Firstly, I honestly want people to have fun and solve this puzzle. It's more fun for everyone involved (and I enjoy seeing people's reactions when they finally click to the solution). If you are really struggling, starting to get frustrated and this is no longer fun then let's talk. I am here to help =o)
On to the actual hints:
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Park Q6-10 for now. Have a read through the other questions and see if the answer jumps out at you.
Q11 . . . let's think about logic for a minute. If I asked how many legs an octopus had, what would you say?
Q17 is a riddle. Generally the answer is one word. Try swapping my bird with another cunning animal.
Q20 If you know the answer, check the formatting. I.e. in alphabetical order, with commas and spaces between each langauge,single word answers.
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input data: If 1 = a, 2 = b and so on, this is logical
how many legs does a spider have?
knowledge data input: Spider have 8 legs
8 = H is logical answer if not working I make
Spider 19 16 9 4 5 18 = 71 also not working
logic answer: problem is not correct mathematically.
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Ok, we'll try this again:
If the sky is purple, and the sea is yellow, how many legs does a spider have?
If 1 = a, 2 = b and so on, how many legs does a spider have?
Or as PavelGorney alluded to above. Try asking an 8 year old the question and I almost guarantee they'll get it correct.
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I can't get 6-10 and I read everything Why!!!!!!!!
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You've read all the other posts in this discussion?!?!? And you've read all of ITH??? Maybe you saw everything, but didn't take the time to actually read it???
If you've only got Q6-10 remaining and think you've finished with the other questions, you're wrong.
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So that was clever does it work for all, or just those?
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The second puzzle makes it seem that's intentional, though I haven't figured it out yet.
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Hello fellow Kiwi. Happy birthday.
Time to see if I've learned anything about my own country while spending all my time in my room.
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Nah, I apparently suck. I only got 5 off the top of my head. I don't even know who the PM is right now. :P
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Maybe, but if I can't even name the guy, I'm not going to know what he got tossed at him.
Most of my news is online. I know more about US politics. :P
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wow you don't know the smiling assassin :o don't u vote or pay attention to current affairs I'm just shocked
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Dang, apparently I don't even know the official languages... We have more than two, then?
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Guess I'll look that up later then.
And same here. All I know is in the other language is 'kumu'. The only thing I remember from a lesson about the language back in primary school is that word.
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Thanks! I thought it best not to descirbe the object or post a picture of it!
Re typo in last question . . . not that I can see. Each of the x answers is only a single word (simplified), separated by spaces and commas.
E.g.: French, German, Spanish
Not: French, German, New Zealand "Ahem" Language
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Yep, I totally don't get the puzzle questions - but going to try some stuff.
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Q.20 How do I ask you something without giving away the answer xD
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I don't understand what you mean with the puzzles.
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I am fully stuck and I've read all hints before this comment and all hints given in the puzzle itself. I know you won't be giving many hints in the future but if it matters I'm stuck on 6, 7, 8, 9, 16
I'll try again in a few hours after I finish something not as hard :p
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I read the instructions and I know what you want us to do but my brain isn't awake enough right now (it's 2:17 am) to solve these puzzles, sorry :'(
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Have a bump.
No time at the moment for more puzzles( due to march gigapuzzle event) but I may eventually come here too...
And I feel you I've also stopped playing games due to the puzzles around here lol...
Also how long will this puzzle last?
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Does that mean you live in Auckland if you say wellington is down?
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You got blown up to Auckland one windy afternoon though ;)
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I tell you what . . . I was down over Xmas. Seriously there were about 5 consectutive days with no clouds in the sky and honestly, no wind. As they say, you can't beat Wellington on a good day! Unfortunately it was work that brought me up =o(
Where in NZ are you from?
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the Spelling should be right just those answers mightn't be as straight forward as you first though
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how does that hint think work on that site? has it given you the hints?
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just did it works fine ;) just the end Result txt has a slight grammar issue should read as "Congrads you did it, well that's..."
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And are the answers generally recognised as answers by most people (or Google), or are they your interpretation? I'm struggling to figure out which hemisphere you live on if the closest city is Christchurch, but Southern and South aren't acceptable solutions. Quickly makes me lose interest to be honest.
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Q4 is two words ;) all the answers are pretty straight forward
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Q3, 5 words, Q8 1 word, Q9 2 words, hind for Q3 should help umm also very similar name as a Jimi Hendrix song that Gary Clark covered a few years ago
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lol You got it though =D Did you find the Mountain or the town?
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and I gave way more accurate location of that than the town ;) hope that puzzle wasn't to frustrating for you but you deserves to share some of the anguish Im feeling ;) LOL
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I enjoy working on puzzles (jigsaws mostly), so I would love to be added to your Whitelist.
I would also like to wish you a Happy Birthday!:)
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Done... except for 6 through 9.
6-7 I just don't know what to do after solving the obvious puzzle (must be missing something)
On 8 and 9 I "THINK" I know what you're on about, but the first answer I don't know and can't find out, and on 9 all three options I can think of are wrong.
Thanks for activating my brain though :)
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Nice correction.
Ok, imagine a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it (or toss a bird) . . . how far would that bird fly (in meters to zero decimal places)?
FYI: There are multiple answers I've put in ITH, which cover the same thing.
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yeah, I'm just dragging out the 'clever' response I came up with, actually had this one correct earlier, on my first try :)
More to the point, still not sure about that bird though... I mean, did the tree land on top of it or not? Or on the other end of the branch the poor thing was sitting on, catapulting it away?
