Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Hardcore Henry - My new favourite action movie. 8/10

8 years ago

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I watched A Love Song For Bobby Long (2004) last night and, despite lackluster reviews from Rotten Tom's, I enjoyed it so much, I watched it twice.

8 years ago

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I watched Awakenings and ended up crying like a baby. While it was sad, it also had some really fun and heartwarming moments - I thought it struck a nice balance. It's rare to find such a humane, genuine movie and I don't think I'd ever seen Robin Williams in such a sedate role.

8 years ago

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Snake in the Eagle's Shadow

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8 years ago

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Room. I haven't cried for years until this movie. Brie Larson did deserve her oscar but Jacob Tremblay was way better and he would have won oscar too if he hadn't been so young.

8 years ago

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Flushed Away (2006) - Very good animated movie with great humor. Pure fun. 8/10

Elektra (2005) - For the second time. Not as bad as I remembered it. Decent for what it was. 6/10

Daredevil (2003) - Better than I expected. Still, nothing really special. 6/10

The Truman Show (1998) - Excellent classic movie starring Jim Carrey and Ed Harris. Must watch for everyone. 9/10

The Good Dinosaur (2015) - Amazing animated movie from Pixar. Strongly recommended. 9/10

Takers (2010) - Magnificent crime/action movie similar to Heat. I honestly don't understand the low scores, it had great cast, good characters, interesting plot, great montage, a lot of action, twists and in general it was great all around. 9/10

8 years ago*

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I'm a big fan of robbery movies and in no way it was a 10/10, its a good movie sure. But the movie didn't offer anything new to the genre, it had some plot holes, okay acting and not enough heists (3 is the minimum for me).
I reccommend it, 6/10, but it so as near as good as Heat.

8 years ago

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I liked Heat a lot but I thought it was kind of overrated. Been a long time since I've seen it though so can't judge it properly now. And I absolutely loved Takers, I'm not scared to give 10/10 to a movie I loved, even if the movie is mediocre according to critics/most people.

8 years ago

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Now im wondering how that compares to The Place Beyond the Pines.

That conversation does raise a question, is there any movie you hated, i don't think i ever saw a below average score from you.
The biggest problem, for me at least, after watching many movies is the boredom of recognizing the same plots, tropes and twists. Thats why i rarely give perfect 10s

8 years ago

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Of course I do but I just choose to watch movies I'm interested in, I don't watch every movie that I stumble upon. So I try not to waste time on weak movies but of course you can't always predict if it will be good or not. Plus just because it gets good ratings doesn't mean I'll like it and vice versa. During last few months I rated a few movies below average, for example: The Survivalist - 4/10, Uncle John - 4/10, After - 4/10, Jupiter Ascending - 4/10, The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death - 2/10, Antiviral - 4/10, The Falling - 1/10, 2001: A Space Odyssey - 4/10, Paul Blart: Mall Cop - 3/10 and so on. I also try to be objective to some extent when rating a movie. If I didn't like a movie I don't give straight away 1/10 but I analyze if I liked the music, acting, photographs and so on and I try to rate the movie based on that as well. So let's say I didn't like a movie but it had good music, I'll give 2/10 instead of 1/10 and if it also had great photographs I'll give it 3/10. Plus I'm not a critic, never thought of myself as one, I just like watching movies :)

8 years ago

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Now on an unrelated note. Do you keep track of how many movies you watched?

8 years ago

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Yep, on a Polish website called Filmweb. Here's my profile: but to see all movies I've ever rated you need to have an account there. I also rate games there. Plus I have a list in .doc of all movies I've ever seen in case the site got removed or something :)

8 years ago

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I changed Takers rating to 9/10. After some thought - it didn't deserve the highest mark.

8 years ago

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The last movie I watched till the end: Terminator 3
The last movie I started to watch but I'm not done yet: The Core

8 years ago

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Escape Plan

When you put two action hero actors in a Prison Break movie, what do you expect ?
Probably more explosions and shit than this movie has. But that's ok, as this is makes up for it with a surprisingly tight plot, and pretty good acting all-round.

8 years ago

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The only problem is that the same movie has been done countless times

8 years ago

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Great movie and very interesting righ now with the Juno Space Mission outthere...

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8 years ago

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The Martian
Both Martian and Interstellar just aim to do what they set to do has best as they possibly can.
Martian goes for a more scientific approach.
Ridley Scott avoided shoving fake symbolism, action scenes or melodrama into a movie that didnt ask for its intrusion. Same way Interstellar just worried about its Melodrama.
while Gravity failed at that, it could have been the action fest it sets up to be, but half way through just loses its focus and copies a bit of every other sci fi movie. Ended up having less integrity than Armaggedon
Solid acting too, unlike Prometheus, Exodus, Robin Hood, The Counselor.
The humor was very charming, for some reason awkward humor is exactly what i expected from a movie like this
but it is nowhere as good as his old movies and I would still rather rewatch the Moon instead of this. Some tropes here and there i didn't like.

Silent Movie
Really good movie, if you like slapstick comedy
Some scenes have no reason to be there other than they would make for a funny sketch

Death Ship
I had this idea both Ghost ship and Death ship would be essentially the same movie.
they are in a way, both movies belong to a genre that was already outdated when it came out.
Ghost Ship could be a bad B-movie from the 80s, while Death Ship is more similar to the Hammer movies.
It's not interested in creative kills, its all about the mystery and creating an atmosphere.
Solely on that it could have been a very impressive B-movie. The shots are great, especially the ones of the ship, both interior and exterior.
but it all falls apart when you realize the villain of the movie just plays tricks on its passengers...that's not very frightening.
also every actor aside from George Kennedy and Richard Crenna are absolutly terrible.
I do think i would love this movie with a better villain, because everything else makes it look like a very professional B-movie.

