So like....

I sort of have a boring life at the moment, just trying to get through my College life to get somewhere in life, and sometimes life just gets so crappy, you have to do something like set yourself a little or big goal to make yourself feel a little better when you achieve it. Sometimes I have stupid goals, and sometimes they are serious, but I was wondering if anyone else does this, and if so, give me some examples of some goals you set yourself :P

My current goals in life (stupid and non stupid):

  • Finish College
  • Keep my College Attendance High
  • To start to like Curry (I know, I don't like Curry, but my family do and they said that because I don't like it, I should try to learn to like it, so I'm trying it)
  • Achieve 500 Games on my Steam account (I'm currently at 476, and will probably be there for a while x3)
  • To make more friends I have a lot in common with on Steam and in real life.
  • Avoid Relationships until the end of College (Education is the key at the moment :P)
  • Cut down on fatty foods (I'm such a fatty :'( x3)

Let me know what your life goals are! Big or small, you name it! :3

Midna <3

10 years ago

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I have only one life goal:

Open up a huge prostitution ring and sit back enjoying my hedonistic life, with a lot of drugs and all the other good things.

10 years ago

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haha, sounds like a great thing to do :P

10 years ago

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PM me when you are up and hiring.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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It's good to have goals in life. Mine are the usual: getting money, getting married, spending time with friends and that's it.

10 years ago

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Yeah, I would have mentioned stuff like that too, but those are the sort of goals that the majority of people like to have I didn't bother mentioning it :)

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Looking forward to watching it.

10 years ago

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I don't set goals because I'll just disappoint myself! Positivity!

10 years ago

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My goal in life is to find what my goal in life is.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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It's commonly said that successful people in life make a habit of setting goals. Good job :D

Mine are as follows:

  • Get a degree in College
  • Pay off Student Debt
  • Start the path of earning wealth and leaving something for my children

Short term goals include:

  • Getting to 1,000 Steam games.
  • Finishing music CD
  • Owning all RISK games
  • Finishing all George R. R. Martin books
  • Finishing Battlestar Galactica

I'm sure there are others. I just have forgotten them. My mind has been sporadic today.

10 years ago

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I can never acomplish them, because for the most of the things I have to do to acomplish them, I need help from other people (parents, friends, etc.), people who tries so hard to screw all my efforts.

10 years ago

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I have life goals, but sadly I don't accomplish them. :x

In all seriousness though, it's the usual... Get a job and support my family.

10 years ago

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Dragons must have busy lives...

10 years ago

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Yeah, sleeping in mountain sized piles of gold.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I should, but I don't, so everything ends up being "yeah I should do X or Y sometime" but I never really figure out when or how or if I should do it so nothing ever gets prioritized and I end up browsing SteamGifts for 30 minutes instead.

10 years ago

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Keep focused on one thing for more the 30 minutes. Damn this attention deficit, why won't you pay attention to me!

10 years ago

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Yes. I make very many moneys.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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my top life goals are

  1. live long enough to read the end of One Piece
  2. have babies, multiples.
  3. try new buffets
10 years ago

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I guess that in the end it could be said that I have goals, but I don't really think of it that way. I have an understanding of what I want to happen and I do things which will make it more likely to happen, it's just that I never make a list or follow a concrete plan, I just follow what feels right to me. If I'm out of a job, yes, I'll look for one. I never had an attendance or "finish college" goal, because it was quite clear to me that I'll attend and finish. I liked the idea of 3D programming and games, so I studied that and worked for some years in the gaming field. But I never had "work at a game company" as a goal. It happened, I'm happy it happened, I'm not happy the company failed, and I moved on. I hope I'm a good parent, but I don't have a "be a good parent" goal listed somewhere. I just do what I hope are the right things to do when raising a family. I'm sure that if I was more driven and goal oriented I could achieve more, but I think I'm doing pretty well without that.

Regarding the list of goals, I think that some of them aren't really goal. Your goal is to finish college successfully. High attendance and not having relationships are possible steps towards achieving this goal, but they shouldn't be considered goals in themselves. If it happens that you get into a relationship with someone who's very supportive of your studies, that could be a fine alternative. So don't confuse the goal with the way to achieve it, because you might end up losing opportunities.

And I don't really understand goals of liking certain foods or collecting a certain number of games. I can understand trying new foods and collecting games for fun, but I don't see the point of making them into goals.

10 years ago

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Yeah, a lot of people like to not plan their life's at all or set any goals, they like to see where time takes them. I can imagine your one of those people, very interesting because I'm sort of both, apart from my goals above, I don't plan anything like marriage or children in life. And yes, some of my goals aren't exactly "goals" but they are just some points that I'd like to achieve, and a draft of how I'd like to approach things in life until later on at this time :)

10 years ago

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