So 4 days ago I have won a Half-Life 2 giveaway, mi first won since I signed up to Steamgifts, but I haven't received the game yet. I know that everyone has a week to send the gift, but I've seen this guy's profile and I'm guessing he's not going to send me anything. So after this happened I started looking to the creator's profile before I enter any givaway, and I have found that there's a lot of guys that have signed up just hours ago and are gifting this amazing games... probably not gonna happen. What about that? What do they win?
For example, I saw this guy today registered a few hours ago gifting 3 Dark Souls 2, but al least they are now deleted.

10 years ago*

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Not everyone understands how the site works.

And boohoo, not like you are much better. A freebie doesn't allow you to lord over others.

10 years ago

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Boy, that escalated quickly.

10 years ago

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My cat kept waking me up during the night to go outside (then changing its mind because of heavy wind and horizontal rain) so I'm tired and cranky.

10 years ago

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What are the required real-life ingredients that allow for carte blanche pounding around here?

I think my day qualifies, but I'd like to hear it straight from the horse's mouth so as not to get banned.

10 years ago

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I balance my hatred of people in the mornings with generosity and helpfulness during the rest of the day.

10 years ago

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you would not have that problem if you never let your cat outside. Just the anyoing 4 am wake up and feed me BS.

10 years ago

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The cat didn't go outside, so it repeated it every hour. I assume it goes out around 4 - 5 to catch the early bird, before wanting back in at 8 - 9 for cat food.

10 years ago

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I ment don't ever let the cat out, keeping in as an indoor only cat would have prevented it's begging to go out.

10 years ago

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We got it as an adult, we can't change how it was raised before we got it.

10 years ago

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I didn't lie, I promised that game and I sent it. The guy that received it was grateful. I don't want to screw with anyone.

10 years ago

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Maybe not, but many of those people do want to give a game. I've 'won' a game before (Saints Row 4 pre order), and only missed out because it was Russian region locked. I've also seen people desire to give a good game, not knowing they can't gift directly from their library. There are people still generous, just not knowing how it works here. I think higher of those people than someone who has given only a free game.

10 years ago

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I'm new here and I came across this site browsing the web, noone recommended me the site, so I didn't know if this was for real or not, like other sites are. I plan on start giving games once I receive one.

10 years ago

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And if you wright a comment, that the giveaway is fake, you'll get ban. NOT the one, who creates the fake giveaway, but YOU get banned!
And this guy i like most of all. He created 2 fake giveaways, and after they was deleted, he created one more. All this time his steam nickname was "Gift me dark souls 2".

10 years ago

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Some ppl think games fall from the sky, good if ppl who think like that were 12 years old, but no, some of them are much older.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Crap, and I've been looking up all this time! ;)

10 years ago

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Well to be fair I once did have a game fall from the sky and hit me on the back of the head. Wasn't bad, it was Dawn of War. Did make my head bleed a little.

10 years ago

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Games don't fall from sky silly, they 'down' from internet

10 years ago

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what is realy strange to me ist the fact, that not all fake GAs are created by new users. some of them are registrated for over a year and have participated in some GAs and then, out of nowhere they create a double or tripple GA of a new, expensive game thet they don´t own for themself..... sure.

10 years ago

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i heard that the register marking is made when you first attempt to join the site wether you have reached the $100 value or not. So someone could have attempted to join, failed, then 1 year later actually enter the giveaway section when they have bought enough games

10 years ago

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well seems your one of the few who actually understand how this site works....others think theyre signing up for free games when they make giveaways, which might be what you unluckily ran into

10 years ago

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people actually think that? Sometimes I forget about people on the internet....

10 years ago

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Don't forget that a lot of them have little understanding of the English language to start with.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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I guess this might be the reason for many cases.

10 years ago

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i would advise you keep at it and move along. You were pretty lucky to win at so few entries so...guess you just gotta get back in line for another win at 1k entries liek everyone else

10 years ago

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I'm not desperated, I thought I was going to win 1/1000 too. I just wanted to know if this was actually a common thing around here.

10 years ago

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kinda but a lot of it can be ignored if you check the giveaway poster's profile, thought even suspicious giveaways could also be real. you lose nothing out of this though

10 years ago

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yep, I'll start doing that, thanks :)

10 years ago

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The most funny thing in that is, that you are right. But, they don't even read! "Create Giveaway". "GIVE AWAY". You don't have to think too much D:!! But yeah, probably most of them are like you said :)

10 years ago

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English isn't everyone's first language.

10 years ago

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when then don´t understand the simpliest sentences, then shouldn´t use english sites.
my english is not the best and even if i don´t understand every word, i do understand the meaning of a sentence...

