Is this an idea you like?
You misunderstand me, I do not mean pay for access to the site. Only collect points for the piggy bank and automatically attach to the giveaway of my whislist.
But I know that on each side there is a small ad, and therefore proposed to pass through dating services
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You mean instead of holding all the points in account, you keep some in a piggy bank that automatically spends those point for games in wishlist? And then if you click to add points to the piggy bank, you will be redirected through
That would irritate a lot of people, and CG would never like that :)
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Anything that has you automatically join giveaways won't sit well with people (I take it that that's what you mean by "attach to the giveaways of my wishlist"). It means that you won't see important messages such as "This game can't be activated in Germany", or anything else that the creator if the giveaway wants you to see.
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what are we going to do with the points? i'm confused.
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It's not a bad idea, but it would take a lot of time to get money. :P Plus, steamgifts, although it already has some ads, it is supposed to be a free site, so I doubt that the admin would accept something like that. Still, I'm not the admin, so better talk with him. xD
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Though I appreciate that you are thinking about how to improve steamgifts and that you are willing to give public suggestions....
.... at the same time I've got to be honest and say it is a bad idea in my opinion. A very bad idea.
If I understood you correctly:
Basically...a slot-machine for free games.
It's a leecher's dream, but a bad idea for any people who want to genuinely give or win a game and not just leech.
But that's just my 1,5 cents.
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Lol, people. I only suggested a proposal for one possible way of development of this site. I do not know if everyone noticed, but the division title is "suggestion \ Discussion".
I do not like one of the higher people suggested.
I suggested the idea, because sometimes they are Humble Bundle, and then a large amount of competitions (Thank creators) and sometimes no points to join. And for some time, I have nothing to "spend" points.
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Hmm, I'm not quite clear on how your idea is supposed to work, perhaps you could clarify some things for me...
Sometimes you have points, but you can't find a giveaway to enter? And sometimes you have giveaways to enter, but no points?
Did you want us all to check your wishlist, and only give away those specific games? Or should we eliminate the middleman and just send you the gifts directly?
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That's ok, if he wants the last laugh all he has to to is make one giveaway... :)
After three years, I think it's safe to assume if he wanted to contribute to Steamgifts he would have done it by now... There are people here with no job who have done more, given away more, just made this a better place by being around, than 99% of us... :)
And then there are people who give nothing, win dozens of games, but still want more... :)
That's how we all start, giving nothing... But we don't have to stay there forever... :)
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Your point being ? If that displeases you, you can blacklist him, but making a thread about it is idiotic.
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can u get suspended for that? I don't think he meant it to be shaming, it looked more like he was trying to motivate him to give something back just so he could enter some of them. But I can be kind of naive, perhaps I was just reading it wrong.
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I'm just going to be blunt. (It's just how I am)
Most of the contributors on this site really really dislike the idea of anything that automatically enters you in any giveaway.
Personally speaking, if you can't take the time to click a couple times to enter a giveaway, you probably don't deserve to be here.
People aren't expected to contribute anything -- but asking the site to enter giveaways from your wishlist for you just might be crossing a delicate line ...
Hmm, I was a lot nicer about that than I thought I would be. Go figure shrug
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I know that this suggestion is unlikely to be accepted. But I will try.
I am a student of computer science and know that services such as this, the revenues from display ads.
My proposal is to create a piggy bank.
In which we will be able to add points using a button.
To ad revenue, they were the same, the aforementioned button would lead to a few-their teens ads. An example may be services such as
To piggybank made sense is there, I would have liked to insert automatically to games from the list of "Whislist".
Vote if you like it or not, if you have an idea comment to this idea.
I closed my discussions, because I had the feeling that me I'm wrong. I just threw proposal. You could talk about it, to exchange opinions. My person in this discussion has nothing to do with this proposal. But I do not agree with the accusations against my person. Unfortunately, only a few people were to my suggestion that they were normal views. Well, of being able to now go elsewhere to hate someone else.
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