of AAA games in general (although I have of course quite a number of them).
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So you and your friends are still very young, with a very narrow and not yet fully developed private preference. You stick to what your group is playing and the usual broad agreement are ... AAA games. No surprise there.
The existence of many genres relies on indie games. Without indie, graphic adventures probably wouldn't exist anymore. Experimental games wouldn't exist. The strategy genre wouldn't exist, beyond Total War and Civilization and few others.
So those indie games with their very high rating certainly won't appeal to everyone.
From the Humble bundle that caused your question, I'd only love to play "VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action". Simply because I already loved another game from the developer, "Read Only Memory". It had charme and a great story and this looks like more of that.
I'm not that big into graphic adventures, but the original Day of the Tentacle was my most loved title from the genre, so I certainly wouldn't mind to play the remastered version. And I'd be interested in trying Deadbolt. Everything else ... not so much. But not because they might not be great games but simply because they don't suit my personal taste, be it in genre, style or whatever.
The most stupid thing any gamer can do is to judge about "indie" games in general. There is more variety there than in all AAA games ever created. The difficulty is only to find what would certainly manage to please you too.
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Ranked #2 because I was the second person to vote on anything. :P
Most of you who know me will know what I voted on.
[Edit] Ranking #1 now.
As for your question:
why many sg users give high appreciation and play time to mariobros-like game when this world have modern good and complex game?
Because the majority of newer games lack considerably in many ways. Gameplay, story, even atmosphere is something you barely ever see in AAA games; these games pretty much only have graphics, world size and details to brag about. The rest of it, in general, is lazy, boring, unoriginal, and simply won't beat some indie games when it comes to how good it is.
While I'm mostly an AAA gamer, I understand the appeal of Indie games and myself appreciate them, often even more that AAA games. AAA games however, tend to get my attention longer than most indie games, probably due to the shiny graphics and the fact that I prefer FPS/TPS games which are pretty rare in the indie games universe.
It's all a matter of perspective, taste, and opinion.
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Ranked #1 Just Cause
I will post my original reply here as well to save people the trouble of changing threads:
Why many sg users give high appreciation and play time to mariobros-like game when this world have modern good and complex game ?
Let's take a look at a few modern games... I for example LOVE the Assassins Creed Franchise for the incredible amount of content every game has and the attention to detail that went into it but even I can't deny that you're basically doing the same thing you've been doing since AC1 over and over again.
Since you mentioned the Division... I've played it a few hundred hours with 2 buddies before they lost interest and it's a good covershooter on a huge, stunningly beautiful map BUT it pretty much plays like every other covershooter I've seen + a lot of gear grinding and the endgame content = PVP was completly broken when I last touched it.
Same goes for Gears of War or Uncharted...
So while most modern games pretty much play like every other modern game small Indie Games (like Nom Nom Galaxy, Sheltered, Papers Please) ofter dare to try out new stuff and are more mechanic / gameplay based which can be really addicting.
Edit: Also even in richer countries there are plenty of people that don't have a 1000 - 1500$ PC. I for example tend to play AAA games on console (because I know they'll work there + lots of other reasons) and mostly Indiegames on PC.
Edit 2: What I forgot to mention in my first reply is that hating on big publishers or big games is also just fashionable nowadays.
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I generally find you get more variety with indie games, or smaller budget games from big companies. My favourite series on any platform is Yakuza, which is one of Sega biggest titles in Japan, but in essence it's just another open world game, which there is tons of, like gta and saints row. Saints row started as a gta clone because thq thought it'd get recognition for that, and it added its own style as the series went on. Watch dogs is trying the same thing. Whereas indie games tend to have more creative freedom, so they could have jumped straight to saints row 3/4. The big thing is that for every good indie game there is about 20 bad ones. Aaa games often disappoint, but tend to still be good games
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A good example of creative freedom that I should have put in is Rocket League. A big games developer would never have greenlit that, but the game is polished and receives close to the same attention Aaa games get
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The funny thing is that the Rocket League dev DID pitch the the game to EA and was turned down and just a few years later an EA executive said ""Would I want to be the guy that found Rocket League? Yes. Would I want that to be an EA property? Of course I would like to." and they even started a new company initiative to give more promising Indie games a chance.
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It likely did need a good bit of work at that point, so can't blame them for not taking it up as its hard to predict what'll be a hit. And just happy to not have to deal with origin
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That's true specially considering the predecessor Super Sonic Rocket Cars (or whatever it was called) didn't sell nearly as well.
Also if it was EA we would have never gotten it as a "Freebie" before it was even released from Playstation+ :D
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I voted なんでもない nanndemonai and was the first to vote for that category.
I like both AAA games and indie games. There are a LOT of games available these days. Online sales and distribution mean you can get more experimental games as they're produced by small companies or individuals instead of big companies. Buying indie games often means you get something a little different. It's interesting to try new types of game, and if you don't like it then you haven't spent so much money.
