Should SGTools GAs check for multiple wins?
Main reason of sgtools for me is to avoid extra troubles (like rerolls, etc). If someone was so dumb that he have unresolved multiwin - he is a very probable cause of troubles. So, not having him in my giveaways is good.
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While FAQ should note that you're not allowed to win the same game more than once, one can presume he should not considering FAQ says you have to activate each win on your account and you obviously can't activate the same game twice on same steam account. Common sense should prevent people from getting into trouble.
If someone wins something more than once and doesn't do anything about it then we can assume that person doesn't care about rules and has no decency. I'd say people like that deserve whatever consequences they might run into due to that, including not being able to enter some SGT-protected giveaways.
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I disagree with your suggestion because the support team already have enough tickets to look through. We have to perform our part in hosting giveaways by preventing as many rule-breakers as we can first, then get help from support second. These are the stats for tickets
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The support team is understaffed by volunteers, so I have compassion for the support team and their diligence as much as you for users with multiple wins. Yes I prefer to lock out the said users.
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Yep, I'm lazy, unhelpfull and evil :)
But when 66 giveaways result in 24 reroll requests resulting in 7 temp and 1 perma suspensions it kind of discourages from repeating the expirience, no? (while similiar quality train behind sgt generated one request - winner already had the dlc and asked for reroll)
Another thing is, I don't belive that suspension makes things even. It's punishment not reparation. Since I cannot request rerolls for already punished infractions older than 1 month, I choose not to deal with it at all.
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Tried to enter but I appear to have been blacklisted, though I can't for the life of me tell why. Any particular reason?
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The reason is that you entered the ungiftable keys List 1 (Iteration #4) without adding a comment about which key/s you took (or which keys you tried to activate and were already used). See more details in the relevant ungiftable keys thread (specifically the parts in bold).
JacquesLeSauve (2016-07-10 08:10:01 UTC)
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Ahhhh, OK. Fair enough. I'll be honest, I have zero recollection of that, and I suspect I just clicked on the giveaway without even checking any of the keys, but you seem to be on top of these details and keeping track, and they're your rules to set as you wish, so can hardly complain. Thanks for the clarification.
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Isn't that the same as what you are complaining about in this thread? A person makes a single mistake and is banned for life.
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I'd be happy to avoid this, but I couldn't find any other way to get more people to be vocal about the keys they took. Without people being vocal about this, it would be impossible to maintain this thread.
For reference, this is the current version of the thread. Maybe if you read the OP it would make more sense.
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Many people didn't agree when I pushed for the strike system in SGTools rather than first offense perma-bans for entering via a leaked link, so I don't expect they'll cut any slack when it comes to multiple wins, either.
I do, however, agree with you.
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If only there would be a solution that can cut the corners towards the dev who gave the game away or inactive users. I feel that rulebreakers deserve what they've got, and they only do care about removing double wins because SGTools exist (I helped one friend to get an unactivated game, another went quite a distance to remove his double win - only after SGT). Being it fixable is a good thing, as it can erase the problem. But devs and inactive creators are indeed a problem. I don't care why people want to fix their mistakes, but if they get better at the end, I'm happy. But tbh I'm not really up for removing a filter for the sake of a handful people and at the same time reward the way, way more rulebreakers who had no indentions to fix it at all. ( I hope there'll be an SG-accepted way to fix it)
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I hope there'll be an SG-accepted way to fix it
there's no need to fix anything. anyone suspended for multiple wins already paid the price with a 5-days suspension.
it's people that get obsessive and act like zealots when they can't even let a stupid overture or payday-2-soundtrack multiwin slip.
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Only enter to win games you do not already own
Won gifts should be activated to the Steam account used during registration
That pretty much covers the subject who has something between the ears.
All questions and concerns should be directed through the support system on the site
If in doubt, ask for clarifications - the most basic common sense imo.
As for very difficult to fix thingie - there is only one. If creator left the site, tough luck - but it's multiwinner's fault it took so many years of inaction.
When creator is active, it's a matter of negotiating "compensation" for rerolling/deleting old GA. Nobody said that redemption is cheap
The last case of "no, because no" response of fairly recent GA. I think support should accept changing feedback to "no feedback" (not marking received nor not-received) as it stays within rules and it's spirit.
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Unmarked is already the correct giveaway feedback option to use, if you didn't activate the second key. Likewise, that won't trigger SGTools filters for multi-wins.
