Your message is too long.
I think everyone has different game habits.
For me, I still like to play Gameboy games and hate the new game.
So, you are not insane.
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I have three goals this year:
Get better in english
Get back into writing (a few years back I would write a lot, book reviews, short tales, even wrote two books and then adulthood hit it hard and I just stopped and I really miss it but I'm having a hard time getting back into it).
So that's why my post is long, I'm joining those two goals in one: A - practicing english, B - practicing writing. Publishing that in a forum was a plus because if I get answers (it's fine if I don't, as I said, not the point of the text) then I get a little more practice with my english by answering it (like right now!)
Also, my third goal is to go back to college which got nothing to do with this post but felt weird leaving it out since I said I had three, lol
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Your message isn't too long. I never understand why people complain about somebody providing too much information. If they don't want to read it, they can simply not read it without telling you about it. If they want the information but think they are too important to read it, I guess they could have their personal assistant produce an executive summary for them.
Anyway, I can relate very closely to your story. I bought The Witcher 2 in 2011 and still haven't played it! I started the first Witcher game a few times but have never managed to finish it, and it seems silly to start the second one before finishing the first, so I haven't. I also own a number of games that I can't play due to my ageing graphics card not being compatible with DirectX 11. The first of these was Mad Max, which my cousin gave me as a gift in April 2016.
By the way, your English is good enough that I would believe that it is your first language. It is probably better than the average Australian's and they do not speak any other languages. It is certainly better than my Portuguese.
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Yeah, I was being a bit unnecessarily cautious, wasn't I? I should be more comfortable with my shame of our compatriots but I keep trying to go easy on them.
Eloquent foreigners fretting about their English remind me of that Simpsons episode with the German guy that comes to take over the power plant. :-D
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I don't think you can blame the schools - the results are great for people that apply themselves. Unfortunately, academic achievement and intelligence aren't valued or rewarded here, so there's not much incentive to pursue academic excellence. Why study to be an engineer when you can earn more money as an electrician?
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Oh, maybe I got lucky, although I did learn to read before I got to school, so I read books under a tree with the School of the Air kid while the rest of the class learned what letters were. Nah, it doesn't take intelligence, just desire to learn. Sounds like you did a good job.
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Haha, I'm glad to read. I don't have any formal education in english, I learned by watching tv shows, youtube and playing games so I can understand really well and have some notion of how structure sentences but when it comes to spelling, concordance and grammar in general things get dicey and I usually need a few trips to Google/Grammarly to double check
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I think I also need to set some goals in this year.
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You know... I have been part of the staff of an online community that has been around for 17 years in some form or another. Over the years, we've had people join us who could barely speak a word of English, and today those same people speak better English than some of the native speakers. A couple of them are still around on our "lifeboat" site today. They say they learned to speak English almost from scratch through communication with people on the site. I think that's amazing.
Never mind the people who will berate you for writing "essays." In fact, I enjoy reading longer posts that have some thought put into them rather than reading social media type comments with no substance.
I'd been learning Irish Gaelic from when I was 6 until I was 19 and I still cannot speak it because I didn't have the opportunity to immerse myself in the language. The teaching methods weren't that great either, yet it is a compulsory subject in all schools here lol. I can understand people, but I can't have a full conversation without using English words, a lot of them. I wish I was able to speak/write it online with people to practice. It would have helped.
Keep doing what you are doing. You speak better English than some people who are native speakers. LOL. :)
As for games, I didn't have a lot of time for gaming for many many years due to university or work. This is why most games that have come out over the past 10 years, I haven't played. Now that I am at home and unable to work for the time being, I am discovering lots and lots of interesting things to play. I don't have to buy anything super new for the moment. Oh, and my computer is a mac, but it hasn't mattered to me. If I'm not going after the latest games, it's not that big of a deal. lol.
