made a steamgifts account last year before christmas time and still haven't won any of the games i've entered into :( anyone else in the same boat? i check steam gifts every now and then for fun but have sort of started not getting on here as often

8 months ago

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Hey there, I recommend you check out the group Unlucky7

8 months ago

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thank u!

8 months ago

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Check the average entry of a giveaway you entered (or the average of all).

As far as statistics go, you need to enter that many giveaways to win one.
With 137 entries it would be incredibly lucky - maybe expect a win around 1370, though I'm not quite sure about the averages nowadays.

8 months ago

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okay thank you so much!

8 months ago

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Welcome to the Community(from me)! Try to go for invite-only and Group-only GAs.If you enter a public GA with 2000 entries,ofcourse your chances of winning will be slim.If you enter an invite-only or Group GA with 8 entries.You have a higher chance of winning.

8 months ago

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If you go to your stats page, you can see your current "luck" determined by how statistically likely you are to win the giveaways you've entered versus how many you've actually won. That page tells me I've been lucky and won 3 more games than I would have had I won an average amount of games. I typically enter about 800-1000 giveaways a month, and I'm not a member of any super-secret groups or anything, so the only edge I've got is being a part of a few big public groups, being on one generous person's whitelist (although I think they've stopped doing whitelist giveaways atm, either that or they took me off lol) and making a point of checking the forums for any puzzles or trains going on. Overall, I've won 99 games out of probably around 200,000 giveaways entered.

8 months ago

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unless you are a bot that enters every single giveaway (2-5k ga entries and registered in the last 2 months) you have a low chance of winning

8 months ago

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Group giveaways will give you much higher chances of winning than public giveaways. You can also daily check the discussions for giveaway trains and puzzles for giveaways that'll also have much higher chances than public.

Unlucky-7 and their meme group Unlicky-7 are pretty popular, but any group giveaways have way better odds than public and any giveaways listed for Unluckies only will give you significantly higher win odds than any other giveaways. Just make sure to not waste your Unlucky wins, you only get 7 total, so make sure to only enter the giveaways you really wanna win :)

Also make sure to check the group recruitment tab in the discussions for other groups to join, there's plenty.

8 months ago

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Same boat won 6 outta 2,828

8 months ago

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Perhaps gift more yourself? Then you level up and get access to more giveaways.
Do good through any means, do puzzles, be active here, and you might get some whitelists.

If you think you gonna get good chances on winning some aaa games, then do the math, if you are not picky and just be glad with an indie game with less entries, then go for those. This is not some indiegala giveaway, you kinda do also need to invest.

Contributor Level 10
Gifts Won 1,774 ($17,376.81)
Gifts Sent 2,388 ($30,962.77)

And i got 11700 games so a lot for me is already filtered out, else my wins could have been higher.

8 months ago

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137 entries isn't a lot, if you expect to win you need to be more active in entering GA.
personally over 7 years I have accumulated 97'420 entries for only 283 win (that's 344 entries per win; and I'm member of 2 active groups that run for only 1-20 entries so that lower that mean a lot)

8 months ago

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i still haven't won any games

8 months ago

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It would help if you entered a giveaway Wiggle!!. But props on your generosity mate.

8 months ago

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8 months ago

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But surely any day now!

8 months ago

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i check steam gifts every now and then for fun

And this is how it's supposed to be. Enter discussions, try solving some puzzles, enter event trains... don't really expect to win anything in public giveaways. It's not a free game that you're after, it's the fun of the chase. Also, games aren't free, someone paid for them.

8 months ago

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From 10 522 entries I won 52 games. But most were wins from group and developers promos of questionable games I would never enter again for.

8 months ago

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Hey there, well i know how you feel, i entered this Site 5 Years ago and this down is my Statistic so far. And that also some Years ago. :D

Giveaways Entered: 7,775
Gifts Won: 3

Best Regards ^^

8 months ago

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It's usually 1-4 wins per 1k GA you entered. The higher your level, the bigger your chance. Also, participation in a group increases your chances of winning.

8 months ago

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I hope this helps. Definitely join Unlucky-7, as others have mentioned. Wishing you luck!

8 months ago

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Best of luck to you! I entered 1096 giveaways with 5 wins, so that's one win every 220 givaways.
My chances though are better than the average user due to my level and my participation in events.

8 months ago

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You aren't getting around statistics, if there's 1000 entries then you've got a 1-in-1000 chance of getting the key. If you enter multiple, the chance of you winning at least one key is the inverse of the chance of you winning zero keys. Your stat screen accessible in the top right tracks your daily/monthly expectations for winning based on what you've entered.
Private giveaways tend to have the highest chances of winning, especially long running trains.
For public giveaways, ones with multiple keys or heavy region restrictions have better odds. Sometimes you might see a group or whitelist giveaway that has good odds. People say level is useful but I don't see the entry counts drop that rapidly

8 months ago

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I've entered over 34,000 giveaways and I've won 75. Part of it is a numbers game. If you enter 20+ giveaways every day, eventually you'll snag one. Might take a few months, but it'll happen.

That said, the majority of my wins have come from browsing the forums and finding giveaways there. Often they are behind security walls to keep bots out, thus significantly reducing the amount of entries per giveaway, increasing your chances of winning.

It also helps to give away games yourself to raise your contributor level, as this gains you access to higher-level giveaways (I personally don't like to make giveaways below level 2).

It does take a certain amount of investment. If you come in once a week and only enter a dozen giveaways, chances are you won't win anything any time soon.

8 months ago

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Same boat! Almost 900 entries and only one win, did 3 giveaways myself hoping to up my contributor level and it's somewhat frustrating to understand CV versus what is and not considered full price. My brain hurts. Anyway, even joining groups hasn't helped me and while I'm (new), I never get more than .05% chance of winning if the stats are somewhat to be believed.

8 months ago

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I started off pretty unlucky and it took me over 2,000 entries before I won my first game. So when I see people make posts like this, I can't help but laugh a bit. You should start with your expectation low. You probably won't win that game that you really really want. But if you consistently use up your 400-576 points you get per day, then you may get to win some good games.

I was at around 1 win per 1,000 entries until I got to level 4. Once I got my Contributor Level up that helped a lot... but also joining groups, doing events, trains, puzzles, flash GA's, etc for invite-only or bot-protected GA's improved my chances a lot. Now I'm under 300 entries per win and I've been winning roughly 3 times per month instead of once per month before. But keep in mind that is with me entering 800-1100 giveaways per month.

Your odds will go up the more you giveaway yourself! I hope you have better luck and enjoy hanging out here. There are a lot of cool cats on SG.

8 months ago

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i joined 2 months ago and won my first game after a couple entries, which makes me extraordinarily lucky, especially since i do play the long odds, i only enter in to win games that i'm interested in. I took some advice from the same guys who are giving you solid tips now. Get on the whitelists, enter the groups, and pop in on the regular to check for the flash giveaways and what not. When you win something, you'll be happy.

8 months ago

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