As far as activating the second key (through another account or regifting), that's pretty clearly a major screwup decision to have made, so leniency comes a bit harder. But, certainly, it shouldn't be impossible to fix, and having to ask to bypass multi-win filters each time is certainly not the most ideal solution.
It feels like staff should allow users to be able to make a giveaway for the same game they'd won, and then staff can pull the winner from that second game and substitute them as the listed winner for the first giveaway. In other words, a way for the winner to manage the multi-win infraction even if the original GA creator is no longer available to do it.
Of course, that runs into one very clear flaw: Being able to post a game for cheaper (ie, through bundle purchasing) than you won it for. In other words, it's a fix that encourages abuse and exploitation.
So, while I do agree we should discuss ways of being a richer, more supportive community, this approach of this thread really does not agree with me.
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Ehh, my fault. Crossed out false info.
Strictly adhering to the letter of the rules, unmarking is not allowed. From the guidelines:
Winners should correctly mark their gift as received or not received within one week of the giveaway closing. This feedback should be kept up-to-date if the status of the gift changes.
But I think that it should not be suspendable when support is notified about the situation (creator left the site or "no, because no"). This is simplest workaround of unsolvable cases. Ultimately it would be best if the GA state had fourth state settable by support indicating situations as solved (or even more states depending on the outcomes for gifters and winners)
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Winners should correctly mark their gift as received or not received within one week of the giveaway closing.
Obviously, neither is a correct option in the case of a multi-win.
Earlier on in my time in SG, staff indicated that leaving unmarked was the best option. Recently they've made comments that either one of unmarked or Not Received would be fine. Personally, I favor unmarked, since NR is, well, lying. You received it, after all, you just couldn't [legitimately] do anything with it.
There's no way for staff to do what you're suggesting, since unless they can be sure you returned a functioning key, marking it as 'solved' would be problematic in its own right. The best option would be what others suggested in the past, of having keys hidden after you win them, and having a short rules blurb reemphasizing that you can't already own the game, and have the user click "I accept these rules and conditions" to get their key.
Of course, if you still go past that.. honestly, I can't say I have much sympathy for anyone in that circumstance, but, for the sake of discussion: As I stated above, unless you can get a completed giveaway in your own right, there's no real way to balance your second win out. So, let's take your idea, and change it to this: A fourth toggle that is "I wish to reroll my win". Unfortunately, people already use unmarking to bypass SGT, so having that fourth toggle really wouldn't affect anything- you can't base SGT filtering off it, and noone'd notice it through SG. And of course, it has no real function, other than saying "staff acknowledged your support ticket, but they couldn't do anything about it". So that idea is out.
So, what about a karmic balance? Have a Not-For-CV checkbox option when making a giveaway, and have the user have to reimburse the site itself with an equal amount of CV to what they took-over-deserved. SGT can just have an "In Karmic Balance" marker then.
Of course, that still leads to potential abuse, in winning a brand new game and replacing it gamemaker bundles :P
So lets go with a "match to exact value"- realCV games for realCV games, bundled for bundled. So if you won a duplicate $20 unbundled game, you could then post that exact same game (not for CV!) and be cleared of your multi-win.
Functionally, for you, this'd be identical to reimbursing the GA creator- meaning that it's a fairly ideal approach to the situation. There's still some room for abuse, but it's fairly small, and the positives actually outweigh the negatives in this setup.
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Formally speaking, no-feedback is temporary state valid only for the first week. After that it should be changed to received or not depending if the gift was or not delivered. Unmarking is, imo, "misuse of feedback" with all consequences of it
The fourth state is indicating that support staff knows about issue and confirms it cannot be dealt with in any other way and the winner did all he could to fix the situation. Since it is settable only by support, it's hard to abuse (and lying to support won't end well....)
(also it should be easy to implement)
"show me the key" button would be indeed very helpful feature I'd love to see. The karma GAs would be nice touch, but for me it's not required if the user did all that is possible to repair damages
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Unmarking is, imo, "misuse of feedback" with all consequences of it
That simply isn't possible to consider as a valid interpretation:
Even putting aside the definitions of Received and Not Received, and staff confirmation that Unmarked is appropriate, by your interpretation, anyone that is AFK for a week after a giveaway ends automatically gets hit with misuse of feedback.
The main reason Unmarked IS valid, is that it indicates that the winner was unable to receive the game- whether that's due to being away from Steamgifts, or because they already possess the game (which, mind you, is also the giveaway creator's responsibility to check for, so that's not just on the winner anyway).