For me, I think it's the availability of indie games, the slightly different feel, and perhaps my age that are factors. When I was a kid indie games weren't really available. The were public domain games and freeware, which were okay. You could order them from advertisements in magazine, or sometimes get them on floppy disks given away with magazines then as the internet was more common you could download them. At that time, I wanted the big name games as soon as they came out. Perhaps because there was the anticipation of the release, saving money to buy it, and the fact there weren't as many games. Now there are so many games available, they are cheaper and easier to buy, so I don't feel I need to get the latest AAA games. I have plenty to play until the price drops a little and can choose from Indie games too
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You are playing games to have fun. I lot of indie games can offer you that fun, breathtaking stories and addicting gameplay. Most of AAA titles have nothing behind the shiny graphics. But such graphics alone can't give the Fun in most cases. My son (14) didn't look to the indies at all... "this is not for me, I would better play Crysis again" that were his words. Recently, I encouraged him to play the Broforce together with me and we spend 3 sleepless nights to complete this game. So, he is asking me now what other amazing games (like Broforce) I have in my library. So, I assume you just need to try to play a good indie game.
Ranking #1
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I think that with real indies, you might have the chance to play something new, different, while with AAA title, because of marketing or what the hell, you know that the product will always be something "canonical". I'm not saying that innovation is the only thing to aim (I'm keen on supermario since I've played the first mario game on nes), but when I search it, I know that I have higher chances with indies. Of course I have to add that there are, as always exceptions, so not all AAA are the same and not all indies are innovative.
EDIT: Also I'd add that AAA have an huge "equipe" behind whose aim is to sell X copies, while indies (even if they aim to eran something too) may be slightly more interested in the quality of the product itself than in reaching a number of copies sold/earnings.
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Graphics don't make a game good. AAA titles can be good, but just because they are AAA doesn't mean that they are. Many indie games are just as fun, or more fun than AAA's. Don't worry about what your friends think, play what brings you joy!
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I'm definitely sure someone has already mentioned my further thoughts but I'm too lazy to look for it so here it comes :
Indie aka Independent developers are free to make whatever they want so if they have an idea to build something new which was never known and experienced before, something they feel "Eureka!" about, developers can just realize it in their game/s."This thing" might be a game-play feature to implement or a great story to tell and share their own points and opinions with the other people all over the world(or at least the gaming world,yeah, definitely gaming world.)
And that's why I prefer indie games over the other ones...
Especially over those which are developed just to proceed the game-play or/and a plot of their previous game/s(aka sequel?) for the simple reason that the first game(aka prequel?) was successful. But in my opinion ,(yes, it feels like my text formatting and the whole comment building is garbage) those sequels are repetitive and boring, I guess I never finished a single game as 100% and I can barely count the games where I finished the main plot because, for me, it becomes eventually the same process.
That's pretty much it, here's "I hope you understood what I wrote because my English is bad" cliche ending!
Ranking #1
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You're welcome!
I can generate comments as anyone else, except the fact it usually leads me to an abyss of blacklists, especially jokes, according to my stats, I stopped getting blacklisted and continued my way to be more white when I stopped commenting whenever I felt like commenting
Let's see how many Blacks I will get in the current "double" roulette game =d
BTW I wonder if reading SG forums can even substitute reading some books, assuming we have many topics to be discussed here and some books are low-quality and meaningless pages of some information, written by another human like you and me, but my opinion is, of course, subjective.
too many commas?
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voted "Please Stahp" in JP
I don't really like AAA games, I repeat NOT LIKING, or to be precise 嫌いじゃない、好きじゃないだけ。 Because those AAA game tend to have High Spec Requirement than small indie game
and most of my friends in my area (IDK about your area, our country might be same, but it must be diff area), who got high spec PC. they still play AAA game illegally because they have some kind of bad mindset, which is "If I can get it for free, Why do I have to pay". So they often underestimating Indie games
Remember when Playstation 1 still a best console at it's era?, I wonder why I had so much fun playing some games that could make me and my friends laugh and enjoy it together rather than recently released game which intend to only please player by the beauty of the graphic but cost a lot more than the fun they get
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It's not so much about being Indie or AAA as much as being an enjoyable game. There is a number of games looking great, with amazing graphics, cool explosions, all the latest technology has to offer and they end up a hot mess with nothing new to offer, bland storylines, uninteresting characters etc etc. Plus AAA only come from a number of studios which all have their "signature" feel. When you're playing a Rockstar game for example you know you're playing a Rockstar game, their open world policy and the way they lay it out is pretty standard between their titles. Which can get boring.
Then there can be indie games that due to their small budgets look outdated or go the easy way of pixelated graphics(it's a huge trend now) but are so well made that captivate you right from the start and don't let you go.
Of course these usually are the exception but when it happens, it's great!
Another big factor is the difference in pricing. Indie games have lower production costs so they can afford to sell for less than AAA titles do. That makes the game much more approachable and investing some money in it and not liking it after all becomes a much smaller loss than what it'd be if you had payed the $50-60 a AAA usually costs on release.
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Some AAA games are great, some suck. Some indies are great, some suck.
Same as movies, some blockbusters are great, some suck. Some low budget movies are great, some suck.
