This looks like a Gleam thing or something similar; is there any way you can direct link to it?
Edit: Eh, nevermind, making a throwaway was easier than I thought. I got Hive, which looks pretty decent. Definitely worth the time!
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Play games and support the troops? WTF! Why would I support the bloodshed?
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I won't jump through their hoops for the troops!
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I would prefer to donate to the victims of the war, rather than the troops.
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I would prefer to donate to the victims of the war, rather than the troops.
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If I remember well, the army isn't compulsory in America, so whoever goes in the army, chooses to fight and kill (there are the doctors and other professions too, of course). And what defense? They are the ones attacking. xD Anyway, where are the donations going to? To help them attack other countries? Why should I help with any way people that have blood on their hands? It's not like they are defending their country or something like that. And thus the question, maybe you are the one that is retarded?
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America or not, as the world works so far, everyone who wants to be independent and safe needs armed forces. Those who decide what to do with them and how big they should be, are the governmental bodies of the nations, which in most "developed" nations is chosen by popular election. Thus blaming whatever actions are undertaken by the army, on the actual soldiers and servicemen is in my opinion simply dumb.
Also, a person may choose to join a military force and/or take up arms for reasons that are not to "fight and kill". One may be fit and simply need money and a job like everyone else, and finds the army to be a solution. One may take up arms for patriotism or nationalism. One may take up arms when his home/land is threatened.
Some people could really use a boost in critical thinking...
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First of all, these donations go to help the American army. It's not about any defense, it's about attacking other countries. It's specifically about supporting an attack to foreign countries. No, there are still some countries that don't have an army, like Switzerland and some small countries. So what if the "heads" of these military operations are the ones that tell the soldiers to kill someone? Still, the soldiers are the ones that execute these monstrous actions. Would you justify my actions if I would start murdering people and then tell you that somebody else ordered me to do this? Of course not. Then would I justify the soldiers? They also kill people. Just because it's their job? Assassins also kill people because it's their job. :P Yes, as I said before, there are also the army doctors, which is actually a great thing to do, so not everyone in the army is a cold-blooded killer. No, I won't justify people that need money and that's why they joined the army. So what? And because they need money, they must kill people? Take up arms for patriotism or nationalism? Still a bad excuse. I don't care about the nationalists. So, because they love their country, they must go and kill people? True, they can join the army when their homeland is threatened, but we're talking about America now, that is not threatened by anyone. So, in conclusion, your excuses are the worst ever. :B I won't justify any war, except if a country wants to protect its homeland.
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I'm pretty sure that America first invaded them. -_- I do not justify the actions of ISIS, of course. They are cold-blooded killers too. But let's just say that America started this war. Still, they are not threatened by ISIS. All of the terrorist actions that happened till now, have no serious proof about who actually did it.
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Oh, so you know who did it? Tell me, detective. xD Because you talk like you're pretty sure about everything, even though there's no actual proof. Still, even if some madmen do some extreme and stupid actions, that's not the whole country's fault. You can't accuse a whole country for what some people did. But still, maybe US and Russia did it. ;) Wasn't in France that they found an undamaged passport on a terrorist? How's that even possible? He went in a suicide mission with his passport and also the passport was the only thing that was undamaged? Are you kidding me? xD
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No, I won't excuse your expression, because you keep telling me a retard, even though you don't explain why - you're just like: "I disagree with you, hence you are a retard".
I'll enlighten you. America (and other countries) attack countries where ISIS may be, not the ISIS headquarters or something similar. You're justifying their actions like saying that it's the fault of the countries that defend themselves from America. If they wanted to kill ISIS, they should have attacked ISIS and only ISIS, not whole countries and then suck their oil. ;)
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yes, in relation to some things I call you a retard based on that info, since I find your position in relation to terrorist attacks in Denmark, France & Co simply retarded. No, I don't care and yes I call people retarded a lot, for the time being.
I don't get it, you're defending those who bomb and gun Europeans just because at some point in the last decade something happened where those terrorists come from? Honestly, I find it retarded.
You said " You can't accuse a whole country for what some people did", by that logic you cant accuse the US of anything either ...?
