As long as people report them they will eventually be permanently suspended.
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One of those wonderful people is a member here for 3 years and this re-gift is his first giveaway... Not to mention his other three non-activated wins :(
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A lot of long-term "inactive" members only used the trade site before the redesign. It's not an excuse but it makes it easier to understand.
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It was previously two sites using the same login, linked to the one steam account. Before the redesign you were technically a member even if you only used the trade site and it wasn't uncommon to find traders wandering into the gift site not aving previously known it existed.
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The user won 35 giveaways here. He used the site actively during all three years..
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Just ask in the forum for people to donate to your epic leveling quest.
Let's see if there is a begging thread within 1 hour.
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i entered this GA by a mistake and dont want to enter the key. I hope my ask for a reroll/ winnerlist removal will be guranted..
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thats to bad. i dont wanna use the key, and i dont want to be excluded in cause of a unactivated win neither.. =/
i guess i've to open a support ticket by myself..
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If you don't want to play it, don't enter its GA (except for mass GAs)
I assume you mean "mass GAs with more available copies than there are entrants", since otherwise you're still taking a game from someone that actually wants it, and being dickish regardless (points below). :X
Then again, I don't understand entering for something you don't want, period..
[which is why I never enter those especially large mass GAs, myself..]
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gift it here
You can always gift things. You just can't repurpose other people's gifts for your own ends- that's one of those things that's pretty universally known to be a dickish thing to do.
Think about it in real world terms: if a family member says "Huh, I have this (object), would any of you like it?" And several members of your family raise your hands and say "Ooh, me" and the first family member says "Okay, here you go." and gives if to you-
and then you immediately turn around and say "Eh, this is shit, I didn't want it anyway, here, which of you wants it most? What'll you give me for it?"
Aaaaaand that's the dickery regifters are getting up to by regifting games here on SG.
They're being offensive to the giveaway creator and the other potential winners- and the enclosed, very visible nature of actions made on SG makes any such acts all the more pronounced, compared to real life situations.
And y'know, that's all on top of the rather obvious site exploitation- even pushing past the "using someone else's efforts to benefit yourself" and "getting something for nothing" and "the endless cycle of regifting would invalidate all credibility of the CV system" elements, if you consider CV levels as an acknowledgement of generous conduct, then exploiting the system is a massive middle finger toward legitimate giveaway creators.
tl;dr version: Please respect others.
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You DO know that the regifters won;t listen. Just suspend them first and then ban them for repeated offenses.THAT will stop them.
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This is why I decided to never make a giveaway that can end up featured ever again.
Edit: Holy fuck, I looked it up in the archive. The regifting is more than real.
sends the support members a large basket of VirtualCookies™ and a "Hang in there" card
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In my opinion not that it matters but i think regifters should get suspended 5 days for 1st offense and 30 days for second offense and 3rd stike permanent suspended cause if they havent learnt by that time they will never , and to clarify i mean 3rd time get caught means permaban
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No, if you are suspended, you can't browse the site in general. Or at least that was the case during my suspension, when I went on a witch hunt on WGN!? distributed keys. I couldn't browse the site and couldn't log out, and a message was showing up how many hours are left from my suspension. Fortunately I didn't have any suspensions ever since, so I was just assuming that it's still the case.
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It doesn't matter that much IMO. If guy got suspended the reason is clearly stated. Nothing is stopping him from reading the rules he agreed with after suspension ends.
Of course, he could read them all, maybe suspension would push him towards doing that if he didn't do that yet, but you can't really blame anybody but yourself if you broke the rules - be it intentionally, or accidentally. I think it would be cool to make rules available for suspended rules, but it's not that much important.
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If they can't learn the rules which they already agreed to when creating a site we don't want them in the discussions where all they'll do is bitch and moan.
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Why take their ability to create giveaways? Most of those guys didn't even make a giveaway before trying to regift this one..
Just remove all their entries, set their points to 0 with no refill for a week. But let them browse the site, so they can see all of the good giveaways they can't enter, as they don't have points... :3
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Why not put on hold and put the game as "free" and not giftable for a week or so after these massive giveaways?
That way at least some people will not regift.
But as i saw some of them are regifthing things they won a month ago, trying to be sneak since they dint activated it on their account.
Hope staff dont overwork... it's pretty stressfull dealing with the same thing over and over.
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I even found a user that activated his/her first copy, won a second one and regifted it.
Little does s/he know, those are 3 rules borken at once, instead of 2. Regifting is Missed Activation + Regifting, that behaviour adds Multiple wins to the mix.
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Worst thing that people still continue to join this giveaways. I checked just first 10 people who join those regifting GAs, and guess what? 8/10 of them won this game already, but they still join giveaways of this game again. And that's not just few people, there are hundreds of them. Holy fucking shit, i'm losing my faith in humanity very quickly after events like this, this is so depressing to see.
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I just reported someone, who did not just regift his won copy of this game, but he did regift 8 (!) other games, that he won here! Someone like this should really get a permanent ban!
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Oh God!!!
was suspended for 3 days for this but totally worth it rofl xD
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I think cg should do three things to help this situation:
1) prevent us from making GAs for games that we have won, but which aren't activated on our accounts or marked not-received. Yes, it may cause a minority of us that sometimes GA games we'd like to win but don't own yet minor annoyances where we have to wait to create the GA until we can either activate the game or mark it not-received, but that's more than worth it to me.
2) prevent us from entering GAs that we have already won and marked received
3) warn us when we win a game and have outstanding entries for more GAs of the same game, and make it easy to remove ourselves from them
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2) So... I win a GA. Then buy a bundle somewhere and this game is in there. Then I wouldn't be able to create a GA.
3) would be nice. When you sync with steam get an option to remove yourself from outstanding GA's for games you own.
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prevent us from entering GAs that we have already won and marked received
All you need to do is sync your steam account (which happens automaticly once per week (I believe)) so this is really already in place. The third point would be nice though. It happened to me once or twice that I won the same game because of outstanding entries.
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Don't worry, there are still plenty of re-gift GAs floating around :)
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Actually, I decided to shrink my blacklist a little, otherwise I won't be able to fit all those heretics inside it...
For this time, I'll give them the so-called benefit of the doubt, and leave them alone.
The worse ones will be perma-banned anyway, so there's no need to waste BL slots for them.
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Top tip:
What you want to do is activate the key and regift it from your library. That's what I've been doing and I haven't been caught yet. :3
Tip top tip:
please don't try to do that, I'm sure support wouldn't appreciate it.
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That's why you run in offline mode, can't remove what they can't see.
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DON'T. It's against the rules.
14 people currently regifting, some even with an attitude and history. -_-
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