Likewise, there are old movies that are still good, and some that aren't, and the same is true for games. I recently introduced my 7 year old to Q-Bert, and he played it non-stop for a week. Sometimes I'll pick up an old classic and it's nigh-unplayable today.
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2nd rank. I play and enjoy both indie and AAA titles
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Yes, some people like both, and some people like none.
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AAA games = bigger budget, lots of publicity
Indie games = less budget, less publicity
both of them are the same. they're games. in the end every game ever made should be judged equally, not ''Oh! It's indie! so it sucks!'' Then Stardew Valley pops along and say ''Look at you, poor Man's Sky, everybody hates you now''. On the other hand, Dishonored 2 comes around and knocks Galactic Hitman to infinity''.
you shouldn't ask small indie games vs big AAA games. that's just unfair.
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well, in my real life area, my friend (not me! maybe including me lol) think it is irrational to play some small game when you can play big badass game. Different area different mindset i guess. "in my country 18C is very cold, while in europe, 18C is a happy warm temperature"
vote result?
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Badass game is subjective. It depends what you want to play. Most AAA games are action/fps, and they are really good, because they have the budget. But Indie games compete on other aspects, which is what makes them unique and sometimes innovating.
You rarely find AAA games that has something unique to offer. most of the time it is a recycle of a mechanic already implemented for previous games.
I don't think its the mindset of being in different countries. It's just your personal taste for certain genre of games. maybe u love fps, and there aren't many fps on the indie market, so thats why u think AAA games is better. On the other hand, there are people who prefer playing relaxing games, or rogue-like games, which is everywhere on the indie market.
So in the end it all comes down to preference, and taste.
I think mine is 4th
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errr, maybe because of my bad english, i can say it the way i meant it to be. Im really sorry for that. I'm on the netral side, I just want to know the idea of why people choose indie game, cause in my area none of my REAL LIFE friend give any attention to indie game when they can enjoy AAA.
So, for both movie and games, I enjoy both sides. You can read my conclusion to get my idea of small indie vs AAA titles^^
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The more audience is familiar with something = the more it sells.
Familiar gameplay? Familiar story (with necessary plot twists)? Familiar UI, ways of telling the story, moving through locations, companions and NPC?
These are the things that sell. You can find them in AAA games and most people prefer something they already know (and nothing wrong with that, I myself have fun with AAAs). Devs of large titles play it safe, risking money adding something that may be not liked by audience rarely is considered, just like with movies.
To find something different, something fresh and interesting one needs to find a good indie game OR an AAA title from the very brave developer.
It may be a new type of gameplay or the story that crosses boundaries or the world that is experimental... Or anything else. Of course not every indie game is that unique - there is a lot of clones of each other, but, well, true gems happen sometimes :)
Tl;dr: games with big budget won't risk experimenting, games with small budget can and sometimes do.
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I chose "This," because it was the first one listed. Currently, it is the second highest choice.
From what I can tell, most AAA games tend to be action and/or FPS games. Although I've played a few action and FPS games (Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Tomb Raider 2013), it's just not my thing overall. Plus, well, indie games tend to be a lot cheaper and get bundled. :p
On the other hand, I don't tend to like "retro" or "pixel graphics" games. Growing up with some of them, I always wanted better graphics. Now that better graphics are available, I'd like to take advantage of it! :)
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Games aren't made of money. Budgets have nothing to do with quality.
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Personally I don't care if the game I play is an AAA title or an indie game. Both have the same value for me, none is necessarily better than the other. Money is not a big argument for me. Sometimes AAA games are more impressive graphically and technical wise, sometimes indie games are more creative in terms of story and gameplay. Sometimes it is reversed. High gloss pictures can be as beautiful as pixel art for me. Show me Fallout as a small indie game, show me FTL as big budget AAA title. I love them both and would rate them on the same level.
I've played superawesome AAA games and I've played superawesome indie games as well. Same for movies. Same for music. What I know is that if I would only play AAA games, watch blockbuster movies and listen to famous music acts, I would consider my life to be pretty boring.
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So. this thing start with the " Humble Overwhelmingly Positive Bundle". I got confuse why so many people interested to take even top tier of the bundle, and spending times play those indie games, when they can play AAA title. So i ask someone from the discussions, and get 3 answer, that i think very good to read
I WOULD LIKE to read all comment from sg user, but BEFORE you give comment and voted, please read my question
and the good answer from 3 expert (cause all of them have 1000++ game IMO)people.
Edit : Ok, maybe because of my bad english, ppl get misunderstood. Im really sorry for that. I'm not opposing any of them, (#TEAMNETRAL) i just want to know the idea from ppl who choose small indie when they can play AAA titles
Here's my idea :
People choose to spend time on small indie game cause SOMETIMES the AAA title is like big beauty box, but empty inside, compared to small old box, that have gold inside. And why so many people on SG act like that, is because this community takes gaming activity deeper (the three of you are good example, having more than 1000 game is a solid proof). When you only do gaming activity at "Surface" level, the graphic will satisfy you enough.
Have a nice day wherever you are in the world^^
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