The fourth state is indicating that support staff knows about issue and confirms it cannot be dealt with in any other way and the winner did all he could to fix the situation. Since it is settable only by support, it's hard to abuse (and lying to support won't end well....)
Again, this approach makes no sense to me, and seems to have no functional purpose. :/
The karma GAs would be nice touch, but for me it's not required if the user did all that is possible to repair damages
This also makes absolutely no sense to me since "karma GAs" would be all the user could do, and would function identically to the official method of clearing multi-wins.
Your statement seems to clarify that you don't want the user to do all they can, and that they should get a free key to do whatever they want with, in defiance of site rules, so long as the GA creator is uncontactable. It only seems that much more likely to encourage abuse.
With "karma GAs", you're still giving back the exact same key (or at least, functional value associated to the GA thereof) and clearing things up just the exact same as you would if you could contact the GA creator, albeit through a different approach.
Your ideas only mimic the current lenient, unstructured setup, and, from what I can determine, wouldn't actually have any beneficial impact.
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something. :X
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Leaving undefined feedback makes you break "winners should mark..." rule, with unspecified default punishment (and AFK-ing gives you valid excuse to not be punished)
Unmarking previously received status (when nothing changed) is misuse of feedback (either now or before). What punishment for that will be ordered is up to support staff and they may choose to pick no punishment in certain circumstances. Sometimes irl laws can be broken without punishment because it's most appropriate way to deal with situation - this is why judges exist.
Again, this approach makes no sense to me...
No more "+1 win" indicator for the winner, no suspiciously disappeared multi-won GA (afaik SGT tracks such things), no CV for uncooperative gifter, still giving the CV to the gifter that left the site (maybe he will be back...). Giant bonus point, it's implementable with minimal effort (unless I don't know about something)
To remind you: it is applicable only in two cases: gifter cannot be contacted at all (left the site) or plainly refuses to reroll fresh win no matter what. Anything else can and should be dealt with as it is now. (Fresh meaning let's say about 3 months from the time GA ended). I'd also extend that approach to 3 month period after suspension when gifter is uncontactable. If it took longer to understand what is right thing to do, tough luck
Karma GAs:
No-CV type of giveaway is doable and nice thing for the ex-offender to show. More, it could be requirement for the fourth state but I don't see how it could work automatically. With all api glitches, pricedrops, games going F2P or mass giveaways, lack of prices history, retrobundling and so on... (Also it would need fourth state of feedback to remove the double-win from the profile)
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marking it received is only supposed to occur if you have activated it on the registered account that it was won on, marking it not received is only supposed to occur if the key or gift was invalid (or incorrect game, or just not received).. not marking it either way on the other hand is a form of marking by stating it was neither invalid or valid, but instead still needs correcting. this has been the suggested route to take from mods & support for a while now, just to insure nobody is getting invalid marks. so i kinda doubt mods & support have been telling people to break the rules, that was just your interpretation.
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I agree about leaving unmarked as being a good option, though having it marked and then unmarking can be problematic, especially if there's some automatic logging that's happening (which I believe is true for SGTools).
BTW, I added an explanation to the OP regarding how to avoid multiple wins. Would appreciate any feedback about accuracy.
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oh no, yeah i agree. i dont mean for anyone to change their feedback at all after the fact. i just meant initially that's really the best route for all parties involved, but if its alrdy been marked more then a mere second or two (beyond a accidental tick and untick), then yeah don't change feedback without support telling to do so. and also i do believe in some situations support would just tell you to mark it not received because they know that dev doesn't care about it or doesn't want to cooperate in re-rolls and its just easier to deal with that way.
i saw the changes, they look great imo. though i understood what message you were trying to say already and agree even though im not a sgtools ga filter creator. but i can see out of lazyness why some would perfer to just leave it alone, or not want to even bother with custom filters. maybe if knsys can add that as a tickbox selection or secondary option on the filter creation that makes it easier for ppl to make an exception for 2+ years (idk how all that works though so maybe im talking about this the wrong way). then people could just tick a box to change their habits to at least let those thru. its not the best solution, but it would help for those (like myself in the following word) lazier creators to just tick a box rather then type up or copy/paste in some custom rules. -- and the default could still be all multiwins, with just the option to change to 2+ year exception.
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You know, I've never done an SG Tools giveaway. They kind of annoy the piss out of me every time I click one. A lot of times I will simply close out and not even try to enter the giveaway because I'm against the principle of MORE clicks to get to a giveaway (see: my hatred of trains).
