I see no valid reason for that, let everyone choose the value they want on their contributor giveaways. I am cool with it.
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Yeah, people can, and should do what they want with them.
It does seem odd to me sometimes, seeing a bundle or super cheap game with a contributor value over 200, but if they're getting entries, whatever.
I think they're a great way to give back to those who can afford it, but it is charity that those capable of handing out hundreds of dollars of games away don't really need. A somewhat odd contradiction that seems to reward people gaming the system more often than not, but if 1 contributor walked away with a game they wanted but hadn't picked up because of it - awesome.
The community should NEVER dictate HOW a person is being charitable. We should be grateful either way.
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You have a point there, it's true that those who give more will more likely have less need for the games and vice versa.
On the other hand I do not really know if the purpose of the site is to make charity work, or simply sharing. As for example I myself could most likely have bought all the games I've won with my own money, but there's always that plus when you win something, I don't know, like a better feeling.
And as you well say, the contributor, their rules (as far as they are within the site ones, sure) the community should never judge anyone on their requirements (Within the rules).
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I was gonna type out a long reply and you jsut said everything I thought. So thanks for saving me time lol, and valid points lol
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There's not really a reason why the giveaway's creator shouldn't be allowed to set the contributor requirement as high as they want. Sometimes they do it thank those people who have been especially generous. Instead of complaining you should contribute more if you want to enter those giveaways. I think it's a good thing this system encourages people to contribute by allowing high contributor requirements for giveaways.
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I understand. I was concerned you might be one of those leechers who want all contributor requirements removed because THEY don't want to gift any games. I think the system is good as it is, there are people who have gifted games worth thousands of dollars, so it's only fair they can make giveaways for people who have contributed as much.
If that value would be restricted to, let's say $200, many people would probably stop gifting games as soon as they hit that mark. The current system encourages people to gift constantly more, every boost to your contributor value counts.
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While you're right, I also see no real point of making $1000+ giveaways. To give that much you have to get "some money", which means you can buy games for yourself anyway.
But, on the other hand, Santa always gives better presents to richer kids...
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Great. It provides a reward for the people who really keep the site running with piles of games, and offers incentive to others.
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People who make $2,000+ giveaways could just do them private. They know who's entering. They just want to flaunt it. And don't get me wrong, it's awesome that they've amassed that value, but still. Makes me feel like a chump.
As far as contributor value for an average giveaway, I'd say whatever is just below my contrib value at any given time is best. :P
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"They know who's entering"
ehhh.....no they don't -__-
"They just want to flaunt it."
ehhh.....no they don't -__-
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That would alienate new-ish users who at least try. I try but with +300, I couldn't enter anything. Fun >:
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Or they could be new users who just haven't been able to get enough to contribute? Mine is only $15, I've been a member for only a bit over a week now.
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I think it's sometimes stupid because those people probably just want to show how much they contributed, when they spent $2000 on games to give aways they probably don't win games to get them.
But it's ok because a) they are rare and b) people can decide who they want to get their games.
For lower requirements ($100 - $1000) I think what other said, people that gave that much probably will be more grateful.
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I agree with you, I do think it's fair people can sort of "crowd control" who can enter a giveaway. Since they're rare anyway, I can't argue about that much about them. $100-$1000 giveaways are fine in my book, it's just that my OP might've been a little misleading. I'm saying that when it reaches insane contributor value heights, like way beyond $1000, that's when it can get a little crazy.
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I think all giveaways should be capped at $745.37. lol ;p
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It's a nice incentive to help people give games. If you are able to enter giveaway that less can join, and that being solely because you have given away more, is fine. There would be a crazy amount of leechers if all the giveaways were open and no option for a contributor value.
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Fair enough, but don't you think it's even just a little bit insane when people put giveaways in which you need to have contributed like, $2000? I'm not saying it's wrong to do to that, but IMO I do think the people who do that should tone it down just a tiny bit.
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Opinion varies but I'm not too bothered either way. So long as there isn't a sudden rush for everyone to start making all their giveaways at the max capped value, then we're all included in something so everyone still gets something in the end (Eventually).
I do appreciate seeing values scaled to the expense or rarity of the giveaway though. I might cringe at someone requiring $600 for a game that only costs $3, but the same value on say a collection costing $70? Then it makes more sense to me. Earn your way to expense, logic and reasoning and all that.
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Its their game, they should be able to give it away anyway they want to. What right do you have to tell people what to do with something they own?
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I'm not telling them to give away games at a low contributor value needed, I'm just voicing my opinion that some giveaways that require a VERY, VERY high contrib value is not my cup of tea. Anyways, before you think I'm a leecher for saying that, I don't, and will not ever, enter giveaways.
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You shouldn't see it as something elitist. At first I thought it just like you, but then I thought that people who spent lot of money also deserved their cut. Well you can also think that the richest ones should contribute to the unluckiest, but well it'a 50%-50% choice :)
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I don't really care about high contributor value giveaways (although I think they are insanely high), but I think there should be an obligatory minimum contributor value to enter giveaways which should be equated to the value of the game.
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I think $50 is perfect. For users who've invested and contributed but not spend their whole pocket money on one homepage XD.
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I think it would be better if everyone contribute a little than a few carrying the heavy burden :D
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Today i was exited because i saw a Dishonored giveaway. But then i saw i needed a contributor value of 1500. That made me a sad panda.
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that is the only real way to answer to this thread <3
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IMO, sometimes it's too high. Other times, when it's large but still reasonable for quite a few, I'm down with that. Like, giveaways with a contributor value of like, $600 or something, that's too big. In my opinion, the max contributor value needed to enter a giveaway, but still reasonable, would be $200, MAYBE $225.
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