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That's always so great to know. Learning english (probably any language) through communities like this is actually pretty great. Back when I started college (I was studying Portuguese and English) a lot of people were already "fluent" in english as in they studied already for a long time but what I found when we practiced talking with each other or even reading was that my comprehension was a lot better because it came from real people, not textbooks. So I would understand idioms a lot better and I actually felt very proud of myself (I was really nervous starting thinking I would not measure up). The other side of that is that when it came to writing even when they did not know how to express themselves as well as I could they still would write better or, at least, more correctly.
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Writing academic papers is indeed very different because you're expected to use words that you'd never use in day to day language. I have this problem to if I'm honest and I'm a native speaker. I am not the best writer ever, but a thesaurus is a great friend. It was my friend when writing my Master's paper haha.
The problem with people who learn English academically is exactly as you say. They speak the way they write in academic papers. They've learned words that no one uses and it lacks any expression. I dated a guy for about a year who learned English that way, and some of his phrases were hilarious. He sounded very much like a Vulcan from Star Trek at times. lol.
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I'm a good ways into Witcher 3 but haven't finished it. I also haven't played AC Origins yet. I generally wait till games get cheaper before I consider buying them, and I've got so many games now from bundles etc that I'm trying to not buy any more until I've put a dent in the ones I have. Not that I'm having much luck...
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I didn't play Origins, I was giving a time out of the AC franchise but really wanted to try this one out. Like you I usually tend to wait until it gets cheaper, but I waited so long that Odyssey came out and I got really excited for it and ended up buying it only one month after (even got a deal on it even though it was not great) and it's really good (even better than Witcher 3 I would dare say), played about 100 hours and still plan on coming back to play the DLCs.
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I have a bit of love-hate relationship with AC.
So I played the first one and really enjoyed (even though at the time I did not know even a little of english, so the story flew right over my head, great gameplay though) but the second one did not work on my PC so I completely skipped, later on I did play the third one (which I loved even though a lot of people hated for some reason) and the IV which was amazing but then I tried to play like three others that came after and I just couldn't get into it, just felt like I was replaying the same game again and again so I just gave up on the franchise. Origins made me want to get back to it but I waited so long that I came back for Odyssey (no regrets).
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3 was pretty good, I wasn't a big fan of 4 though. Too much naval warfare not enough on land stuff, and I didn't like the hunting. It all felt too grindy compared to previous games. And yeah I'm inclined to agree, the ones that came after didn't bring much new, nor did they have amazing stories to sell them. I think Ubisoft made the same mistake EA made when Need for Speed took off, just cranking out games as fast as possible without putting enough thought or effort into them.
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I am no PC expert but there's a reason why you commonly hear Win7(mine) or Win10 users. I am in your situation with the crappy PC. I am waiting for prices to settle and some stock to perhaps restock on the PC makers site. I have so many games I want to play and Witcher 3 is certainly one of the I recently acquire Yakuza 0. I have the base game of Witcher 3 on GOG when i get a new PC, I'll get the GoTY on discount.
Personally I do not play alot of games in my library as I wanted a better Graphics setting to do the games justice. Cheers~
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I never really had problems with Windows 8.1 with the exception of Witcher 1. Sometimes I missed it actually, Win 10 can be a pain in the ass.
I never really had problems with playing the game "ugly", as a long time user of the crappy second handed PC. But because I was in a time of my life when Witcher 3 came out that I was actually on the path to get a good PC for the first time (it ended up taking two years to build it but I did not knew that at the time) I decided to wait.
It was worth it.
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Windows 8 is just an unpopular choice for me, bad timing and all. Never even gave Win8 a thought. Even now I would still like to have a system with Win7 for older games and Win10 for recent and future games. The Win7 I had was 32bit ver. the last time I repaired, they installed a 62bit ver. a little too overpowering for my system but I did not reinstall as some games run on 64.
I understand your circumstance of using a crappy PC, been using mine for at least 5-7 years, cant even remember. I've been wanting to get a new PC since last year but I missed opportunities thinking the price may go down but instead it went up and some parts are out of stock.