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Well, I won a stupid DLC almost 2 years ago. My brother (shared steam account) entered another for the same, and won too, and didn't ask for a reroll but instead just marked it as received, after a conversation with the other guy
I hate this DLC every single time I see the SGtools GAs :(
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I read a lot of the replies and it was mostly what i expected many for forgiveness and some for not or others do not care either way.
While i do get people do deserve a second chance i also do think it is up to the person making the GA to decide if they deserve it the same as in real life.You do not forgive someone because it happened a couple years ago you take in account the offense and so on or so i would hope then decide if they deserve your forgiveness.
Rules are made for a reason and if you fail to follow them,then you should be prepared to suffer and realize that could be forever even if it was not intended.I do not think "we all make mistakes" should be the only choice if forgiveness it should be up to each person not others opinions or ideas.
In the end if you break a rule then you should be prepared to accept it may stick with you forever.Ignorance of not knowing should never be an excuse for not asking if you are unsure you can always ask someone.Though the site has a F.A.Q. and in the end i can not pity anyone who fails not to read it and gets punished if anything like i said before they can always ask someone.Also common sense should tell you that entering more then on GA could mean you might win twice and may cause issues and most likely would not be allowed to win twice to keep things fare.
P.S. SG Tools support is horrid and slow so sometimes SG Tools is a nice way to speed things up and keep things simple.I am also for having the F.A.Q. in multi-language and it would be nice if that could be setup i still do not think a language barrier should be an excuse to break rules though.I do not go to sites not in my native language and just go crazy.
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prepared to suffer
That's rather extreme phrasing for simply not being able to enter some giveaways. :P
In any case, I'm far more in appreciation of the "everyone makes mistakes" sentiment, and yet, dismissing the perspectives of those that use filters, encouraging large-scale rulebreaking to continue for the sake of making filter bypassing quicker for a small number of users, and insisting that others stress themselves out with unfiltered giveaways for the mistakes of others..
Oh, I'm all in favor of bending over to try and help others out, but the perspective in this thread is definitely coming across very one-sided.
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It may seem on sided and it may be one sided i am still not sure how that matters,i mean if you post a thread about a subject and most people will pick a side and it may even be one sided.It just shows that most people prefer one over the other.
What i posted it just how i feel about it,does not mean any has to agree or be that way for that matter it just how i feel about it.
I am not sure how mine was extreme phrasing after all it is the truth,break the rules and you may suffer for it i am not sure how that is extreme.I do think the F.A.Q. could use multi-language to help cut down on the confusion for those who may have trouble understanding English but i also think it's still not an excuse to break rules as google translate should be enough to get the general idea of the F.A.Q. and a bit of common sense.In fact i never needed the F.A.Q. and used commons sense and never broke any rules when i first joined.
Now how people forgive rule breaking and so on i do feel is up to the person making the GA,and not random member saying to forgive and forget it may seem harsh but i would not like someone telling me how to run my life why would i tell someone else how to run there.
Also i get your more forgiving person and everyone makes mistakes,and so am i but when rules are clearly laid out and you break them that person might not be so quick to forgive.
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I am not sure how mine was extreme phrasing after all it is the truth,break the rules and you may suffer for it
Suffer means "to endure a great torment, hardship, or misfortune". Being excluded from someone's giveaways- assuming they even ever make any- is hardly that, especially as you can still freely use your entry currency (P) to enter the same number of giveaways.
It's certainly what I'd consider extreme phrasing.
It may seem on sided and it may be one sided i am still not sure how that matters,i mean if you post a thread about a subject and most people will pick a side and it may even be one sided.It just shows that most people prefer one over the other.
That's nonsense, but I think that's just due to you having misconstrued my intent and meaning.
First off, in regards to your "What i posted it just how i feel about it": I was referring to the OP with the last two paragraphs of my previous post (hence, " the perspective in this thread"), not you.
Second: Obviously, someone will have an angle they prefer, but that doesn't mean blindly insisting on one angle without attempting an even-handed analysis and accounting of matters on the whole. Note, the definition of One-Sided: "unfairly giving or dealing with only one side of a contentious issue or question; biased or partial.".
One-Sided has nothing to do with taking a side or promoting it, it has to do with presenting a side in a manner that is flawed, due to inadequately addressing and misrepresenting all other information involved in the topic.
