I am not 100% sure, if its a bug, or something changed in the background, but somehow I was downgraded to lvl7, and checking my stats, it seems like I never was in lvl8? which is strange, cause I was for years... 😅I was around 8.10-8.20 i think, but it was a long time ago that I checked...Oh and btw I entered a couple lvl8 GAs, which now shop up as red, but I am clearly in... 😅

Did anybody else experienced similar?

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3 hours ago

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im guessing games got updated to reduced CV
wish steamgifts had a dark mode... all the addons that do it at a decent amount of lag to every page so i dont use them

3 hours ago

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But if this would be the case, wouldnt it be shown on the graf normally? I mean I should see how much I had. 8.someting at some point in time, and then dropped below 8? 🤔

3 hours ago

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its just readjusts the graph based on the new data. it will never go down as far as i know

3 hours ago

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It happens from time to time. If a game was given for free / bundled and the SG mods take some time to mark it as no / reduced CV, then it retroactively reduces your level (if you gave away the game after it was free / bundled but before it was marked as no / reduced CV).

3 hours ago

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Why did my level decrease?
There are two reasons why a decrease could occur.

Values are calculated based on the current USD prices of games in the Steam store. If a game lowers in price, the value of previously created giveaways will adjust accordingly, and this will be reflected on profiles and levels.
Certain games on our site are flagged as "No Value" or "Reduced Value". This is done manually by our volunteers, and therefore there might be a delay before these values are assigned. For example, a game might be included in a bundle on January 10, 2018. If on January 13, 2018 we flag that game as "Reduced Value", with an effective date starting January 10, 2018 (the day the bundle started), then giveaways created between January 10-13, 2018 would have their value reduced accordingly.

3 hours ago

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Yeah, but wouldnt/shouldnt this show up on the graph normally? I mean now if you check the picture I added, it seems like I was never over lvl8... 🤔

3 hours ago

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i mean idk what particular games that would be cuz you gave hundreds, but maybe it's just really unlucky. if you consider the fact that each level takes more than the previous that would kinda make sense i guess?

i learned not to give it too much importance, just let it grow as it does (or doesn't)

3 hours ago

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for some reason that's how they do the graphs here, same thing happens with the whitelist and blacklist graph

3 hours ago

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The graph is dynamically generated on the fly, so it doesn't notice that the game was previously worth more and now isn't. So you don't get to see the drop.

3 hours ago

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oh, thats a real bummer😕

3 hours ago

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I was level 3 once.. then one 2/3 games became free and now i am level 2. It happens according to games value i think.

3 hours ago

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I mean you were barely hitting 8 before, you were probably 8.00 and dropped 0.06cv. Not that big of a change.

PS: If you're wondering about the chart itself showing you just under 8, it's probably with adjusted games and cv, counting for all time, based on current cv worth. So it's probably based on looking at your ga's calculating the cv for that time period based on what the cv is worth right now, not based on what it was worth back then. A weird way of doing it, but basically you wont see any downward on it, because the chart only goes up. STONKS.

The same happens with the wl/bl charts as well. They only climb up, never a downtrend on them. For the gifts sent/won it makes sense as you can't remove from that number(I think) but for the others it would help if the charts represented losses as well.

3 hours ago*

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i'm saying this forever, even when there were a "clear" rule about the bundle list: anything can be bundled anytime for any reason.
best advice i can give is expect nothing from the unexpected.

3 hours ago

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Closed 3 hours ago by Csiki.