It is worth the wait indeed. I've watched Streams of Witcher 3; before I was not a RPG player I do not get the hype especially when gamespot gave it a 10/10 but after watching the streams I understood why. It'll be a shame if I do not play at an acceptable graphics setting when I play Witcher 3 especially when the joy of a new system and one of the best games ever. What a joy.
Btw, I do not find your message too long. I was able to finish reading it. Most of the time I am guilty of posting long replies myself. Its great you are into writing. My long replies are more like nagging. Yes, posting does help to improve an amount of things, communications and such. There were instances when others thought I was from US when i was in a US group chat when I did not announce my nationality at 1st ^_^
ps: reason I like writing Cheers, Cruse is because it gives me a feel of the comment being personal and like writing a letter.
Best wishes on your writing and all, Cheers, Cruse~
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That's a very good clone. Almost identical to the "Family Computer" from Nintendo. I didn't even know that there was another nintendo console besides the brick-like NES I had. Either way, it's nice that you can play NES games on it. Back when I was a kid the whole family would play with and against each other.
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That's a great way to do it. And there are so many amazing but really old games that still worth playing today. It's funny though like, a couples months past, I tried to play a PS1 game and just felt wonky and bad (even though it was pretty great) but there's something about NES/Snes games that still make them feel so good to play even today.
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I've played only a handful of PS1 games to completion. Metal Gear Solid, Chrono Cross, Blood Omen... Many of the multiplatform ones, I've played them on the PC (Tomb Raider, Croc, Rayman 2, Soul Reaver) Don't know how they all aged. But I think that the early 3D era, is the most affected by age. Unless the game were in 2D or heavily stilized, chances are that games from the late 90's and early 2000 have not aged well.
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I am late to play all the games.
I never pay full price and I never play things when they are new. This is both a cause and an effect of not playing multiplayer games. A lot of multiplayer games are dead by the time I would get around to them. Also, since I never buy new, I never give multiplayer games a chance when they are new and popular and exciting.
The newest games I probably ever played are Skyrim - and I bought that in Nov of 12 - so a full year had passed. I did just buy Shadow of the Tomb Raider and start to play it - that I suppose takes the prize as newest.
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Oh, there are so many movies I did not watch because I wanted to read the book first and then never read it.
I do want to read the Witcher books, but in this case, I preferred to play first since it's a choice game I didn't want the Book-Geralt in my head getting involved in the choices I wanted to make if that makes sense
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I always buy them for full price and play them for a handful of hours before quitting.
Because I'm retarded apparently.
Witcher 3 was great though, 168 hours for me.
I'd like to see a Witcher 4.. but I think they're done, as they broke all of their employees whipping and firing them making that game in 100% crunch time >.> Maybe not, gathering more fans I'm sure with Henry Cavill playing Geralt on TV.
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One of my main complaints with the Witcher games it's because, even with the codex, sometimes it feels like a lot of the things happening assume a knowledge that could only come if you read the books. You are not forced to know to understand but you know Geralt does (with exception of the first game and most of the second because very smartly they gave him amnesia) and to me it felt wrong not know, several times playing Wild Hunt I stopped to go to the wiki page and read about what they're talking about it. A great example of that is Yennefer that it's a character badly introduced in the first two games, in the third when people talk about her it's saying how she was a bitch to Geralt then you do meet her and she acts like a bitch and yet, for the sake of role-playing, you a forced to put it in your head that you love her even though the games gave you no reason for that. But go to someone who has read the books and the vision of her is completely different.
Anyway, all of that is my way of saying that I think what would work great with the franchise is, even though I really like Geralt, to have a new character. Like Mass Effect, you create your character, put in some not-that-important backstory and go!
That world is amazing and a lot more stories can be told that do not envolved Geralt of Rivia and his troop.
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I think she's a bitch to him because he's cheated on her a thousand times.
Amnesia or not.. still cheated lol.
