
character and screenshot sharing services in Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV will no longer be available after January 31st 2018.

SaintsRow twitter

The Jumped In and Saintified achievements/trophies will no longer be attainable after the end of January.

So if u want to get 100% achievements in both games - its time to play 😖

😲 Giveaways 😲

ENDED - Redium, lvl 5+, 5 copies

ENDED - Saints Row 2, lvl4+, Can't activate in Germany - Thanks, cals7 💮

ENDED - Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package, lvl 3+, 2 copies, north american region-lock - Thanks, borsdy 💮

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7 years ago*

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Not an achievement hunter myself, but since these belong to my absolute favourite games, I'll probably take care of it. Thanks for the reminder!

7 years ago

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  • You can upload chars directly from the character creation screen.

  • And it helps if you register the My Steelport account first. You'll need to login with it ingame to upload anything.

Also - bump!

7 years ago

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Gonna install the game so I can try to get those xD thx.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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added to OP, thanks :О

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago*

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thanks and bump!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Can a character be uploaded after it has already been created, and the game in progress?

7 years ago

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hey, i see u got achievement for first mission
If u want to get "Saintified" achievement now u need upload your in-game character
As cals7 noticed

It looks like the two things are both character uploads after the first mission.

Also guide from astats

7 years ago

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Nice to know it's still possible. Thanks for the guide!

7 years ago

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its time to play

the horror! 😱

7 years ago

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I am just playing 3 now, thanks as always your info! :)

7 years ago

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When they do things like this, they should just remove the Achievements altogether. People that buy the game after Jan 31st will never get 100% in the games, and that isn't fair. I have seen Devs take out broken Achievements or ones no longer attainable (servers shut down so no more multiplayer, for example), so they should do this here as well. But they won't. :(

7 years ago

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i agree, but sadly most devs just cannot be bothered enough to remove them when they can just let in the way it is

7 years ago

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Valve themselves should respond to reports of broken achievements on abandoned games, and disable them server side.

7 years ago

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Why? If the achievement used to work fine and it wasn't broken right from the start why not leave it there?
Is not like future players need to get every achievement in the game and if I got said achievement why should I lose it (I don't by the way, never bothered to use that option when I played the games), I never understood that completionist mentality.

7 years ago

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Bank Robbery. Skydiving ...... thats the first 15 min. This will be a blast.

So what exactly do I need to do? I bought both of these over a year ago during a sale. I've downloaded both just now. Played about an hour of Saint 3. This is a lot of fun. I'll come back to it. I did 3 achievements. One is the "jumped in". Is that the only one I need for Saints 3 right now?

Moving on to saint 4. Lets try and see what I need here.

Not that I intent to get all achievements. I tend to just play and get what I can while playing. But I'm not replaying to get everything. But ifs its easy to get a couple that are going away. Then why not do that and come back to these games later.

How do I do a screenshot? its not a steam screenshot. My character uploaded but no screenshots I took.

7 years ago

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One is the "jumped in". Is that the only one I need for Saints 3 right now?


Moving on to saint 4.

I see u opened "Saintified" achievement in Sains Raw 4, so looks like everything fine 🍺

7 years ago

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Yep. The start of Saints 4 is a blast as well. This will be good.
And yes. It looks like the two things are both character uploads after the first mission.

lol. Now I want to play them. I need to go start at the beginning however. I don't see a saints row 1 on steam. I do have 2, 3, 4 and all the DLCs. I heard good things and got them over a couple good sales.

Guess I'll start with 2. lol.

Edit. Thanks for the tip. I would not have been happy missing a couple easy ones on two fun games that I had but never got to if I had did this 6 months from now.

7 years ago*

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as i remember Saints Row 1 - XBOX 360 exclusive 😥

Happy gaming! 🙌

7 years ago

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I think you replied as I was doing my edit. Just wanted to say thanks for the tip on it going away.

7 years ago

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Another GA for your thread Here.
Please put it above so its seen.

Saints Row 2. The only Saints row extra key I have. Sorry its not number 3 or 4. Can't activate in Germany. Level 4 Invite GA.