Less to the point... that would explain the second half of its name I guess :)
Edit: Sidepoint: Since I'm now talking about catapulting birds... would that make it 'angry'?
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Well it's funny how you show the format for some answers, that are obvious -- like how to answer with a name "FirstWord LastWord" lol -- but really Q16 and Q17 are the type of questions that should include a format.
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16 and 17 really don't need guides on format as I've covered off a lot of options. If you read the posts above, I give one example of how you could solve Q16. With regards to 17, if you know the riddle, then there really is only one answer (which I've converted to six acceptable solutions). If you don't know the riddle, try replacing my bird with some other cunning animal.
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Well I've had someone breeze through this in 10 minutes. It probably depends on how you approach these types of puzzles. You're probably missing something easy. There are several hints in this discussion that should help you clear those last 4 questions.
P.S. Sorry about the conflict with the March puzzle event. I travelled back in time some 30+ years ago and asked Mum if she could hold on for another month so my birthday wasn't in March. The answer was no. Apologies, but I did try.
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Ok. Well to be honest, you haven't finished with the other questions even though you may have correctly answered them. To repeat what I just posted to another person:
On Q6-9, some hints or suggestions:
The answer is in front of you, you just need to see it.
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8 and 9 btw seem like troll questions. I wonder what you expect as an answer... Tried some stuff and failed... hmmm..
Everything else is more or less easy.
PS: Got prime number on first try. Needless to say that the answer is already in this thread.
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I left them for last to be honest. Don't want to open puzzle page from work. :P Had no idea they could be related.
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I thought for sure I just figured out the prime number question...but I was wrong. LOL!
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Finished all, quite easily, just left the 2puzzles with the 2 troll questions for laterz. Loved the trick with Q17.
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Another friend that is smarter than me! Noooooo. buys a vowel
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I won't go through the answers to all the questions as most were quite straight forward. Q6-9 or Q6-10 stumped a lot of people and it came down to how well you followed instructions and read the questions thoroughly. At the top of ITH, I specifically instructed people to "Read through all the questions before beginning." This should have been a hint that there was something in the questions that would help you. However, even if you didn't take my advice and jumped straight in, you should have spotted the answer I was looking for if you didn't skim-read the questions.
Specifically, Q18 reads as follows (emphasis now added):
The name of that bird is also the name of a fruit. However, in New Zealand we rarely use that name to describe the fruit because it can cause confusion with the bird. If you don't know the answer to a question, try "Did you read the instructions?". So what name do New Zealanders generally use to describe that fruit?
Hmmm . . . if you don't know the answer to a question, try "Did you read the instructions?". So how many people tried "Did you read the instructions?" as their answer to questions 6, 7, 8 and 9? Exactly 57 people, which happens to be the same number of people who solved the puzzle. For reference, "Did you read the instructions?" was also an acceptable answer to Q10 so you didn't need to brute-force this (and Q16). Also, I have absolutely no idea who John, Jack, James, Andrew or anyone else is.
If you solved ITH and got on to the GA Train, you would have noticed that the GA for MKX was in my hidden lair. Some people gate-crashed my lair in a legal way, however, when you solved ITH you were told: "You might also need this . . . 456092fa". This was part of a separate SGTools link which was hidden in the ITH puzzle. If you look at Q6, there is a link "PUZZLE #1:" If you were perceptive, you would have noticed there were actually two links - "PUZZLE #1" and ":". The second link was the intended entrance into the MKX GA once you had solved ITH.
I think that covers everything - drop me a line if you have any further questions. Congratulations to the winners and I hope everyone had fun. Until next time.
There is less than a day to complete the puzzle (closes Fri 18th March 12:00pm NZ Time / Thu 17th March 11:00pm GMT), which should be more than enough time if you approach it the right way. So far there have been 55 solvers, and entries for the 8 GAs range from 8 to 26 - so anywhere from 4% to 13% chance of winning each GA. I'm seeing more and more people get through on their own, which suggests there are more than enough hints in this discussion to solve, so don't expect too much more from me. But if you really are struggling, feel free to ask a question.
Ok, so initially I wanted to celebrate my cake day . . . but that is still 11 months away. So instead I've decided to celebrate my birthday, which conveniently enough is today. And in doing so, I've created a relatively easy puzzle train.
I also wanted to say thank you to the outstanding community here (especially the puzzle creators and solvers). In the one month I've been here, I've constantly been on SG and as a result, my time actually playing games has drastically reduced. As a thanks, I've created a special GA for my whitelist.
Who is on my Whitelist you ask? Well a few random people. You might be on it because:
Whitelist GA here.
If you think I might have missed you from my whitelist, drop me a line and let me know why you should be added.
Back to the train - The puzzle is an easy 20 question ITH I call Kiwi Triathlon. It's a combination of trivia, (simple) jigsaws and riddles. Please read the instructions.
GAs are L2+ (Real CV Ratio 0.2+)
Mortal Kombat X Premium Edition is L3+ (Real CV Ratio 0.2+)
Note this is my first discussion, train, SGTools, ITH and Jigidi so chances are something is broken . . . please bear with me!
Hall of Fame (First 5 entries to Whitelist)
You'll probably struggle more than most with this puzzle, but here it is - Enjoy!
HINTS Added below (damn you Zaugr!!!).
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