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Have you ever thought then that maybe you're retarded and not the other people you accuse? Think of it if you didn't. I also find your opinions stupid, but I don't call you a retard every now and then.
I defended them? Who did I defend? You mean I defended ISIS? In which comment exactly I said that I'm with them? Because I only saw comments of mine that I was saying that I'm against them. Probably I'm blind too then, along with retarded. I defend people and nations. I don't defend militaristic movements and any hostile person. And America (and other countries) continuously invade countries for multiple reasons and excuses. It's not like they made a trip in some countries only once in the last decade. xD
I don't accuse USA. When did I say that I accuse the whole country? I'm not a f*cking racist. I accuse the government and their rich puppeteers that wage wars in order to suck oil.
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your answer to this comment:
Accusing a nation as a whole doesn't by itself make you a racist, lol.
well, this is getting complex for the relaxed way I deal with such...
-"I'm pretty sure that America first invaded them" / "All of the terrorist actions that happened till now, have no serious proof about who actually did it."
-"did the US bomb and gun down people in Denmark, France and elsewhere? (...) I don't think so."
-"Oh, so you know who did it? (...) there's no actual proof" / "You can't accuse a whole country for what some people did. But still, maybe US and Russia did it" // "defend themselves from America"
sidenote: "Wasn't in France that they found an undamaged passport on a terrorist?" nowadays having an European passport doesn't mean you are ethnically European *(replace EU with any specific EU country)
I don't care if people call me retarded and will hardly get offended in any meaningful way. And I don't mind being pointed out on what opinions of mine one finds stupid.
I defend those I feel deserve being defended in relation to something in some circumstance independently of what kind of entity it is.
(edit lag: weird auto formatting disformatting my comment)
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When I said America, I didn't mean literally the whole America. -_- With the same logic, what did you think that I meant - that the whole country took the plane and bombed some countries? :P I thought it was obvious that I meant that the American government decided to make this war, not the American people. That's what you thought? That I meant that it's the whole America's fault? o.O
And what does the EU passport have to do with it? I didn't even understand what you mean. I just said that the passport was probably "planted" on him, because it would be weird if someone would decide to bomb himself and took his passport along with him - plus the fast that the passport "survived" the bombing and was left unscathed.
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no, you didn't get my point, and I'm aware of what you mean by "America". And not everything has to be a conspiracy, the passport thing could very well be true and it wouldn't be inconsistent with anything and doesn't really change anything anyways.
read through my previous comment again if you'd mind
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Which part? That accusing a whole nation doesn't make you a racist? And what does it make you then? xD
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Still, they are not threatened by ISIS. All of the terrorist actions that happened till now, have no serious proof about who actually did it.
You have got to be joking...
How many people have arrived (and how many weren't so lucky) on the shores of your country alone because of that self-proclaimed "state"?
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Have you also checked that I said: "I do not justify the actions of ISIS, of course. They are cold-blooded killers too."? They are madmen too. But still, America is not directly threatened by ISIS. ISIS, which is not even a country, hasn't invaded America. America has invaded the countries where ISIS exists. Let me get it clear though: I do not justify any war and any killing! I do not support any soldier and any terrorist!
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Mahatma Gandhi believed that. So, I will also believe that. Even Gandhi expressed his admiration towards Gandhi in the past and Einstein was a smart person. ;) If the government and rich people didn't adore war, then the world would be much better now.
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I concur. Peace is beautiful. It's just not viable when you have entire hordes devoted to beheading every single human that doesn't abide by their twisted interpretation of some words scattered on paper.
It's ironic that you bear the name of one of the greatest generals in history.
And read up on Gandhi. That saintly figure hid a racist that despised black people and a pervert that used women as means for testing his own sexual restraint.
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First of all, you must agree that he managed to free India with a peaceful way, so peaceful actions can win hostile actions. Yes, ISIS people are very bad, but you must understand that Americans and any other country that attacks them, don't do it in order to stop them, but in order to get their countries' oil. Yes, I share the same name. So what? He loved war, I despise war. :P Now, about Gandhi, these accusations aren't entirely correct and remember that even Einstein admired him. Indians are black too, so you probably mean that he hated people from Africa, right? Still, he fought for civil rights in South Africa. He just didn't believe that Indians were equal to the African natives, mostly because he thought that Indians were most civilized in that chronological period. That's obviously racist, of course, but he never made a hostile action against Africans (or against anyone). No, I don't believe that he was a pervert and I don't think that this is true.