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Disagree, he didn't remember she existed. In fact, the first game is heavily implied that the love of his life before the amnesia was Triss (even so I admit I actually didn't like Triss in the first game). A lot of players seem to take this as her manipulating him, to me it seemed like just poor forethought when it was written.
Also, Yen acts like an asshole with almost everyone and the games did not do a lot to create sympathy for her to not book-readers. Like I think the first time they directed mentioned her was in the second game and it's Dandelion saying something like "They had a very toxic relationship", In this third I remember a sidequest that someone comes says something in the lines of "I don't call you dumb for thinking someday Yen won't treat you like a dog".
As for the other woman that is said Geralt did hookup (before the first game) it's said their relationship was on-again-off-again but I actually don't know if the other women were just during the off, in this case, I would get but in the end, Yen is just not likable as a romantic partner.
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I wasn't overwhelmed by Skyrim as well. A bit too long for my liking (a single playthrough took me 400h).
I don't know what it was that made the experience disappointing for you, but the game has great mod support
and there are countless mods out there. There's something for everyone and many can highly alter the game experience.
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Wow, here I thought I was alone in the World with my "Skyrim is not that great" speech. I also play only last year. First 30 hours were lost to me modding it the game per recommendation of a friend that loves Skyrim. Then the next 20 I played as a sneak archer character and the game got boring because my character -- even in high difficult settings -- was already OP. Restarted with a warrior (which I suck at it so it did make the game more fun) but here's my main problem: I don't care about the story and an RPG game with a bad main story just sucks. Like, there were some great subplots and sidequests (there's one where you get drunk with a god and then marry a goat or something like that I honestly remember being one of the most fun sidequests I ever played in any game) but without a good story to get back to it, it just got meh after a while.
It is a game that's always on the back of my mind though, like: "Maybe I should give another shot, maybe if a power through then I'll give a damn about screaming to dragons".
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Yes, it's true that many parts of the main story and sidequests weren't quite... "thrilling". I had some memorable moments like the vampire/werewolf quests or the creepy Apocrypha world with tentacles, but besides that the only real immersion was in the stories in the books. Pages full of excellent written adventures that added to the lore and backstory of Skyrim.
But as far as the vanilla game goes, that's just not enough to fill the huge, almost endless world. It often felt like "a mile wide and an inch deep". That's why I mentioned the mods.
My dearest moments are that with my mod-followers, who had their own story lines, sidequests and fully voiced dialogues. There's so many of them that you can just pick the follower and story you like and embark on the journey that suits you. Along the way you can do a vanilla quest or two, but it doesn't feel that "tiring" anymore. Not like walking through tar :)
As for quests and animals, the most unique quest I ever found in a game was in "The Lord of the Rings Online". At some point you have the odd task to get from one area to another. As a chicken. No fighting skills, no armor. You're just a chicken for the time being and pretty much everything can kill you. I saw the world with different eyes xD
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I'm constantly catching up to games I've been meaning to play for some time, I rarely play games the year they come out so I get the idea.
As to playing games late, I played the genesis' Sonic games in the mid 2000's and the Tomb Raider Legend's trilogy a couple of years ago, is not rare for me to find a series I like a decade after it released. Heck, the first time I played a pokemon game was in 2016, and it was the Emerald version from... 2005-ish?
I'm just now playing Rogue Legacy, a game that came out like five years ago.
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I still haven't played Witcher 3. Nor have I played Skyrim. Honestly not sure when I'll get around to playing them but I'm sure I will eventually play them.
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What big games did you waited a long time before playing?
GTA V for me
I have enough PC requirement to run the game just fine (barely).
Just that the $60 price is too pricey for me (in my country Indonesia, $1 is enough to get a nice lunch + drink at some food stall)
I waited almost 6 years for the price to go down, and finally I purchased it on last winter sale.
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GTAV is actually the only game (so far, Dragon Age 4 was sort of announced) I ever pre-purchased in my life. No regrets. The main game it's not bad but Online it really is where it shines and still holds up. My brother only bought it late last year and I had already stopped playing for years and came back because of him and still had tons of fun, we kept playing almost every night for months.