I'm in no way arguing the sentiments of the OP, just that their points aren't properly presented, since they don't account for their own downsides.
In fact i never needed the F.A.Q. and used commons sense and never broke any rules when i first joined.
Yeah, well, for those of that for whom that's true, it's certainly a challenge to see things from the other perspective, since their approach is completely inintuitive to us. But, still, leeway for mistakes is something that ought be easily granted (even when it's due to their own carelessness- especially so for younger users, who are prone to such without it necessarily being a flaw of character)..
..but when someone has 8, 15, 25 rule infractions, that's clearly no longer a mistake, or at least one they shouldn't be accountable for.
Now how people forgive rule breaking and so on i do feel is up to the person making the GA,and not random member saying to forgive and forget it may seem harsh but i would not like someone telling me how to run my life why would i tell someone else how to run there.
Right! And as with your previous post, I agree to both your expectations of accountability and the right of users to approach the site according to what they feel comfortable with [up to the point where it infringes on any rights of others, or the fair functioning of the site (ie, there's never an excuse for harassment or exploitation)].
I apologize if I didn't make it clear that I was supporting your previous points, rather than arguing with them- for me, it's very hard to grasp the fact that people will assume they're being argued with if it's not clarified otherwise, so I often forget to note my intentions well.
Also i get your more forgiving person and everyone makes mistakes,and so am i but when rules are clearly laid out and you break them that person might not be so quick to forgive.
Right. I was intending to note that I'm (presumably) more lenient in my considerations than you, and yet I still fully agree with you. Likewise, I can't agree with this thread, due to how the OP presented it, even if I do appreciate his sentiments (presumably moreso than you do).
In other words, I want to approach it more generously, but due to how the thread is presented, I'm firmly in your "camp" on the matter.
Or, more precisely: I always want to give leeway for mistakes, because humans are always going to be prone to making them. Giving leeway only benefits ourselves, since we can then hope to expect the same when it comes our turn to mess something up.
But that's not an excuse for people to not take responsibility for their decisions and actions, for people to be intentionally abusive of the goodwill of others, for people to not put effort into recognizing their obligations to a community, or for the rules to simply be able to be brushed aside when it's convenient.
So, yeah- definitely agreeing with you, and not arguing. :)
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Can someone tell me how sgtools does more than just eliminate the giveaway creator from having to deal with people that they don't want in their giveaways by actually reporting rule violators as it is being used to exclude them? I'm not seeing this feature in sgtools anywhere. If the blocked violators aren't being reported for breaking SG rules then it's pretty messed to leave these people for everyone else to have to deal with by hiding behind the tool. Why should people who choose to not use use sgtools become the only ones to report violators?
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Even if it did it wouldn't be of any use. User reports don't get adressed in my experience. They only way you can sucessfully report somebody is if they win one of you GAs and you request a reroll.
Your main point still stands.
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Absolutely incorrect. I have reported people before for infractions that had nothing to do with any giveaways I was having and they were taken care of. Maybe not as promptly as some people hope but if the staff sees validity in the report they will definitely get around to it when they can. Some things take priority over others and with such a small staff their backlog is ridiculous. Of course, having too small of a staff isn't our fault either but even the staff have their hands tied when it comes to how long it takes to do things around here because they are volunteers and have their own lives to deal with.
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That's why I said in my experience... I had a user report about my very first GA open for over a year before I closed it myself.
I also checked the profile of the winner once or twice a week so there was no timespan where he could have been suspended on behalf of somebody elses report without me noticing. And this was not the only user report I had open for over a year without it being adressed (the other ones might have gone unnoticed because the culprit was already suspended on sombody elses behalf).
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That's another issue. We have no way of knowing if/when/why a person was suspended so if multiple people reported a user for the same infraction they probably already served their suspension. Unfortunately no one usually replies to the other reporters to tell them that the violator has already been taken care of so those people are always under the impression that suspensions aren't ever granted based on their own user report. It definitely adds to the frustration.
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I agree. Pretty sure lots of people stopped reporting because they feel it's a waste of time. I personally switched to reroll requests.
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you don't fill user reports. you let your giveaways end, request rerolls, then support catches rule-breakers.
with sgtools you just avoid offenders and they keep doing whatever they want on others' givewaways. it completely takes away the sense of community from sg.
i'm gonna use these filters to make my life easier, let others take care of rule breakers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Yea. Exactly what I said in my comment above yours :D
I personally switched to reroll requests.