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Yes, I meant black South Africans.
Also, Alexander wasn't merely a crazed warmonger, as you know much better than I do.
Syria is not as rich in oil as, say, Iraq. Venezuela is a larger producer, and the USA has not intervened directly in its internal conflicts. In fact, the plunge oil as a commodity has seen in the last months is largely a consequence of the expanding US production, mostly because of the 'advances' in shale oil recovery (with a nefarious environmental toll, but nonetheless). Claiming there are no economic interests would be crassly naive, but I really don't believe it is the sole reason behind the coalition's intervention; it's rather a matter of survival.
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And, about peaceful resistance, that might have worked in that particular occasion, and let's face it, the failing British empire was at least a good bit more civilized than the self-proclaimed caliphate. Would you think Gandhi or anyone else would just sit in the way of AK-toting, knife-wielding fundamentalists? A "state" that forces sons to kill their own mothers?]
Now, back to games, I don't even disagree with you entirely, not sure why I wrote all this.
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Switzerland military, active personnel: 147,075 (2013) -
There are no countries without an army.
Soldiers of one place kill soldiers from the other. Still, war usually has a minimum of "integrity" in that civilians should not be involved, prisoners should be treated with humanity, and so on. In its core, a proper army is not about killing, but about defending the sovereignty and independence of a nation.
In the Christmas of 1914 (or 15 not sure), both sides of the trenches made an informal truce. One sided shouted merry Xmas to other, and the other shouted it back. Didn't take too long 'till they all left the trenches to exchange gifts and play football.
The main issue is that our human civilization is not nearly intellectually developed enough so that having extensive armed forces ceases to be a need. As of now it's a need, and as it unfortunately happens at times, wars breaks out. I blame it on the stupidity, ignorance and self-interested of humanity in general far more than I blame it on the common soldier. I bet the common soldier is far less willing to die for no good purpose than the population and its government is willing to send them to a battlefield. Honestly though, I don't think we'll ever be developed enough and pass the barrier so that we can live in harmony with nature and each other. Ever.
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"yes, because an Island in the end of the world with only half a dozen people, or a small village up in the mountains in between 2 big friendly countries really need and can afford an army. And Costa Rica is forbidden to have one.
Nobody would mess with Switzerland because there is no reason to do so, they don't bother anyone, and only 3 countries would be able to anyways."
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ah sry, "Costa Rica is forbidden to have one.", but didn't read through properly. However I speculate that is possible mainly because of the influence of the US, as in if for some reason war would get close to showing up, the US could make sure it doesn't break out
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List of countries without armed forces:
I'm terribly sorry about the wrong statement about Switzerland. Heard about it in the past, but it was obviously wrong. Still, Switzerland is totally safe. Nobody would like to mess with Switzerland, because it's the world's "bank". They never entered any war, if I am right.
Anyway, you should understand though that no killing is justified. I understand if you use your army to defend your homeland, but if you send your army to another country, then that's not called defense. Every war is about oil and other interests. Nobody should like wars. Everybody should be against them.
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yes, because an Island in the end of the world with only half a dozen people, or a small village up in the mountains in between 2 big friendly countries really need and can afford an army. And Costa Rica is forbidden to have one.
Nobody would mess with Switzerland because there is no reason to do so, they don't bother anyone, and only 3 countries would be able to anyways.
There are situations where defending may require you to attack.
No, nobody should like wars, but some circumstances can make them almost unavoidable. Both world wars didn't need to have happened. WW1 became truly unavoidable at some point, as in even if a key country didn't want it, they had no choice but to take actions that would further escalate the triggering of it. And France is as much to blame for WW2 as Germany is. As I basically wrote before, humans are stupid and get what they seed.
