
Before the no-winner bug, my CV was 5,46.

I just made a dozen GAs of which most have been claimed and some of which have good CV value.

My CV is still 5,46. It seems like there is a bug that is blocking the CV adding that follows the no-winner bug.

8 years ago

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Or some has cv on other games dropped.

8 years ago

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what do you mean?

8 years ago

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Some games that haven't been put on the bundled list yet, a game becoming less worth, your cv can always drop a bit.

8 years ago

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Looks like bundle games, I'd not expect much CV movement, coupled with a potential adding of other games to a bundle list. It's probably about right.

8 years ago

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it's not bundle gamed.

8 years ago

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You are listed as 5.53 for me.

8 years ago

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Yup just moved, Should be about right

8 years ago

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Thanks I didn't there was this on SGtool. So wait, why are some giveaways, like Darksiders posted as ZERO value?

8 years ago

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<5 entries

8 years ago

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Oh this is so fucked up, I just realised after all these GAs that GAs under 5 participant don't get counted. This is fucked up, it means that if I gave a good game to whitelist or group but had 4 entries, it doesn't even get counted like "fuck you for giving away a valued game".

8 years ago

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It's not really a "fuck you" thing. It's there to prevent people abusing it. If you could just get cv with one entry, you would just get a friend and buy each other the games you want and get CV for it...

8 years ago

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Yep. But this goes only for non-public (wishlist/group/link-only) giveaways. For example, I got CV for this giveaway, despite ending with 4 entries—since it was fully public, just people weren't too interested in it.

8 years ago

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high level winners.. :'D

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Well, there was an achievement to make giveaways for every level, and I guessed that HOG pack was as good an opportunity as any. :)

8 years ago

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thank all the idiots who tried to cheat for this. ^^ public giveaways are fine with just one entry, but private/group GAs have to have 5 entries in order to get CV.

8 years ago

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also, if it's about CV for you, you need to stop giving away Ghost Warrior Trilogy. as you can see in the link, you have away so many copies that the CV value decreases with every new giveaway.

8 years ago

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Yes, this is knew.

8 years ago

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It only had one entry, to get value for your "non-public" giveaway, you need to have a minimum of five entrants.

8 years ago

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