Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Reservoir Dogs
9/10 awesome movie
although nothing happened, everything happened

1 decade ago

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Monster University 8/10
I kinda like animations and stuff xD

1 decade ago

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Last watched: The Avengers. For the 5th time. And not by my choice, though I did like it. ("I watched you while you were sleeping." "..." "I mean - I was present while you were unconscious. In the ice.")

Last in a theater: Monsters University. One of the few sequels I've seen that I thought lived up to - maybe even surpassed - the original. The opener, "Blue Umbrella," was cute too.

Last traditional animated: Titan A.E. Or if you don't count that as traditional, then... I'm not sure. A long time ago, probably a Miyazaki.

Last based on a (non-superhero) comic book: V for Vendetta. Long live Anonymous. Interesting tidbit: V is Agent Smith...

Last based on a game: Silent Hill Revelation. A lot closer to the game than the first movie was. Glad I saw it second-run, though.

Last torrented: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. 1080p version this time. Never gets old.

Last purchased: Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters. Not sure why, but it was on sale. Still hesitant to actually watch it.

1 decade ago

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I just saw Argo last night. It was okay. A bit better than I expected actually. 7/10

1 decade ago

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Gattaca (8/10) Good, thought-provoking piece though a tad anvilicious and did not like how they treated the ending of one character's subplot.

1 decade ago

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Wrath Of The Titans (2012) - The first one wasn't bad but this one is awful. It's just so uninteresting and boring. Dialogues are cheap, the acting is mediocre and you don't care about what happens to heroes at all. One of the worst mainstream movies I've ever seen. 2/10

1 decade ago

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Man of steel ( 2 weeks ago)

Perfect almost, but i liked the theme they created and the music was awesome for it. I hope MOS 2 will be better! Story was ok, you cant really create a awesome superman story but this movie is based of Man of steel comic and it was ok.

1 decade ago

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I really liked Man of Steel and Evil Dead remake.
Now You See Me was fine, but could be better.

1 decade ago

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Kandagar (2010) - Good Russian movie based on facts about a few pilots who were forced to land and were captured and imprisoned by the Taliban. 8/10

1 decade ago

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Pacific Rim. It was godzilla vs gisnt robots. Very cool.

1 decade ago

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School Ties, great movie with Brendan Fraser and Matt Damon.

1 decade ago

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Euro Trip

1 decade ago

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Dancer in the dark...pretty good actually, and it also introduced me to Björk's awesome voice.

1 decade ago

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The Lone Ranger (my score 6/10)

1 decade ago

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Man Of Steel (2013)

score 8/10

1 decade ago

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Pacific Rim. I'd give it a 6/10. Nice visuals but lacking story and acting. It was more of a rip-off between Evangelion and Godzilla. But I enjoyed it.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I really enjoyed Pacific Rim. It was a satisfying movie, with giant robots punching giant monsters. A movie like that is never going to have a great story. Its simply not possible for Hollywood to make something like that. You either get a great story or great special effects. You can't have both.

1 decade ago

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Dark Shadows (2012) - Great horror comedy starring Johnny Depp which was directed by Tim Burton. 9/10

1 decade ago

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Starstruck, what can i say the kid put it on netflix. 4/10

1 decade ago

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Pacific Rim tonight. Meh.
Didn't expect a strong story, but would have liked a little more. Nice fight scenes, but the script was pretty bad. Full of corny lines, characters were all stereotypes of the countries they came from, acting nothing to write home about but again I felt it was more the script at fault. If it was a DVD I would've turned off but felt I'd paid too much to walk out of the cinema.

1 decade ago

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Crazy Stupid Love

1 decade ago

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Star Trek (2009) Meh. 5/10
Only god forgives Blew my fcking mind. 9/10

1 decade ago

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Elektra Luxx.

"Doctors are like mimes. But they talk."

1 decade ago

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Elysium. Saw the 10pm "midnight" release. I went into it thinking I knew what was going to happen. Not the case. It's kind of unpredictable and the explosions - the kind you see in District 9 - are very entertaining. A must watch.

1 decade ago

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The perks of being a wallflower. 7.5/10

1 decade ago

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Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead. Different from most zombie movies in that the "zombies" are actually due to parasite infestation, and the parasites evolve as the movies go on. Also different for the sheer WTF value to be found in the key scenes. Still, not the weirdest movie I've ever seen...

1 decade ago

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