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Costa Rica doesn't have an army because their president put an end to their military. And that's actually very good. It's not like someone else forced them to stop having military. I hope that every country could do this. About WW2, didn't Hitler start everything with his hatred against Jews? Germany invaded Poland and started the war. With your way of thinking, yes, wars are unavoidable. But if people would peacefully protest against their government, then no war could actually happen. Governments make wars, not the common people. Common people are the ones that have the power to stop a war, but they just don't know it.
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commented above { ah sry, "Costa Rica is forbidden to have one.", but didn't read through properly. However I speculate that is possible mainly because of the influence of the US, as in if for some reason war would get close to showing up, the US could make sure it doesn't break out }
WW2 didn't start simply with Hitler, the Jews nor Poland, in fact it's more of a WW1 that didn't end than an isolated war. A war could have broken out several times between WW1 and 2.
Sure, my way of thinking, lol, quite a hilarious comment.
Common people are the ones that elect their government. The government is made up of people from among the common people. Modern Democracy 101.
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I sense you watch to match news and wow,i get it you hate American Army,do not support them,but do not be little others because you have such hate for it,and they want to support it.Just because you think America's Army is all about death does not make it so,many people join for a lot reasons,but when your told to fight you fight or you get discharged,and a mark on your record.Also anyone who joins any Nation.Country Army takes the risk of fighting,We did not start every war,but we have started a fair share.
In either case i think it time to take the tin foil hat off,and Americas army is not the only one that starts shit,Putin thought he could be a bad ass and take back a piece of land he thought belonged to them.
.America is threaten by a lot of things like people like you who only see America as a killing machine,who then go to far and form shit like Isis,then when America is not enough they decided to hate on everyone who is not them and attack all.Seems like America is not the only ones who kill people.Do i agree with every war we been in or how things where handled no,but i still support the people who gave there lives,nobody goes into the Army to be a killing machine.Sadly most of the time after war they are a shell of what they use to be,then have to see hate like yours,you do not like death to bad get use to it,it is part of life.
Anyhow it time to stop watching X-Files and get some hobbies and stop hating on America so much lol :) or keep on hating either way you just make yourself look foolish in the process.
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I don't hate American army. I hate every army in the world. :P Why did you think that I hate America's army and love Russia's army? :P I've never seen X-Files. :B I hate every war and every killing. I'll not get used to it. I'll just keep hating armies forever and ever. I don't care for which reason they join the army. If it's not compulsory to join the army, but they choose to join it and then go and kill people, then it's their fault and they are killers. That's all! Why do you think I hate America? xD I'm the least racist person in the world. xD I hate armies, not nations.
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They are lacking American troops? :P So, you think that they need some American troops to "free" them?
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What do you mean? They still need to send troops in order to attack a country, right? Wars nowadays are mostly in order to control territories with oil.
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No, sending in weapons to those who want to fight is all it takes. And I've never heard of there being much oil in Syria, I could be wrong though.
"Proxy War: a war instigated by a major power that does not itself become involved."
The last century has seen lots of them.
The Portuguese Colonial war and the Civil Wars that took place at the same time and in the following decades, would probably not have taken place at all had different powers not sent weapons to them. Sure, the US didn't put boots on the ground (except for cuban mercenaries sent by oil companies for defending their assets), but they sent weapons. When the war was already going, one side sent in armour, so the other sent them anti-tank equipment, and so on. Hell, the Russians even sent them high-tech Mig fighters. There were no weapons for anyone to fight with before the US and USSR (& a few other nations) stepped in.
And what about Syria now? As far as I know, the US (and Europe) don't have any troops there, but the rebels were armed by them. All because their government was not democratic and slightly pro-Russian. I guess Merkel got what she wanted though, lol
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Yes, true that. You're right about that. They "fund" wars, by sending weapons and equipment. There are also the economic wars and so on. Europe is an expert in economic wars. xD There is oil in Syria. America has been involved a lot of times in Syrian affairs. Here:
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Vlvgmr, you should have just let that reply sit, as it indicates rather clearly that this person has a few screws loose & isn't worth the time (not to mention a general lack of intellect, or if I wanted to be generous, we could call it a clear case of ignorance in regard to Somalia and the various military operations that have taken place there in the last 12-13 years, including the ongoing action by the SADF).
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"Wolfenstein The New Blood"
its caled the old blood :P
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