Is people are really that jundgemental?
Again with the grammar mistakes? It's like you're just asking for blacklists!
Or like you're from somewhere like Latvia and English isn't your primary language, but what are the chances of that? ;)
But the correct way would be "Are people really that judgmental?" or "People are really that judgmental?" The first is a standard question, while the second asks the same question in a very incredulous manner.
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It's just like the reputation system in RPG games, All Actions Have Consequences!
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I guess some people don't know that blacklists are two way but there are dozens of reasons why people blacklist others.
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It's okay.
People here do not discriminate or distinguish.
Regardless of whether you are an extraterrestrial, a demon, a monster or a fairy, you will be registered on Blacklist equally.
┐(´Θ`)┌Me? More than you think. 46
To live as you are.
If you have not intentionally contraindicated.
You can leave it as it is.
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I got a new blacklist just the other day apparently because of a joke and funny picture I posted.
Just don't worry about it.
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So many reasons and these are just the most popular ones.
Concentrate on your whitelist and that's all that matters.
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Hey, you shouldn't feel annoyed by that. They're just a drop in the ocean on here.
I just checked and I've picked up a few more blacklists recently. shrug who cares. There are people who troll through political-centered threads just looking for people to blacklist. If what you say goes against their view of the world, you go in their little black book. I insult the ideologies of far-left and far-right people equally. There is no room for hatred and intolerance in my life. lol. If they blacklist me for that, I couldn't be happier. ;) That's one explanation.
People will blacklist you for making this thread.
People will blacklist you because they don't like your giveaways.
Maybe you make this thread as an experiment just to see how many blacklists you can gather.
There's no rule as to why you might get blacklisted. Just be yourself and don't be afraid to make posts on topics that interest you. ^^
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I don't use this site much anymore, but back in the day I could get blacklisted even for sharing an opinion. And that still happens now (and probably with this comment too). But it's ok, if someone blacklists me or someone else for an opinion I know that they have some personal problems. I just hope they do because of gifting reasons tho, because it would be sad otherwise.
Most people here aren't good people, even the generous ones hold a pretty bad personality and are stingy. The only good "popular" people here that I found were a pair+some moderators for example, and let's not talk about all the other random people... so don't worry. You don't lose anything by getting blacklisted, on the contrary, the more blacklists you get the less bad people you need to interact with.
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Sadly, on the interaction thing, the blacklists don't apply to the forum too.
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Yeah, there should be both a block button and a blacklist button, one to not hear about people and the other one to don't let people enter giveaways. For most people the blacklist function is to say "I don't like you" instead of "yeah I don't want you to win some games from me because you win too many games or something".
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Haha! I'd honestly probably never use it unless someone was making an absolute nuisance of themselves and targeting me specifically. Would be nice to have the option though. I did it once on a forum where I was admin. This one guy was trying to get under my skin by following every one of my posts. He wanted to get punished so he could cry about staff bias. He didn't know I blocked him and eventually got fed up trying to provoke me. It had other staff to deal with him if he did anything. I unblocked after a few weeks and he never bothered me again. Guess he thought I was simply ignoring him. Nice deterrent for trolls. hehehehe!
As for blacklists, I haven't a clue who blacklisted me. If they do it to let people know they dislike them, it's not the most effective. =)
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I only came across two people who had me blacklisted, but I asked them why just to find out.
One did it because of something I said that they didn't like, but since they couldn't even remember what it was they took me off.
The other... I'm not sure, but I think they blacklisted me for not being racist...? It was a weird conversation, with the person saying really racist stuff out of nowhere, which left me feeling okay being on their blacklist.
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Wow... lol. People are really nuts. He was probably blocking everyone who displayed any kind of liberal-leaning views.
I only have 3 people on my blacklist. One I had to reroll because they grossly abused one of the groups I'm in and refused to leave the giveaways they had joined. The other two are a pair of trolls and not the funny kind.
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I got blacklisted once because someone thought I was a developer for a game(Mine Royale) and I was taking advantage of it and gave away a lot of copies right before rising the price.It was a weird coincidence but I found out a lot of people are nice enough to tell you why and discuss about the reason if you approach them in a nice and friendly way.
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What did I done wrong?
Well, for one, improper grammar - your incorrect use of the word "done" when you should have written "What did I do wrong?" That's a reason for blacklists if ever I've seen one.
On a less serious note, I don't know, I don't know you or what you did. I once got a few blacklists for making my first train, and I'm sure I've gotten quite a few for voicing my opinion on controversial topics - even if I try to do so kindly. I only blacklist people who were abusive towards myself or others, or who joined a good group and purposefully broke the rules to try to screw others over, so I have only a few on my blacklist, but other people seem to blacklist for no reason at all.
My approach is to try to be kind and considerate towards others (even when I don't want to be), generous in giving games, only entering for games I want to play, and not worrying about blacklists - I've hidden my counter, and don't miss it one bit. So if you're already being kind towards others and generous, great! Get ESGST to hide your blacklists and don't worry about it. If you're not being kind, then first try to be kind towards others, and then once you're at that point stop worrying about blacklists.
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unluckily, these threads pop up on a regular basis.. there's a "why do I get blacklisted" thread at least every 2-3 days.. so I think that if on one side you'll get awesome answers here too, on the other side you can make use of the search function and find other already-answered thread on this same matter =)
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Gotta love this new site update.
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haha, I bet thats the reason.
Edit: and he did a thread before.
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Seems like every thread he had made is comedy gold.
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Seems like that is what this user has done:
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First thing is you really shouldn't care that much about blacklist, there's so many users on the site that a couples blacklist really won't impact anything.
Since you ask though, just being active will bring you a blacklist here and there because not everyone will always agree with you and people blacklist for all sort of reasons but making multiples thread about why you are blacklisted probably didn't help and you already got your answer here.
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Hello, I checked my stats and 38 people blacklisted me for no reason? Really? Am I that bad? What did I done wrong?
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