(Fair warning: English it's not my main language, I can read/hear just fine, even talk, but my writing it's no the best. Sorry for any big mistakes)

So I'm the type of person that even though I really love games, usually it takes me a while before playing new ones, even -- specially? -- the really hyped ones.

Case in point: I'm only now playing The Witcher 3. Actually already finished the main story and Hearts of Stone, now playing Blood and Wine, over 160 hours in, the game seems endless. lol

The reason it took me so long to play was that when it first came out I had a crappy PC (it will play at 768p low settings with 28fps, no way). Later on, when I changed my CPU it will be better in this settings (35fps), but it's so beautiful I wanted to wait until I got a better GPU and monitor. Then I did get those upgrades and had a PC that could run at 1080p all Ultra settings (hair works it's awesome) and I didn't like the game. Though the reason I did not like it was kind've expected to me (same reason I could not get in to Dragon Age Inquisition at first, another franchise I got in late)

Heres the thing: When it comes to story things, well, I'm a little OCD. So even though people said I COULD play without have played the previous ones, I couldn't get rid of the feeling I was missing out.

So I bought the first game, but then it would not open. I wasted hours trying to fix it, even surpassed the time Steam gives to refund (luckily I explained the situation and they gave me my R$2.50 back, lol) after that I pretty much gave up in the franchise, asking a refund also for the Wild Hunt.
Later on, though, I won The Witcher 1 right here on SG and decided to give it another shot in fixing it and the SOB worked just fine first tried. (The only thing that was different between when I bought it and when I won was that the first time I was using Windows 8.1 and the second Windows 10).

Anyway, I've played the first (best story), played the second (still damn beautiful) and now I'm on the third one which is really fun, in fact, I don't think I ever played a offline game that I could go over 100hours like this without giving myself a break to play another (though I'm starting to slow down). It's funny because even though it's really good, I don't think I would even put it in like a top ten of my favorite games and yet I can not stop playing it (really odd).

Anyway, that's one game I've been late to the party but now I get it it's fame even though I would not call myself a hardcore fan and even though it's a choice game (which I really love) I don't see myself coming back to it once I done -- if I ever done. But truly great.

What about you guys? Any stories like that or I'm just insane?! :)

6 years ago

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A good topic! I've probably owned Banjo Tooie (N64) for about 2 decades and I only just finished it earlier today!

6 years ago

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Oh wow! In the original console?

6 years ago

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Yeah, decided to finally break it back out and play it all the way through after all these years.

6 years ago

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Maybe due to not having the console I only finished BoTW like November, and started to play Super Mario Odyssey about two weeks ago.
But, in general, I think Undertale :p. I finished it like last week hahahah

6 years ago

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BoTW it's one the few games that really makes me want to buy a console just to play it, but the price is not nice enough to justify.
I tried to play Undertale like two years ago but could not get into it

6 years ago

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I had the same issue with Undertale. A week ago I just went oh fuck it let me try again. Did not regret it at all. Once I got into it I finished both endings non-stop hahah

6 years ago

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I waited until just recently to play BF1. It was really cheap on origin so i bought it. But pretty late to the party.

6 years ago

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The only thing i saw was your profile picture, and i need to say that i like it :P

6 years ago

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Haha, that's great. I really like yours too ;)

Firebreathers United!

6 years ago

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2 months ago, I was able to find a retail copy of Skyrim: LE for 2$. It took me 8 years to buy and play one of the greatest ARPG's ever made.

So by those numbers I'll get around to playing Witcher 3 by 2023.

6 years ago

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Hahaha, well 2023 will be fun for you.

Skyrim I only played last year, though I did not found as good

6 years ago

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