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Final Fantasy 7. I was so hyped about the game when I got to try it at a friend's Playstation that I went to the next PC shop and bought it as soon as it came out for pc. Which was stupid for two reasons:
So I spent a small fortune buying a game my pc couldn't handle back then and it took more than half a year until I had the hardware to play it.
Of course that was ages ago. When I was younger I just threw my money at games. Meanwhile I'm more responsible and wait till they drop below 10€ (which for most games is only a matter of time) and/or are on 85%+ discount.
With that said, there are still lots of tripple-A-games from that time and later on my shelf that I still haven't played/finished. Like DragonAge Origins and DA2.
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It's funny, I hear people say that a lot like "when I was a kid I would just buy it, now as an adult not so much", but to me, It was kind of the opposite. For some reason when I was a kid I thought games were incredibly expensive, outside the realm of possibility to my parents (which looking back probably wasn't true. We weren't rich by any means but we probably could buy some games, I mean I had my own crappy PC and my brother had he's crappy PC + a Playstation -- also we should've just got one not half bad PC instead of two crappy ones but I digress) most of my childhood I play pirated games, now as I got older if I can't buy it I just don't play it and even bought a lot of the games I really loved and didn't pay for it at the time and they have 0 hours is my Steam library. I just wanted to give a little something back, I guess.
It took me a long time to get in DA, but now it's one my favorite franchises, truly recommend giving it a shot.
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even bought a lot of the games I really loved and didn't pay for it at the time
I did that too with GTA San Adreas, Tomb Raider, Sleeping Dogs, Plant vs Zombies, Typer Shark Deluxe, and Virtual Villagers
The only pirated PC games I played but haven't purchased it on Steam are Prototype 1 2, and Naruto
Oh and also Dynasty Warriors 6, but it is not available on Steam
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I think it's because for children - at least some of them - things are easier and less complex. I didn't plan ahead, no long term goals. I had the money, I saw the game I wanted, I bought it. But now that I'm an adult, there's more in my life than just the next game, no matter the cost. Vacations (or unplanned and unwanted expenses) require thoughtful money management and a decent reserve.
It's not that I won't buy what I want. Just later, at a more reasonable price. Sometimes patience pays off - literally :)
DA is definitely on my to-do list and I even enjoyed the mobile app "Heroes of Dragon Age" for quite some time. It's just that it's somewhat harder and way more complex than many other roleplaying games I played before. So it takes more time and effort to get into it. The deep lore, the challenging battle system.
But I haven't given up on it yet. Just took a break.
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The thing with DA is true, I actually tried to play two times before I finally managed to understand and enjoy the gameplay mechanics. Though they did dumb it down for the sequels. Origins is the more complex one, because of that it's also the more satisfying once you figure it out.
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It's perfectly normal for me to be late for games. When I get into a game I really like such as Detroit :become human, I go into full obsession about it; watching youtubers play it, collecting fanarts, reading fanfiction, etc..., I daydream and talk a lot about it until I lose interest completely.😅
I have also recently discovered an mmo game called Mabinogi, which is a really great game, but apparently has been out for a long time that a few people are playing it now.
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I still trying to get time to play Fallout 4 with many many mods which I have to find and tune by myself. Life is short =(
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I never manage to get into the Fallout franchise. I try a little bit with 4 because the main female character is voiced by Courtenay Taylor (responsible for the voice of my favorite romance and of my favorites characts of Mass Effect: Jack) but the gameplay mechanics do not agree with me. Maybe someday I'll give another go and be late to that party :)
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it's easier to mention the ones I didnt wait too long.
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I'm normally 'late to the party'. There are only a few games that I play within three months after they are released. I can count the number of games that I played right on release day on my fingers. I really don't mind to play games much after they release as they are still the same or in most cases a better experience.
