Ive been thinking lately about the PC vs Console "battle" and have had some idea that are in the consoles favor and I would like tame feedback (jokes are welcome) basically this will sound weird but what I'm going to do is state the argument and then state my answer to it

  1. Argument: PC can handle games better then consoles
    my opinion: Well they CAN but thats if you have enough money to put into it and yes I know you can get PCs maybe just a little bit better for the same price as a console but not everyone can afford a PC that can run every game on ultra consoles are an affordable choice
  2. Argument: PCs play shooters better and you can be more accurate react faster (crysis, call of duty, battlefield etc)
    my opinion: Yes they can but on consoles its a level playing field on pc a person with a good pc (60-120fps) and high DPI mouse is probably going to perform better then someone getting 10-30 fps and have a low DPI mouse

I did have more to say but I cant think of it hopefully this all splits into paragraphs cause i dont know jack shit about this stuff

11 years ago*

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A console right now is $200 for the last gen and $400 (PS4) or $500 (Xbox one). A home computer on average costs $400-$600. Take last gen console price and a medium priced home PC and you have a sweet gaming rig that will run many games on max and higher end games on medium. End of argument PC wins. PC games are also cheaper and have a longer life saving you money. You also don't have to pay a monthly/yearly fee to play online. So much money is saved on PC it isn't even funny.

11 years ago

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I prefer consoles for various reasons.

  • The game will work. With PCs, conflicts with certain hardware can cause your new game to not work as I've gotten with Doom 3: BFG Edition.
  • Physical media is still common, which is great for those of us with low datacaps.
  • Native gamepad support for all the available games, rather than fiddling with 3rd party software like JoyToKey. Understand that gamepads are my preferred control option. I understand the mouse is more accurate, but very few games require pixel perfect aim, and I'll take everything else on a gamepad over a keyboard. Plus, my left hand is gimped and it hurts to use most of the fingers, making keyboards a poor option in any case.
  • Several of the genre I prefer are either better on, or exclusive to consoles.

At any rate, the system I'm playing the game on doesn't much matter. What is important is that I'm enjoying the games I play.

11 years ago

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I would agree with your final argument, except that the problem is I'm more of arguing for particular games instead of consoles. If the same games were on PC, I would instantly stop arguing for the few reasons I argue for consoles, simply because the console is serving, not as an independent gaming system that gets my attention, but rather the only way for me to play something like Dragon's Dogma, Demon Souls, or the like.

11 years ago

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Unfortunately, some games do work better on consoles. Got to admit, with the online coding for several fighting games I own in Steam, there isn't much point in playing them.

11 years ago

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I'd like to start with saying that DPI has nothing to do with how good a mouse performs.
I can guarantee you that almost everyone has at least one PC in their house, so it's not a "competition" between PC and just a console. If you have a console, you most likely also have a PC, which probably cost you anywhere between 300 to 600$ (for an average prebuilt PC). If you add the price of the console to the price of PC, the amount you pay would get you a fairly decent system that can run majority of games on high, especially if you're willing to lower resolution (and if we're comparing to consoles then you should, because console games run either at 720p and/or equivalent of low settings on a PC version).

Another thing you have to take into account is the price of games. I think everyone knows how ridiculously cheap are games on PC, compared to console games.

Edit: I would also like to state that "not everyone can afford a PC that runs games on ultra" argument is silly, because you don't play a game on console on "ultra", so you shouldn't seek ultra settings on a PC that cost you the same as a console.

11 years ago

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For the DPI thing I've found in games like counterstrike it's easier with a higher DPI mouse then a normal everyday mouse

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by owenator111.