The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series is awesome, it's definitely worth a try! ;)
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+1 very atmospheric with fun RPG elements... and a good bit of difficulty if you're into that
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Ghost Recon (the very first one) or very first Rainbow Six.
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Minecraft with Ferullo's Guns Mod. :D
But to be serious - CS series, CoD series, Battlefield series, Payday games (partly FPS games), Hawken, Sniper Elite, Team Fortress 2, Ghost Recon Phantoms (well, it's 3rd person actually but still good FPS game), Left 4 Dead series, Killing Floor.
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Well, there's no need to be a dick about it. My post wasn't serious either.
Who would suggest Payday? There's no 360-no-scoping and 'tactical' commando pro!
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I'm always a dick to people. It's one of the few species I don't like much. I think they are weird. I guess I need to study them a bit more.
But you can 360-no-scope and even 420-blaze-it in Payday. And you can even use noob tubes. Also you can kill your own teammates. Aren't all FPS games about killing teammates for funzies?
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That's reserved for Battlefield 1942, Dynamite and Jeeps.
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Killing Floor? Seriously? If you like it, good for you, but don't go around advertising piece of shit games like that to other people. And as for CoD, you REALLY have to specify: Call of Duty 1, 2, 4 and World at War, as anything following World at War is GARBAGE(or as Ben "Yahtzee" Crosshaw calls it, SPUNKGARGLEWEEWEE).
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If you don't like a game it doesn't mean it's a bad game. Killing Floor is very good game but you need to play it with your friends to get the best experience from it.
About CoD - well, it also depends what you like. I had a lot of fun with MW3 online multiplayer some time ago. And since OP asked for FPS games then I suggested all CoD series games.
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"Killing Floor? Seriously? If you like it, good for you, but don't go around advertising piece of shit games like that to other people"
Why do you dislike it so much?
If you take Killing Floor for what it is, it's a good game. It's co-op survival at it's best.
But if you expect something more uhh..."generic", then yeah you probably won't like it.
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Survival horror at its best? The fuck, are all you people high? I PLAYED IT, it's a piece of shit. It sucks donkey balls. Left 4 Dead 2 is about a million times better...IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE.
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Do you have an actual opinion why the game is shit? And I wouldn't really make comparison of these 2 games because L4D is very different game. While Killing Floor could be called "arena survival", L4D has story behind it and it's maps are basically linear corridors. Of course, you can't really talk about graphics too because that's what only little kids do (for example, can't call 90s game shit because it doesn't have as good graphics as 2014th game). Killing floor is survival horror game that's really fun to play. If you don't like it, it doesn't mean the game is bad. It just means that you have to shut up already and keep your little kid comments about game being bad to yourself.
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Oh I dunna...let's see: shit AI, difficulty raised artificially through the fact that zombies can soak up bullets like David Hasselhoff soaks up gin, horrible level design, no personality, no sense of achieving anything whatsoever apart from moving from point A to point B, idiotic trading system, crappy weapons give the impression they work as well as shooting peas through a straw, the physics mechanics are horrible and too. Not the person to care too much about them, but I've seen games from fucking 2001 that look better than this horrible monstrosity. Like Return to Castle Wolfenstein. And this is a game that came out in 2009. That's fucking inexcusable. I mean, how do you take the Source engine(which gave us the awesomely looking for its time Half Life 2) and manage to screw it up so royally? I don't even like the damn sub-genre enough to be insulted by this game for smudging it. I think zombies are way over-used and cliche. But I can recognize a good game when I see it, even among the annoying zombie-shooters. And that's Left 4 Dead 2, not this steaming pile of manure. Seriously, it's so bad, it's not even funny. It's Hellforces, You Are Empty or Painkiller Redemption levels of bad.
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"shit AI"
It's a horde wave based survival FPS. The game is supposed to swarm you with enemies not give you smart ones.
"difficulty raised artificially through the fact that zombies can soak up bullets"
You can say this about most games.
As you perks level up your stats increase and you can start doing stuff at higher levels.
"horrible level design"
Level design is fine. Some maps are harder than others.
"no personality"
"no sense of achieving anything whatsoever apart from moving from point A to point B"
So basically what you do in Left 4 Dead 2
Also objective mode is not the main mode at all, it's something they added last year and people rarely play it.
"idiotic trading system"
Trading? There is no trading.
"crappy weapons"
Weapons are fine.
