DON'T. It's against the rules.

14 people currently regifting, some even with an attitude and history. -_-

8 years ago*

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I wonder what is the highest number of times a single copy of a game was regifted in here. Did anyone ever win the same copy twice?

8 years ago

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This is a good contestant for the highest number. Highest percentage, some of the better hidden object game drops. One had over third of the 50 keys regifted in the first 24 hours.

8 years ago

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Woo.. ATTITUDE, you say..

8 years ago

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Space CAT!

8 years ago

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Even if someone looks like they didn't enter/win the giveaway it probably just means they are using an alternate account. Not buying coincidences today.

8 years ago*

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I hope support is checking those since we can hardly report them without at least an inkling of proof.

8 years ago

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who they are? can we get their profile link?

8 years ago

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No profile links because rules, but you can just search for the giveaways

8 years ago

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Currently returns zero results,. im guessing the admins caught on and deleted the giveaways, and probably punished the people involved with a 24 hour ban.

8 years ago

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12 results. Many earlier ones are gone for good.

8 years ago

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Wait, i had the setting on that hides games already in my inventory,. d'oh,. slaps forehead

8 years ago

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24 hours?

View attached image.
8 years ago

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You can always just use the Archive button in the footer to look up past giveaways, deleted or not. In this case, here are the people who made a giveaway for this game, both legit and regifts:

8 years ago

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125 giveaways of that game

8 years ago

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It would be nice if we could see the total number, without going to the last page one by one.

And I'm seeing 186 right now.

8 years ago

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What is considered a "free" game to the extent it would then be removed from the giveaway list?

That was a big discussion a few weeks ago, with users re-gifting games from the giveaways at orlygift. Orly implemented a system to block users entering new giveaways if they hadn't activated anything they won on their steam account. Its not impossible to create alts to farm, but they have much lower chances and you have to rinse and repeat several times over.

For something as huge as 50,000 copies - whether it be here, Gleam, Orlygift, or anywhere else for that matter, it would be counted among the "free" aspect, right? Would it somehow affect an existing giveaway if after the giveaway is setup and running, to then remove the ability to giveaway that game since it could have been considered "free"?

Technically, you would assume that you would only see one copy to one person here on SG, with fewer alts due to the $100 sign-up requirement, while for stuff like Gleam all you need is an email address, but there are still those who we see such as now who will giveaway what they won immediately.

Maybe its already been discussed before. But nevertheless, food for thought.
Though, I want real food. Time to go make dinner.

8 years ago

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Good point. I guess steamgifts is not taken into account when it comes to free games. Kind of makes sense as well, since you can actually see who got that game from here and didn't activate it themselfs.

8 years ago

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I'm almost tempted to go buy a copy of the game off the steam store and give it away as a joke, but I don't think it'd be worth all the blacklists I'd get added to.

8 years ago

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Early i see one region lock GA for 30,000 impossible levels, create from someone that won a key from those 50.000. =/

8 years ago

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OP the game is called 30 Impossible Levels not 30,000 impossible levels.
Just wanted to point that out :p

8 years ago

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Thanks, think i got mixed up with the amount of 50000 copies given away. :p
Now that would be a game, 30000 levels.

8 years ago

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Just a thought: don't bother with blacklists, as the worst offenders would be perma-banned anyway.
If you want to keep them out of your giveaways, you could enforce a level restriction,or make an invite-only giveaway protected by spyware SGTools.

8 years ago

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I'm a bit confused as to what can be enough proof for regifting. Most are obvious: win the game, game not activated on Steam, and made a giveaway for that game immediately.
But what about someone who won the game, has it activated in his/her Steam account, and made a new giveaway for it? Said person could have bought the game to give after winning it. I saw one like this who just got permanently banned, and I'm not sure what could be the proof that he didn't buy another copy but is regifting?
And those people who are gifting 30 impossible levels without entering the massive giveaway beforehand. Is there any way to prove they are regifting?

8 years ago

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Unless you can see that the person won the game, doesn't have it in their library and is gifting it, you can hardly prove anything.

Btw, you can search here with the person's name and they will show up (as anonymous) even if they didn't mark as received.

There's a big chance that someone who's giving the game today has gotten it from an alternate account, but unless you can't prove it, don't bother reporting it. Support must be swamped in reports already.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the explanation :)

8 years ago

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Is there any way to prove they are regifting?

Ve haff our vays....

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Big question is why they are able to make a ga for it in the first place. It should be removed as though it were a free game. Some games removed for being free were given away in lesser quantities.

8 years ago

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At least GameMiner and SteamCompanion are preventing people from giving it away, so we have two less places where we need to hunt down the offenders.

8 years ago

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I thought the reason that games were removed when free was to stop people levelling without spending anything and/or to stop the site being flooded with free games to save on server load.

As the game was given away on the site itself, and the rules of the site say that you must activate wins the things mentioned above shouldn't happen unless someone is breaking the rules.

8 years ago

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Exactly. And regifting will result in a ban (perma ban if you do it often), so levelling through it doesn't really work anyway.

8 years ago

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Tecnically it wasnt given away for free it was a very large giveaway

8 years ago

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Here's a fun statistic, checked the people I reported and support closed:

Suspension 4 days: 5
Suspension 1 week: 2
Suspension permanent: 3
(and not all 20 are done yet)

What are yours?

8 years ago

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1/20 done.. no suspension. (The guy deleted his giveaway and activated the game)

Edit: Actually, looking through the open reports, many of them has been suspended already and their giveaway deleted by support. I should probably close them since they're pretty much useless now. I also closed 2 alredy because the users deleted teir giveaways AND activated the game on their account.

8 years ago*

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Perhaps should be part of the logic in creating a new GA.

Check if the game for new GA has previously won by the user.
(If it has been previously won) If it doesn't yet exist on their account - then it is being regifted & display a message explaining the rules on regifting.
Refuse to create the GA until the game exists on their account (suggest doing a sync just in case).

8 years ago

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Eh, aren't you getting suspended already, if you don't activate it on your account?

8 years ago

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The suspension isn't automatic - it requires someone to manually check and then report it to support. The above suggestion would be to automatically prevent the user from creating a regifted GA.

8 years ago

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+1 to your idea then. Should be certainly automatic.

8 years ago

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this is such a useless thread.
As if the people who actually regift free gifts are the kind who read the forums

8 years ago

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Or prevent people who don't know, from entering them atleast.

8 years ago

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Gr8 solution m8 xD

8 years ago

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So many naughty people :/.

8 years ago

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But, but... how else am I going to reach level 1? ):

8 years ago

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Didn't want to regift 30 impossible levels. read thread anyway, rebel for life!

8 years ago

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What if i regift only 15 impossible levels? Less ban time? hahaha

8 years ago

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I think it would be a good idea to lower a user's CV for wins that are not activated on their steam account. Maybe instead of using the games value, use a system that exponentially increases the CV removed for every additional infraction. Something like -$5 for first, then -25, -100, -500, -1000, -5000. This will basically make it impossible for people who do not activate their wins to get above level 0. They can correct the mistakes and activate the games on their account and it then will remove the penalty when they sync their account.

Maybe have the server automatically report users that have a certain number of infractions and have not resolved them after a certain period of time. Then support can deal with suspending or banning them.

8 years ago

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