10 years ago

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This is an international site. Even if you haven't notice the occasional topics in another language, there are regional groups that use this site for giveaways without speaking English.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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No they don't

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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I had that once. I won a dayz on a reddit's giveaway subreddit and the op said that the reddit gonna give me the game:D

10 years ago

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u have a lot of bad luck with reddit...

10 years ago

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Yup. I got unbanned for the orion dino horde tho.

10 years ago

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i feel weird talkin to u in serious sentences...ur mostly goin "jabber pls" XD

10 years ago

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When "pls" is not needed there is no "pls" lol :D

10 years ago

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oh so they are everywhere :/

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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that just means less people can join up. It doesn't guarantee the percentage of clueless people that create fake/false/incorrect giveaways within that smaller group is going to change.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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.... internet logic....? More money spent = how smart a person is.....

Whodu thunk it? I learnt sumting nu 2day

10 years ago

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that minimum isn't for idiots, its for people who would just create many accounts just to win

10 years ago

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But with all the free games, it's a simple matter to roll up dozens of accounts with $100 value.

10 years ago

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bundle games and free games don't count when they sum it up. at least if you bought them after they were bundled, etc. If you owned them when they were full price you keep their value

10 years ago

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Since SG can't tell when you bought them for yourself, it doesn't matter when, they just won't count towards value for joining the site.

10 years ago

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just for joining right? or can people actually lose their access XD?

10 years ago

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Just for joining.

10 years ago

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is that recent ? nearly all of my games are from bundles and holiday sales , being on a fixed income makes a little harder for me to pick things up at full price . I thought bundled games only effected CV with a reduced amount and a $30 cap ?

10 years ago

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well i can't tell you what got you through since your acc is private. but shouldnt be that hard, as a gamer 5 x $20 games isnt too many. i mean my first game on steam was Killing floor and that has stayed out of bundles and at $20 i got it for $5

10 years ago

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Sign up limit is bad because... the fuck, nearly everything is on the bundle/exploited list by now.

If there's room for any sort of limitation, then it should be the ability to create giveaways be bound to your steam account counting more than (lets say) 35 games or at least a not so humble bolt red hint making things clear if that criteria is not met.

10 years ago

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maybe let people that is on the site for a week like a min requirement before making giveaway with some forum posting?

btw made my first giveaway starts in 10 mins :P

10 years ago

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I might be going against the trend here, but personally I feel the restrictions we have in place already (steam account worth etc..) are enough. I'd rather loose a few giveaway points here and there on erroneous giveaways, instead of making the registration process really tough and putting people off.

Maybe a slight adjustment could be made to the Create a Giveaway form, asking the user what form the gift takes, without it actually affecting anything. This might allow skim readers more of a chance to realise they're giving away a game. Mocked up demo here

Also, welcome to SteamGifts oujisan2236 & thanks for the giveaway, a friend recommended Ace of Spades a few months back - so count me in :D

10 years ago

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SG V2 has something along those lines, offering Gift and Key (and allowing you to paste keys into the site for easy delivery afterwards).

10 years ago

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Excellent :D

With the inventory API it'd be possible to do the same for items in a steam users inventory too, but considering the default privacy settings as well as how unreliable the steamapis can be - I'm not sure it'd be worth it.

10 years ago

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Us newbies aren't all scammers / false promisers at least ^^

10 years ago

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I think something along the lines of 'type x characters describing how you'll give it to the winner' for first giveaway (but explained better) would probably shave down on it too, afndjingauinsvcjnjznnzuin or 'gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme' would help clear them out too and for those that know how the site works it seems a simple enough task.

10 years ago

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How about a big fat red 'YOU NEED TO OWN A KEY OR GIFT FOR CREATING A GIVEAWAY' when creating your first giveaway. It might insult some folks' intellect, but overall it might reduce the confusion how this site works.

P.S.: The 200$ increase suggestion made my day.

10 years ago

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make it a 1000$

10 years ago

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Also need a loud sound alarm with that words.

10 years ago

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Maybe he sent the key thru email? Try adding the giveaway creator.

10 years ago

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Some people just don't even take the time to find out what this site is actually for, and that's a shame.

10 years ago

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Something should be done about this, like maybe make a small test that you should pass before allowing someone to sign up here. Just to let them understand how the site works.

10 years ago

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quiz made from the SG rulez :P?

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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The dude with 3 dark souls 2 is probably legit..(no sarcasm here) ( I looked at his profile, he seemed legit)

10 years ago

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Take a deeper look maybe ;)

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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Do you get points refunded if the giveaway is free?

10 years ago

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If it's fake you get points back.

10 years ago

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Only if giveaway is deleted before it ends.

10 years ago

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This borders on calling out. Public accusations are not allowed here and I'm closing this for your own protection. I recommend familiarizing yourself with the rules before you find yourself on the business end of a suspension.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by gabriieel21.