"the physics mechanics are horrible and too"
"And this is a game that came out in 2009"
The game was made on Unreal Engine 2. The graphics don't look bad by any means.
"I mean, how do you take the Source engine and manage to screw it up so royally?"
Unreal Engine 2.
"I think zombies are way over-used and cliche."
The game originally came out before the zombie craze.
It's clear they're not zombies and are genetic mutations.
"And that's Left 4 Dead 2"
This game is not Left 4 Dead 2, it doesn't try to be Left 4 Dead, it came out before Left 4 Dead.
Take Killing Floor what it is and you'll find a good game.
Compare it to a game that's it's not then yes you'll most likely hate it. For some reason people compare this game to L4D a lot despite being different games and due to the unfair comparison they end up hating the game.
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Right, mea culpa, didn't pay enough attention when I read that shit on wiki(that's how much I loathe that game). But the idea still stands. Unreal Tournament 2004 uses that engine and guess DOESN'T look like shit. Also, all my other points are valid, that game sucks at EVERYTHING. Mutated, zombies? Seriously? We get lost in technicalities now? How is that even remotely relevant to the game being good or not? In Left 4 Dead and The Typing of The Dead they refer to them as "infected" too, not zombies. It's basically the same fucking thing. In Zombieland or 28 Days Later they're technically not zombies either. You really have to be all sorts of a pitiful zombie-freak-geek to actually care enough about such a tiny, insignificant aspect(that basically no one with a brain gives a shit about) and, even worse, try to defend one of the worst games ever made on that basis.
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Borderlands 2...Planetside 2....Bioshock!!! Or Farcry 3: Blood Dragon...if you can stand the hideous uplay drm >.<
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Fair enough, I totally understand. Just started playing Blood Dragon and it's my first experience of uplay, it's terribad >.<
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Crysis 3. I actually enjoyed the campaign quite A LOT, more than a lot of other games that were supposed to be better than this "generic FPS".
Also Bulletstorm (underrated gem), Half-Life 2 (and episodes), and mostly:
DEUS EX HUMAN REVOLUTION. Amazing ambientation, great story, solid graphic style and quality, and a lot of freedom in terms of exploration and how to approach each mission (you can complete it without killing anybody but 4 people, and 3 of those can be killed indirectly). Not to mention its superb gameplay and its fine-tuned level design.
Seriously, you are missing out without having tried DXHR.
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Because gameplay, and it is stated that Sarif has some contracts with LIMB so Jensen can have easy access to software (those Praxis kits) and hardware.
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I enjoyed Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light more than any other FPS I have played in many years - I highly recommend them.
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You should try S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Shadow of Chernobyl. But be warned, it's a hard motherfucker, much harder than the 2 Metro games. But it treats the same subject, has a similar ex-soviet post-apocalyptic feeling(only it's on the surface, not underground). Also, the survival game-play elements are much more pregnant than in the Metro series, it's open-world and the voice acting is much better, given that it's done by actual Ukranians. Bottom line, if you liked the Metro games, you'll adore this one(unless you get frustrated with how hard it is and how much you'll die:D). Oh yeah, it's an old school game in which you can actually save your progress :-p(good thing too, given how hard it is).
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I can recommend you dozens.
Here are some FPS games: Bioshock, Bioshock Infinite, Unreal 2 The Awakening, Crysis, Far Cry series, F.E.A.R, Half-Life series, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Deus Ex and Deus Ex Human Revolution, Chrome, Call of Juarez series(except The cartel, that one sucks major balls), Call of Duty 1, 2, 4 and World and War, Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Serious Sam series, Painkiller series(up until Overdose + Hell and Damnation, skip ANYTHING in between), The Darkness 2, Singularity, Metro series, Star Wars Republic Commando, Star Wars Jedi Knight series, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl, Doom 3 + Resurrection of Evil, Quake 3 Arena, Borderlands series, Bulletstorm, Dishonored(I guess you can consider it an FPS..technically), Red Faction
And some TPS games to match: Max Payne series, Dead Space series, Grand Theft Auto series(especially IV), Gun, Saint's Row series, Spec Ops The Line, Just Cause series, Tomb Raider series, Splinter Cell series, Hitman series, Sniper Elite v2, Velvet Assassin, Red Faction Guerrilla and Armageddon, The Godfather, The Suffering series.
Just take your pick!
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As said above recommend any fps or tps game any sub-genre (rpg,horror etc) :D Just one rule , it has to be on pc :)
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