Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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finally saw the hobbit, definitely not as good as the LOTR but it's not horrible, seems like it's less serious and deviates more from the book than the LOTR did

1 decade ago

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Furious 6 (or Fast and Furious 6)
8.75/10 is was amazing

1 decade ago

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that's my pre-last... was great, airfield scene was a bit funny :D
8/10 from me

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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The Queen Of The Damned
9/10 - great movie, even greter music

1 decade ago

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I think the last movie I saw was the premiere of Fast and Furious 6, which was fantastic, the crowd wasn't as quiet as the crowd at the Iron Man 3 premiere, but also it wasn't as loud as I was fearing it would be, so it was fun. The movie itself was awesome, I think a lot of it was just the big screen, but there was a moment that was partly in a trailer (so normally it would ahve been ruined) but it was so insane my heart still stopped for about a second. Then again, me and a couple friends had a marathon of all the movies except Tokyo Drift beforehand and ate abominable amounts of junk food so it could have been that xD

1 decade ago

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The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (2005) - Truly an amazing movie. Interesting, original and funny. I recommend it to everyone :) 9/10

1 decade ago

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Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas.

My all-time favourite movie! Actually, I think the last time I posted in this thread, I had finished watching the same movie. Must have seen it well over 100 times now.

1 decade ago

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Grave Encounters.
7/10. Will not be Sleeping tonight
. Cabin in the woods. 10/10. Very original. Gory. Masterpiece.

1 decade ago

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Today I saw

Warm Bodies - not a bad movie, not that good either 6/10

The Collector - Kind of lame, did not like it at all (the main character was kinda cool though) - 4/10

1 decade ago

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The Collector was amazing IMO :) One of the best slashers of the decade.

1 decade ago

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Saw 3D (the 7th movie) 8/10 nice ending again like always

1 decade ago

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Meh, I'm a fan of the series but this one (as well as the 5th one) was an abomination. Terrible, terrible movie. So predictable, boring and just lame.

1 decade ago

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Unaware 2010 or 2013, not sure. Alien related movie. pretty good, 8/10 :D

1 decade ago

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Seven Psychopaths - pretty good!

1 decade ago

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Waterland (1992) - I had to watch it cause I'm preparing classes for tomorrow about the book the movie was based on. I actually liked it. 7/10

1 decade ago

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Gatsby (Luhrmann) - First half hours' cinematography is nauseating, and the rest doesn't ever draw you in. Acting is good though, just a boring adaptation.

1 decade ago

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The Great Gatsby.

1 decade ago

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V for vendetta. 7/10

1 decade ago

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Rebuild of Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo - I don't even know. I need to watch the whole rebuild again to be able to rate it. But it looked gorgeous.

1 decade ago

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Sexy Beast (2000) - Good movie about criminals. Ben Kingsley's acting was great. 8/10

1 decade ago

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Star Trek into Darkness

1 decade ago

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Frequency (2000) - A very good movie that'll keep you on the edge of your seat until it's over. One of the most exciting movies I've seen lately. 9/10

Safe (2012) - Jason Statham, lots of fighting and very intense action. Great movie. 9/10

1 decade ago

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the naked gun 33 1/3 .. i laught until tears for the whole movie

1 decade ago

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VHS 2 With my girlfriend. I don't get scared by horror movies even though I want to im incapable of it. :(
However when i watch with my girlfriend that is very easily scared I have solved this issue.

Whenever she gets scared and scream that freaks me out as well so I actually enjoy scary movies again. :D

1 decade ago

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Gran Torino. Brilliant. 9/10

1 decade ago

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Just saw "21 and Over". Not that bad, but there are way better comedy movies. it's a 6/10 for me.

1 decade ago

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Star Trek. 9/10

Dredd. 6/10

1 decade ago

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