Happy birthday!
I'm trying to solve your puzzles, but i'm stuck on Q6 to Q9, the rest of them are solved.
The jigsaw puzzles Q6 and Q7 tried all options i managed to think, relating the puzzle theme and the thing happening with them right now, but not luck with any.
Q8 and Q9 totally lost. Tried the bible approach but not correct answers.
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Thanks! The fact that you read it was my birthday means you've probably got a better shot than most at solving the puzzle (note the answers have nothing to do with my birthday though). There are some hints as to how to solve in earlier posts in this discussion. One individual in particular I've had quite a chat with (not that they've claimed the solve yet). And if you think you've finished with the other questions, you won't solve Q6-9.
Good luck!
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i´m confused with the puzzles - solves both but got no answers? What to do?
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His whitelist giveaway is separate from the puzzle giveaway, you don't need to be on the whitelist to solve the puzzle and vice versa
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No, you're over-reading XYZ. I meant if you were to ask if Q8-9 were linked to the stars, I would say no; if you were to ask if Q8-9 were linked to the colour blue, I would say no. Whatever link you're making with Q8-9 to anything else is wrong.
Steam is still there if you need more help!
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Being stuck on Q3 surprises me . . . seems like a simple Statisitics on New Zealand.
I just copied and pasted the entire question into Google, selected the first option, scrolled down to the last table and took my answer from there. The other option is to read the posts in this discussion (page 1) where someone has given the answer but didn't properly read the question re formatting of answer.
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Q17 is a riddle, although more commonly used with a cunning animal than my bird.
On Q6-9, some hints or suggestions:
The answer is in front of you, you just need to see it.
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wait what "What is the common name of New Zealand's only native poisonous spider?" didn't think NZ had any native poisonous spiders hmmmm
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ahh i used the Google they actually are a different species :o
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There are only % official national languages of New Zealand thou =P
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Think you might have mucked up those questions then =P
"%%%% language and %% %%% are both official languages in New Zealand, but %%%%%%% - which is spoken by 95.9 per cent of the population - is not."
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think it's seen as official language but legally it isn't can't be bothered looking through law stuff so i'll Humor you ;)
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3, can't get the .X, (didn't brute force it). and 6-9. I've read the majority of the comments, but still not managing to pick up on what you're laying down. lol
Edit: think i found 3's chart just now
Edit edit: I did indeed find the right chart.
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Getting desperate, I tried "in plain sight" in the box. Didn't work, lol. I'm also confused on 16-17, "How far can that bird fly/walk into a forest?"
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Holy crap. I just figured it out. Damn it is just right there. Now the only one i don't have is 17.
Edit: got it! :D
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tried the length of a Kiwi 0.45, 45, 450, doesn't seem to be the answer :(
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And here's a bump, currently looking for a hidden lair.
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... I'm surprised I didn't try that earlier. Thanks for the puzzle!
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I don't understand what it wants from me ahhhhh how many people actually worked it out?
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15 so far. That number should be much higher if people could just follow instructions. I guarantee everyone has already seen the answer.
Take a read through some of the earlier posts in this discussion. I thought there were some pretty clear hints (when people didn't stop to question Why?).
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read everything & have tried 100s of answers, this is why I don't do these damn puzzles spend the whole day on here :( anyway Happy Birthday & good luck Puzzle solvers with the Ga
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Here's another bump for all the help through stuff and for being cool about me breaking your skylight.
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I can remove whatever you want me too if you'd like. (Can't tell if sarcasm or not on the net) I thought that was fairly obscure/arguably just a non sequitor :P
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I still just can't figure out Q6-Q9.
And I have no idea about the X's in theGA-- seems completely random to me. Oh well.
Bump for extra brain power.
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I've read the whole discussion, read every question and every answer 5 times and i still cant figure out 6-9. Also i'm trying not to bruteforce 10 but no luck there as well :P
The only "hint" i think i've found is the part where is says 1=a 2=b but no luck there as well
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There is a discussion early on (i.e. Page 1) with one individual in particular that should be a big clue. If only that person listened to my suggestion rather than asking "Why?" because they thought their answer was correct.
Alternatively, we can chat via Steam.
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I won't go through the answers to all the questions as most were quite straight forward. Q6-9 or Q6-10 stumped a lot of people and it came down to how well you followed instructions and read the questions thoroughly. At the top of ITH, I specifically instructed people to "Read through all the questions before beginning." This should have been a hint that there was something in the questions that would help you. However, even if you didn't take my advice and jumped straight in, you should have spotted the answer I was looking for if you didn't skim-read the questions.
Specifically, Q18 reads as follows (emphasis now added):
The name of that bird is also the name of a fruit. However, in New Zealand we rarely use that name to describe the fruit because it can cause confusion with the bird. If you don't know the answer to a question, try "Did you read the instructions?". So what name do New Zealanders generally use to describe that fruit?
Hmmm . . . if you don't know the answer to a question, try "Did you read the instructions?". So how many people tried "Did you read the instructions?" as their answer to questions 6, 7, 8 and 9? Exactly 57 people, which happens to be the same number of people who solved the puzzle. For reference, "Did you read the instructions?" was also an acceptable answer to Q10 so you didn't need to brute-force this (and Q16). Also, I have absolutely no idea who John, Jack, James, Andrew or anyone else is.
If you solved ITH and got on to the GA Train, you would have noticed that the GA for MKX was in my hidden lair. Some people gate-crashed my lair in a legal way, however, when you solved ITH you were told: "You might also need this . . . 456092fa". This was part of a separate SGTools link which was hidden in the ITH puzzle. If you look at Q6, there is a link "PUZZLE #1:" If you were perceptive, you would have noticed there were actually two links - "PUZZLE #1" and ":". The second link was the intended entrance into the MKX GA once you had solved ITH.
I think that covers everything - drop me a line if you have any further questions. Congratulations to the winners and I hope everyone had fun. Until next time.
There is less than a day to complete the puzzle (closes Fri 18th March 12:00pm NZ Time / Thu 17th March 11:00pm GMT), which should be more than enough time if you approach it the right way. So far there have been 55 solvers, and entries for the 8 GAs range from 8 to 26 - so anywhere from 4% to 13% chance of winning each GA. I'm seeing more and more people get through on their own, which suggests there are more than enough hints in this discussion to solve, so don't expect too much more from me. But if you really are struggling, feel free to ask a question.
Ok, so initially I wanted to celebrate my cake day . . . but that is still 11 months away. So instead I've decided to celebrate my birthday, which conveniently enough is today. And in doing so, I've created a relatively easy puzzle train.
I also wanted to say thank you to the outstanding community here (especially the puzzle creators and solvers). In the one month I've been here, I've constantly been on SG and as a result, my time actually playing games has drastically reduced. As a thanks, I've created a special GA for my whitelist.
Who is on my Whitelist you ask? Well a few random people. You might be on it because:
Whitelist GA here.
If you think I might have missed you from my whitelist, drop me a line and let me know why you should be added.
Back to the train - The puzzle is an easy 20 question ITH I call Kiwi Triathlon. It's a combination of trivia, (simple) jigsaws and riddles. Please read the instructions.
GAs are L2+ (Real CV Ratio 0.2+)
Mortal Kombat X Premium Edition is L3+ (Real CV Ratio 0.2+)
Note this is my first discussion, train, SGTools, ITH and Jigidi so chances are something is broken . . . please bear with me!
Hall of Fame (First 5 entries to Whitelist)
You'll probably struggle more than most with this puzzle, but here it is - Enjoy!
HINTS Added below (damn you Zaugr!!!).
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