7 years ago

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Added to OP, appreciate it, thanks!

7 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up! Not sure if I'll ever Platinum SR4, but I might as well grab this in case I try down the line.

7 years ago

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Got itt thanks for the tipp

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Im going to do this just because.

7 years ago

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Got both achievements, thanks for the heads-up!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

7 years ago

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my game won't start
any one else got the same problem?

7 years ago

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Ugh I've got 100% on SR4 but that was a long game to finish.

The MP achievements on SR3 seem just diabolical -.- specially since they ask to basically do 100% of the game with a coop partner

7 years ago

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Thank you a lot for the info, I was missing one of these achievements!

7 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up! I really appreciate it.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Ouch! Not the right time for me to start such a game >_<
*installing* :v

It's just one achievement per game, right?
unfortunately, looks like I cannot unlock from the "main screen", I need to play the first mission.. hope I'll be able to complete it without getting sucked in.. *fingerscrossed*

Thanks for the info btw :)

7 years ago

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yes, its one achievement per game. But u need to finish 1st mission to get this xD

7 years ago

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Is it very long? :(

7 years ago

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no, 15-20 mins 🙌

7 years ago

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hmm, should be doable.. thanks :)

7 years ago

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Awesome. The fewer things we see that are related to these 2 games, the better! :D

7 years ago

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but.. u see it every day ¯ \\ (ツ) / ¯

7 years ago

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I try to imagine they're from Saints Row 2 or something. :B

7 years ago

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Saints Row 3 was actually quite enjoyable, why are you hating?

7 years ago

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Depends. Are you referring to it as a game or a joke? Because if you're referring to it as a joke, then it was indeed funny. Because that's what I can call them (Saints Row 3 and 4): jokes!

7 years ago

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If by joke you mean, funny and enjoyable games than yes.

7 years ago

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Don't even bother, I think I've had that discussion with him twice, he just hates SR3&4.

7 years ago

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Seems like it, though I can certainly understand people like different things that's fine, but SR2 is mediocre at best and has such few original ideas I simply don't understand.

7 years ago

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I get the argument that some people have against 4 since it is pretty much in a whole different genre, but it still is really fun.
But when it comes to 3 I don't get it, is a GTA-style sandbox with a sense of humour, what's wrong with that?

7 years ago

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Can't really say much about 4 since I haven't played much of it yet. The main difference to me seems to be that two is more serious and similar to GTA, while three and four are more ridiculous, outlandish and less realistic.

7 years ago

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Well yeah, but is not like they hide it, the opening to 3 makes that clear.
And 4 is a great example of how changing a few mechanics can completely change the overall feel of a game (basically giving you more on-foot movility renders the vehicles redundant), but as I said, the result is still fun.

7 years ago

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3 and 4 are better than 2

7 years ago

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Ahahahahahaha, thanks for the joke. xD Damn, that was a good one. xD

7 years ago

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Saints Row 2 is shit; the story is lame, the missions are boring and repetitive, the gameplay is a poor copy from "GTA: San Andreas" and the mini games are absolute unbalanced and buggy garbage. Even though the game has no achievements I did actually 100% it. So tell me again how Saints Row 2 is better?

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7 years ago

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Saints Row 2 is shit


the story is lame


the missions are boring and repetitive


the gameplay is a poor copy from "GTA: San Andreas"

I don't know, but I'm pretty sure you can't know that either. o.O It has a lot of differences though.

and the mini games are absolute unbalanced and buggy garbage


About the "nope" answers, well, I really didn't have anything else to say, because I actually believe the exact opposite about the things you told me. The storyline and the missions were awesome, the gangs were really badass, cars actually did matter (unlike Saints Row 4, for example), there was no stupid humor (at least not like the other 2 games), the characters were lovable (even the villains - I loved them), etc.
The other 2 games are full of stupid and "patriotic" humor, that are mixed with a bunch of unrealistic and foolish missions, dildo guns, worthless powers, etc. I mean, I'm seriously trying to find something good in any of these 2 games, but I can't - or maybe it's just like trying to find the needle in a haystack.
While I understand that this is just my opinion, I think you don't understand that this is also just your opinion. Different people like different things. I can't understand why you like them and you can't understand why I don't like them. :/

7 years ago

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I don't know, but I'm pretty sure you can't know that either. o.O It has a lot of differences though.