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8 years ago*

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2 days ago in cinema: The Neon Demon. little bit strange, surrealistic and maily directed to visual effects. nice to watch, but nothing super-duper special

8 years ago

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I saw two days ago Batman: The Killing Joke, and I was kind of disapointed and would give them 6,2 out of 10 pounts. The comic is much better then the movie

8 years ago

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Warcraft. I had much lower expectations, which turned out to be good a good thing, because I enjoyed it far more than I expected I would. Despite major changes in lore...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You seen Jem?
I actually had a great time, it might be my favorite bad movie.
The way the directors asked fans of the original series to show how much they loved it and then used that footage to make it look like their talking about the new movie...Brilliant !
Its 2 hours of cringe worthy material and i loved it. Ghostbuster 16 is nowhere near as insulting

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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the worst thing a movie can be is boring and forgetable. If its bad you will atleast have a great time making fun of it.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I will avoid blacklists by not answering that question

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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X-Men Apocalypse. Good movie, I don't understand the bad reviews. I never watch movies though so I'm not the best critic.

8 years ago

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Ip man 3. Can't remeber the second one to 100% but i guess they were about as good as the other. Some minor things bothrered me but overall not to shabby. Nothing beats the first one tho!

8 years ago

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The first one was definitely more serious.
The second one is a fun action movie, its Rocky IV without talking robots

8 years ago

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was that the one with mike tyson? that was hilarious. ^^

8 years ago

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Tyson was horrible.. But the fitht scene was quite good :)

8 years ago

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Watched Green Room a couple of days ago, and it was pretty intense

8 years ago

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I had hight hopes for it but it ended up as meh.. :(

8 years ago

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Star Trek First Contact, even though i'm not a fan of Star Trek.

8 years ago

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Highlander 3. Don't judge me! ^^

it was as horrible as i remembered...

8 years ago

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There is only one Highlander film... you stupid haggis :P

8 years ago

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you mean there can be only one!

8 years ago

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The Intern
I think i've watched every other Nancy Meyers movie, i never really liked any of them, in fact i despise "What Women Want" although she did not wrote that one, 3 awful human beings did.
Anyway, i kept watching them, because every once in awhile i need to watch a simple feel-good type of movie.
Finally, The intern happened, the first good movie and it's absolutely adorable. The concept is great, there's real chemistry between Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro.
The guy who plays Jules husband was terrible though, he destroyed his arc of the movie...should have ended with the opposite resolution, i just cant stand that character!

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8 years ago

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I rewatched the first Independence Day movie.
Wow, that movie isn't nearly as good as I remember. Sooo many clichés! :)
Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum are still fun to watch though.

8 years ago

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Black Coal, Thin Ice (2014) - Good Chinese thriller/crime movie with a hint of drama. It's very slow though so it's definitely not for everyone. 7/10

The Faculty (1998) - Cheap horror movie directed by Rodriguez. I liked it for what it was, just don't take it seriously. 7/10

Nightwatch (1997) - Very good thriller/crime movie with good cast. 8/10

Suicide Squad (2016) - Well, I loved it, period. Could have been better? Of course, starting with being Rated R. Was it good anyway? Yes. Great acting, good humor, awesome characters, non-stop action. Harley was perfect, like taken out from a comic book. Joker was good as well but he only had like 10 minutes of screen time. The experience in the cinema was amazing, two hours of pure fun. 9/10

8 years ago

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the title "Saw 6" means "sausage" in french xD

8 years ago

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Suicide Squad
Looks like a B movie, feels like a B movie, acts like a B movie...a very expensive and boring one in fact.
Except for joker or Harley, those are some cheesy and over the top characters...Jared Leto over acted the shit out of this movie. Not sure if its trying to be edgy and failing at it but i enjoyed that
Now...who the hell is responsible for how bad this movie looks? at one point i'm not sure if it's a bright day or just a "day for night" shot...the whole thing is pitch black.Expendables 2 did the same damn thing. what the hell is it?

Death Wish
Criminally underrated movie. Great character study that in the end portrays his character like any other killer.
There is no other revenge/vigilante film like this.
It's not overly dramatic, there is no actual revenge and doesn't pretend the main character is an hero.Yet, Bronson doesn't go around killing every punk in sight, he used to be a pacifist before his wife died and for the entire movie he always unconsciously invites himself into trouble, things always escalate from there.

Campy movie from the director of Re animator, set in "Future Jail" !!!
But like most Stuart Gordon movies, it's very watchable despite not being memorable at all
Solid cast and absolute nonsense from start to finish

I Spit on Your Grave + Rambo from the director of Dèmoni
Theres a common theme for the first half of this movie "we have this music and dammit ! you are going to hear 3 mins of each song".
when the music abruptly stops and the action film finally starts, it turns into a fairly good movie

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8 years ago*

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I'll bump this with Paradox (2016)
Watchable, but ultimately forgettable time-travel movie. Has a few time-loops within time-loops to try and confuse things, but overall doesn't bring much to the genre.

8 years ago

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