I rarely use them for less altruistic reasons. I already have a quite high percentage of Invite Only GAs from 3 events last year and using SG Tools would bring that up even higher.
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Are you keeping track of your confirmed kills ? :D
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Not really, lost track after six or so. But this one was fresh and still the latest reroll ticket. Surprisingly, their amount dropped. I do less public ones now (as I feel I did my part in this regard), but even comparatively I need to do less rerolls.
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That's exactly what I am trying to say. Thank you for a clearer explanation. I have always considered a re-roll request the same as a user report because they are essentially going to create the same outcome for the rule breaker but I see that the site actually has a "User Reports" feature too so I got them mixed up.
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Why should people who choose to not use use sgtools become the only ones to report violators?
Why do you get to decide who should be reporting and why do you assume everyone that uses SG Tool does not report??And so what if people who use SG Tool do not report,trust me there are plenty of people who report people on here way more then what some do not who use SG Tool.
I will be using SG Tools for my future GA's for reasons below....
I will be using it to block those who have broke the rules and have not yet got caught or have ...see what a lot of people are forgetting is once they have been punished you can not ask for a re-roll you have to give it to them or face being punished yourself.
As you can check yourself but the only way you will get a re-roll is if that person has not been punished yet.And i was denied re-roll for that because they had already been punished but i still did not want anyone who broke rules to win my ga's and then i had another person win my ga who did not activate a game and was recent but had already been punished.That is the reason i will be using SG Tools.
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I can sympathize with this as the very first thread I ever opened on SG was to ask about how to handle multiple wins (it hadn't even happened yet but I was confused and curious). As a new user I found it confusing... and while I chose to ask, many others will just not know how to deal with it and simply choose the easiest way to solve the problem: mark as received. Then, only as they later become more familiar with the site and community will they realize their mistake and it may be too late to fix it. We've all done things in ignorance in our lives and we do not live perfectly and ideally all the time. I feel the SG community has become rather quick to condemn than to give the benefit of the doubt. I understand why it has become that way but at the same time it kind of makes me sad.
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I actually have won one game twice in one of those mass GAs for Overture (as far as I remember). In that case a mod told me to contact the GA creator and if he doesn't file a reroll ticket, leave the key unredeemed and set it as "not received".
I did that and SGTools doesn't have any problems when checking the multiple wins for me.
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What is the result for the GA creator when the GA is marked as not received?
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They should program a functionality to allow the winner to decline the win and automatically re-roll the GA. I understand the entering multiple GA's of the same title and having the possibility of winning the same tittle more than once while being offline (although that hasn't happened to me - it is possible). Right now the re-roll request has to be approved through support by the GA creator and with a screenshot of the winner agreeing to the re-roll via steam chat (at least that was the case for a re-roll I requested).
I don't see how the above win decline / auto re-roll could cause any abusive issues for the site either.
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How does this happen accidentely?
You win a game, say, Portal. Then 2 minutes later, you win Portal again. Is that how? How can you avoid it? Make sure you tell the creator of one to reroll before you sync your account/redeem key?
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Personally I would immediately message the second one that I already won it, and a reroll is necessary. While some automatization would help, the standard procedure after a confirmed win would be getting code, activating it, marking as received if working, then removing all other entries for it and a sync-up with the site, that's 100% prevents you from winning another copy.
For games not detected properly by SG, usually there are some people commenting on GAs to remind the creator that the game/DLC acts wonky
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Fine Yirg, I see where you are coming from and I accept your advice.
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11 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Syssareth
45 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by usshadowop
Multiple wins of the same game are an infraction that entails a 5 day suspension (see this page for more). The problem is that there's practically no documentation to help users avoid this infraction, and it can be very difficult to fix. My recommendation for fellow SGTools GA creators is to not configure your filters to check for multiple wins, but to do it manually after the GA ends, taking into account when the infractions were made and how many times. A user with 1 multiple win 3 years ago is obviously not as a "bad" as a user with 5 multiple wins this year. You may decide to skip reporting the former, but it would be unreasonable to not report the latter. In any case if your winner has multiple wins you can always ask for a reroll (select category Other). Whether it's approved mostly depends on whether they already served suspension for that infraction.
A couple of clarifications based on the discussion so far:
last_multiple_win <= date_modify(date('now'),'-1 years')
- I used this for a while, but then decided to drop any automated check for multiple wins. I still check manually, and decide on a case by case basis whether to ask for a reroll.Related: How to avoid and fix multiple wins
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