I've played GTA 3, San Andreas, IV and V to 100% completion, I've also played Saints Row 2 to 100% completion, it is easy for anyone who has played these games to notice the similarity, though how well they implemented these mechanics is solely my personal opinion though shared by many others as well.

and the mini games are absolute unbalanced and buggy garbage

This right here proves to me that you never tried to complete them, I could understand if you disagree with all my previous statements which for the most part are my opinion versus yours, but the unbalancedness of some of these activities is undeniable to anyone who has completed them.

I never said my opinion was the absolute truth, you stated your opinion as I have stated mine in return and I'm thankful that you explained what you did like about the game even though I disagree. I may never completely understand why you like this game and not the third and fourth but I think I have an idea.

7 years ago

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I've played GTA 3, San Andreas, IV and V to 100% completion, I've also played Saints Row 2 to 100% completion, it is easy for anyone who has played these games to notice the similarity, though how well they implemented these mechanics is solely my personal opinion though shared by many others as well.

Similarities don't equal copying. Many people also say that Bully is "GTA in school", but I can assure you it has nothing to do with it.

This right here proves to me that you never tried to complete them

Please, don't call me a liar, FallenKal. I can assure you I did complete everything in this game - not on steam though, sadly. But I swear that I fully completed it more than once. And I cannot remember finding any bug on it. There was only the "ragdoll" problem, but that's hardly a problem to me at all.

7 years ago

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Saints Row 2 literally copies several gameplay mechanics, I could do a side by side comparison of the two games If I wanted to spend the time, which I don't. You can hardly come across a review that doesn't mention the GTA link. This goes beyond just similarities, this isn't just my opinion. Bully borrows elements from GTA as does Red Dead Redemption, but Saints Row 2 actually plays like a GTA game of that time. But as I said I don't want to spend any time on proving it so we'll just agree to disagree.

I can certainly never know for sure if you did or did not do them, but since some of these are notorious for being unfair I find it hard to believe you. I'll give specific examples: Crowd Control, Trail Blazing, Tow Truck. So in my opinion you're either lying, denying or forgetting, if you say these activities are well balanced. I don't know which version you played but on PC I remembered some bugs like the Crowd Control meter filling up much quicker than it should.

7 years ago

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I don't really know if it's copying it or anything, but I am just saying some things on its defence. xD
Hmmm, so you found these activities really hard and unfair, so they're bugged?! Hmmm, ok. xD xD I never had such a problem. Or do you actually think that nobody has ever finished these activities? I could finish these activities easily. The activities were never a trouble for me. Not like I'm a pro gamer or something, it's just that they weren't that hard. :P So, no, I'm not lying, denying, or forgetting, I'm just telling about my experience with this game. But it's ok. I mean, I would never be able to finish Dark Souls myself, but you could be finding it a really easy game yourself.

7 years ago

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Those things are true about 3 and 4, not about 2, not even close. Saints Row was unrealistic since the 1st game, dont bring in realism here. Youre too nostalgia blinded or something.

7 years ago

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Oh come on! It's perfectly realistic that I get out of my car minding my own business and the first pedestrian (not gang member, pedestrian) comes charging at me and suckerpunches me. It perfectly emulates the feeling of living in Vienna. /s

Isn't it like that in Latvia ?

7 years ago

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It wasnt a joke.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Well, I know that, don't worry. xD

7 years ago

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Thank you for this, as an achievement hunter these kind of achievements annoy me to hell so thanks for warning me. Sadly it will temporarily bring my average completion rate down until I'm ready to play it.

7 years ago

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99%? 😲

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7 years ago

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Yeah, I get all the achievements for any game I play. Only two games aren't 100%-ed, Fallout 4 because I didn't own the DLC back then and King's Quest since I played the first episode when it became free, and didn't own it until later. Now it'll go down to 98%, good going Saint Rows.

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7 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Mihey3Z.