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The last bit is completely true. Like, I'm huge Mass Effect fan and when Andromeda was announced I wanted to pre-order it but because I didn't manage to buy my GPU before it launched (ergo my PC would not run) I only bought/played about two months after release. A lot of people had huge problems with the game because it launched very buggy but by the time I got it most of it it was fixed and the game itself was actually really great (can't hold a candle to the original trilogy but still fantastic).
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I'm always late to the party when it comes to playing games,because I can't afford to buy newly released games. I play everything years after release, when it eventually gets bundled and/or heavily discounted.
On the plus side, I get to play those games with all the patches and bugfixes already implemented and with a solid info as to what to expect :D
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That's just about every game for me. I still have The Witcher 2 on deck. I must have installed it at least 4 different times, started it up at least 2-3 times, and each time something comes up. Maybe this year will be the year I'll finally play it. :)
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You should read great Witcher books now and you will probably want to get back to Witcher games some time later. It is the same world, characters but different stories. btw i feel Witcher 3 is now really great optimized now, much better from some older patches/versions.
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They definitely are in my read list now. But, as I showed, I'm not great at getting to those fast. Probably good though. I can read in a year or two and then come back for another playthrough if it inspires me (maybe this time I'll even like Yennefer, book readers seems to love her as the game says I should)
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I didn't play Disgaea until it came out on Steam. At the time, I ignored it because it looked like another Final Fantasy Tactics. I found the gameplay of Tactics incredibly tedious, always having to chase down the last enemy on the map and stretching out the fight for no reason.
As it turns out, Disgaea fixes that by making sure that the last enemy is always either stationary or coming at you. And it's one of my favorite games. It's amazing how much difference that one small, simple change makes to the pace of the game and my enjoyment.
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(Fair warning: English it's not my main language, I can read/hear just fine, even talk, but my writing it's no the best. Sorry for any big mistakes)
So I'm the type of person that even though I really love games, usually it takes me a while before playing new ones, even -- specially? -- the really hyped ones.
Case in point: I'm only now playing The Witcher 3. Actually already finished the main story and Hearts of Stone, now playing Blood and Wine, over 160 hours in, the game seems endless. lol
The reason it took me so long to play was that when it first came out I had a crappy PC (it will play at 768p low settings with 28fps, no way). Later on, when I changed my CPU it will be better in this settings (35fps), but it's so beautiful I wanted to wait until I got a better GPU and monitor. Then I did get those upgrades and had a PC that could run at 1080p all Ultra settings (hair works it's awesome) and I didn't like the game. Though the reason I did not like it was kind've expected to me (same reason I could not get in to Dragon Age Inquisition at first, another franchise I got in late)
Heres the thing: When it comes to story things, well, I'm a little OCD. So even though people said I COULD play without have played the previous ones, I couldn't get rid of the feeling I was missing out.
So I bought the first game, but then it would not open. I wasted hours trying to fix it, even surpassed the time Steam gives to refund (luckily I explained the situation and they gave me my R$2.50 back, lol) after that I pretty much gave up in the franchise, asking a refund also for the Wild Hunt.
Later on, though, I won The Witcher 1 right here on SG and decided to give it another shot in fixing it and the SOB worked just fine first tried. (The only thing that was different between when I bought it and when I won was that the first time I was using Windows 8.1 and the second Windows 10).
Anyway, I've played the first (best story), played the second (still damn beautiful) and now I'm on the third one which is really fun, in fact, I don't think I ever played a offline game that I could go over 100hours like this without giving myself a break to play another (though I'm starting to slow down). It's funny because even though it's really good, I don't think I would even put it in like a top ten of my favorite games and yet I can not stop playing it (really odd).
Anyway, that's one game I've been late to the party but now I get it it's fame even though I would not call myself a hardcore fan and even though it's a choice game (which I really love) I don't see myself coming back to it once I done -- if I ever done. But truly great.
What about you guys? Any stories like that or I'm just insane?! :)
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